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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Oh Faith: I'm so sorry the witch showed up. What an evil trick! However, foster parenting! How awesome. I have been having that same thought for a long time (even before I was married) however my DH is not up for it now. I think mostly because we have his Father to care for and I think it would overwhelm him too much.
Big hugs to you dear friend. So sorry that your cruise ship sailed without you. ;(

AFM: Really hard time waking up today. Had some really crazy dreams, but can't remember them a the moment. Weird. Bbs are still really tender and have grown in size (maybe from the halloween candy though, lol) Temp had a pretty good jump today too. This cycle has been an interesting one, for sure.

Have a lovely FRIDAY Lovely Ladies!!!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Thanks a bunch MrsOtt. You are kind.

I work in the mental health field in NJ. I work closely with DYFS (child protective services) but I'm not a DYFS worker. So I hear these stories all the time about these children being abused and whatnot. It breaks my heart that people have children and don't even want them. It's awful. And tehn they become more damaged by the system. My husband doesn't want to do it either - it's the old "I don't want to inherit someone else's problem" attitude. But I'll talk him into it *wink wink* . Shed some tears and a really good argument he'll be puddy in my hands - LOL!

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12 years ago

WRose, I'm so sorry dear! Thank you dear. OPKS are so crazy and everybody's body is different.

Shea, I understand what your saying about being unable to change an ugly inside. I totally agree being nice is way better than being pretty. Thank you! Chili, i made that a few nights ago. Yummy. As for Walmarts new test. WOW, I need to go get them. LOL

Bee, I believe it was the soy isolfanones that I took for 5 days just like Clomid just the natural version and way cheaper and a doctor doesn't have to prescribe it. I don't think I'm taking enough Vitamin D this cycle to make it happen. Sorry your still in a libo about this cycle. But at least your not stressing out of over.

Faith,sorry about Af showing up. The body is definitely confusing. I'm sure the LP isn't a myth just like everything else in life there can be a rarity. So, probably a majority of the time your LP stays the same and sometimes it can change. I hope that you and your DH agree to become foster parents if that is your hearts desire.

MrsOtt. Fx'd that all that is happening due to a bun cooking up in your oven.

Well, I am SUPER excited because my DH came home yesterday with wonderful news. He didn't have to go out of town now. So, well, I'm super Oing he will be here to ravish. I believe this is definitely my lucky cycle.

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12 years ago • Post starter

First I'd like to apologize for being MIA for so many days. I got caught up in that migraine and then just didn't feel well. After 3 days of migraine hell I was greeted in the middle of the night with AF finally rearing her ugly head. I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I was, because I grabbed my bottle of vicodin and went into a coma until the pain alleviated. It was a much needed reprieve and probably the first time I was relieved by AF!

So...where to start...

Bee ~ I can't believe you are running so late! I can hardly stand the wait til Monday! How you're staying relaxed is beyond me but I truly hope this is it for you!

MrsOtt ~ I think it's funny that you mention mid-cycle break outs and so many of us suffer the same, yes, me too! Too funny...

Bug ~ Great that you got your strong positive opk! And hon, you have no idea how much you sound like me. My hubby and I are both bigger, and that alone makes things more difficult for us. But when it comes to BD, well, it definitely hinders things. Every time he just doesn't feel up to BD'ing, I take it as a personal thing. I let myself get crushed and then I sulk and scream for a couple days after that so of course then we don't get around to making up for it. I let it ruin things. I'm trying really hard this cycle to just relax and let things slide as much as possible. I'm concentrating on my attitude, being nicer than necessary, and taking matters into my own hands. I really hope that strong positive for you means a great egg for you!

WRose ~ Sorry AF showed at your house as well but maybe this next cycle will do it for us! Try some new tactics, relax more and add some Vit D and see what we can accomplish!

NurseJones ~ So happy to see you again! I mean, obviously I wish you had already gotten your BFP, but if not I'm glad to see ya back on here with us. Keeping my for ya! Thanks for the info on the cheapy tests, I'm gonna have to check into my Wally, or their website, and see what I can find.

Faith ~ Yet another of us who AF decided to show on, huh? Ugh... Sorry about the cramps. Good luck with the fostering thing. I know a little bit about it as I've looked into it myself, but you probably know about it as well what with your job and all. My hubby isn't sure about it but for a different reason. He's afraid of getting attached to a child, and then having to let them go back to family or something like that. He says he wouldn't want to be held responsible for his actions if a child were returned and then he found out they weren't properly cared for. I love

Joy ~ So glad things are remaining steady for you. That is so much better than all the ups and downs you've been through here lately. And X-Mas decorations already? Ugh...I haven't made it out to take down the Halloween stuff yet. hehe You did get my thinking about it though, and now I'm finding myself actually wanting to get out there and get some stuff done. I think I'll wait until the day after Thanksgiving though. That week is a busy one for us however and it might not be the best time. My DH is having surgery the Tuesday before, and our anniversary falls on, Thanksgiving this year so it will make things difficult. At this point, I'm just glad I will O before then so I can not have that stress added to the mix.

Dinky ~ What's up with you today? Any news?

AFM ~ CD 4 here and it's an off day. As in, my AF will come and go as she pleases for about 10 days. It's really frustrating, I wish it would just come and then go. Ugh. But oh well. I'm going to start my vaginal readings with my OvaCue today since I'm likely just going to spot the next 6 days. I'm sticking with the decision of not taking the EPO this cycle to see if I notice a change. Taking the Vit D, a B Complex, Prenatals, and my Metformin. I'm also trying to relax more and hopefully get some extra BD in there as well. We're rearranging our garage this weekend and getting the treadmill in the living room so walking is in my near future.

Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to include everyone, and if I missed anyone it wasn't intentional and please forgive me. I'm wishing you all the best of luck as always!


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12 years ago

Hello lovely ladies!!

Well, showed up this morning and crushed all my dreams... BUT weekend is here, yay!! And I will allow myself a glass of red wine tonight and possibly another one tomorrow

KJ- you are too sweet for worrying about forgetting sorry about the migraines though, glad they are over! Treadmill in the living room sounds like a great idea! Can you watch the telly at the same time?Have fun with it!

Bee- I am praying that this is your month girl!No idea regarding implantation bleeding but it does sound logical. Btw I wanted to comment that you sound very sporty and that you have great nutrition habbits . I was off dairy for about 6 months, my sking was perfect and i was ca 8lbs less without having to worry about it, but after a while i found it too hard

Whiterose - I feel ya girl! I truly thought this was my month too, what with the nausea and weird pulling, etc. Oh well, I am 100% sure that our month is fast approaching

Shea - 88cents??!! The cheapest one i have found here are 6euros (which would be around $8 i think...) You should stock up for sure!! (and maybe send some over... )

Faith - cruise ship; Hilarious!!! I just picture us on it with virgin cocktails in our hands . We'll get there sweetie, sooner than later!

Bug - yay for hubby staying in town!! Get busy and do not worry about how you look! We all look amazing in all shapes and sizes cause we are amazing women, who have so much love inside of us that we cannot wait to share it with a little human being!

MrsOtt - hope you are well girl! I am walking around with a Rudolf nose (only slight exaggeration) that screams out for the whole company to hear "yes, I am off the pill, yes I am trying for a baby and no, it's not working cause i just got my period and hence this volcano on my nose". Oh well, what to do...

I am turning everything off and going home to start my weekend. Have a good one and

12 years ago

Kj, sorry about Af but glad that she came that way you could get rid of the pain.
Thanks you for letting me know I'm not alone in that department.
Sounds like you got a good plan going on for this cycle.

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12 years ago • Post starter

By the way, Faith, I forgot to tell you that I think it is amazing wanting to become a foster parent, that shows an amazing heart!

12 years ago

Dinky, sorry about AF. Thanks for such a wonderful sweet comment.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Where is everyone at? Does the weekend slow things down over here too? Anyways, have a great weekend everyone!

Praying for yall

Love, Shea

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Yikes! Some time this thread goes slow and I end up checking in to see I was the last one that posted... other days it's apparently very active!! LoL!! I apologize now if I miss anyone... cant take notes as dh is sleeping beside me and I dont want to wake him!

Dinky - Aw sweetie I am really sorry to hear the witch got you! Hope you enjoy your wine & your weekend!!

Kj - Glad you finally got rid of your migrane!! It's a rare month when any of us are happy to see af!! Sounds like Thanksgiving is gonna be busy for you this year! What kind of surgery is your dh going for?

bug - Woohoo for your dh staying home!! (Turns out mine isnt going anywhere anymore either ) Happy -ing!!

faith - thats awesome that you're looking into becoming a foster parent! There are so many kids who need a positive experience with a foster family as opposed to the ones who only do it for the money!

MrsOtt - Ooo.. sounds promising!!

Bee - LoL, yeah everyone thinks I am nutts for putting my Christmas stuff up so early, but I have so much and it takes so much effort to get it all up that it would seem like a waste not to keep it up as long as possible!
& to answer your question yes, I am pretty sure implantation can happen late... not sure how late, but I am keeping my for you!!

Shea - Thanks hun! The doc said to wait until I had completed 2 or 3 cycles before trying again. So hopefully this residual bleeding will go away soon so af can come in 4-6 weeks and I can start counting down the time until I can start ttc... cause right now I have no idea when that will be!
Aw I hope you enjoy your 1st Christmas as a married couple! I love Christmas, it's hard enough for me to wait for Halloween to pass before I put up my decorations, dont think I could wait any longer!!
& YAY for .88 cent hpts!!!

Rose - Thanks So sorry to hear the witch showed up You'll get your bfp soon tho hun, dont get too discouraged

AFM - Really not much new to report... still brownish d/c... and still really hoping it will end soon! Got a busy weekend planned, was hoping to get some work done around the house but thats not looking like it's gonna happen. Oh well! LoL!

Have a great weekend!!

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12 years ago

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