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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 11 years ago



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Cristi - hate to hear the witch is being so cruel. All i can say is that I believe the future looks bright. You are in control of your fertility and having the docs work WITH you. So great to have that! I know these 10 months have brought more heart ache than one should ever experience but each time you've come through with more strength and determination. Now put down the popsicle and get you some soup! :-)

Gvmdl...I hope the fsh levels are due to possible early O. In any case, I think you still will get that bfp, I just know it!

The info about Chinese medicine is sooooooooo interesting! I think we should never discount alternatives to traditional Western medicine. I've never heard one bad thing about acupuncture and fertility. I might just check into myself. Love all the great knowledge on this board!

Afm, cd 20, 4dpo....too early to note anything. I feel pretty good, have walked almost every night, a big deal for me. Hoping it will help possible implantation by increasing blood flow to my uterus, that is if course is IF there is a fertilized egg traveling around. Positive thoughts!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

Cristi- I understand what you mean. LOL! I LOVE salad. It was my main source of green veggies. I would eat two or three a day! But, its a cold food. After my acupuncturist told me about the cold uterus diet I asked my RE he said "Chinese people don't eat salad. I've never seen my parents eat a salad before". He is Chinese American but practices Western medicine. I actually choose him because he does acupuncture for his patients.

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10 years ago

Kotikd- no apology necessary! I always feel the need to explain dh to people because he's a little odd. I chalk it up to the fact that he's an engineer and their brains just function differently

Soft cups are the same as used for your period but you insert them after instead. That way you hold the spermies close to the cervix for a while. It worked last cycle I'll say that, but not sure if it's the best way to ensure a healthy pregnancy. It's probably got nothing to do with the soft cups, since it takes a fairly healthy swimmer to make it to the egg in the first place, but I don't like taking that chance again.

GVM- I'm voting fsh levels not accurate due to wicked early ovulation! So glad to hear I'm not the only one dealing with an anxious dh. Sometimes I think he is just a huge baby, but most of the time I'm proud of the progress he has made. He used to insist he was dying and needed to be taken to the ER at least once a month. He would have the docs run every test on his heart they had until they assured him he was ok. Lol Now he practices meditation and keeps it fairly under control.

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10 years ago

Wow, lot's of good info to digest here. I've known acupuncture can be used to help in other medical issues, but not fertility...and I think I've heard of cold uterus before, but just from something on TV. You ladies are really good at doing research and finding out stuff.

GVMDL - I, too, wouldn't give up just yet. Positive OPKs could indeed just mean your O came early this time, and that messed up your FSH levels. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you! Drs don't know everything - go for it! :)

Cristi - praying for you! Take care of yourself this weekend.

Bammom - anxiety and panic attacks run in my family. It's certainly no fun! Glad you can see where your dh has made progress.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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10 years ago

Soft cups are for periods. However, women have been using them to aid in trying to conceive. If inserted after sex it keeps the little swimmers from leaking out so the theory is that since there is only one way to go, you have a better chance of getting a BFP.

10 years ago

Bammom: Thank you for the info. I just stay with my legs up and butt on a pillow for 30 minutes after every BD, if they did not make it far enough to not return, they won't at this point.
As for DHs it might be a little cruel to say but to some degree they are all big babies, maybe it is because they don't have to go through every month and do not have a hormonal storm twice a month, and do not have a biological clock that drives them nuts for year only to lead them to 9 months of symptoms and a day of icreditble pain of birth, only to do it all over again. Must be nice to be a man ah?

AFM: Still got a cold, this is CD5, going to get over the cold and start BDs. Been taking from CD 1:
2 Fish oil caps
2 x 2 per day evening primrose oil caps
1 Iron
1 Selenium
5 chlorela
1 x 2 per day B Complex
2 Vitamin D
1 1000mg Vitamin C
2 EstroSmartPlus
3 Maca
4 drops of liqui-dulse (Iodine)
And Red rasberry leaf tea

Wow, no wonder I am not hungry during the day.... Well if I get the it is worth it.

Have an awsome weekend everyone!!!

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10 years ago

Bammom: u go girl!

Christi: how is it going dear?

How is everyone else doing?

I am fine, Monday I will give a call to my doctor and request a progesterone on cd 11 / 12 to confirm early ovulation, I will be in for pap exam anyways... I'm also temping and I am convinced that I have had early ovulation so I need to be retested!
Other than that yes I bd Thursday first positive opk n last night second very positive opk, even though I don't think early ovulation you can shed a good quality egg but I could not miss out on a positive surge!
When things are meant to be it will defy all the odds and it will happen!

It is warm in northern va well it has been since Thursday n will stay warm for the weekend . Planning to take my girls for frozen yogurt ( I know blushing I know!!! I will not touch it !!!) n then have to go grocery shopping!

Did I say that I am also temping? Specially now since I need to prove our theory right?!?!?

Rebecca; totally recommend acupuncture n Chinese medicine dear!

Pbc: try it! Sticky vibes sweetie!

I will do some research on traditional Chinese medicine during pregnancy. I bet it can give us lots of good insights when we all get our bfp's!!!

Baby dust n sticky vibes!
October is definitely magical!!!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

GVMDL7003- I always get a couple of sample cups and let that be my taste! LOL!

Kot- I agree! Although, I do feel it is a blessing to be able to be the one to carry and deliver our children.

Christi- I hope you are doing well today!

AFM- CD-4 for me. I'm soooo ready for it to be over. I'm ready to get started with BDing and Oing for this cycle. Yesterday was day one of Soy Iso for me. It makes me slightly drowsy and lazy so not too much for me today. I may rearrange my living room later after a couple of naps. LOL!

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10 years ago

GVMMDL, thank you for sharing that with me! I am going to look into it and see what it will cost around here. The process is going as smooth as it can I guess.... yesterday and last night was HORRIBLE severe cramping... today is just more annoying than anything! FX and baby dust to you... praying you catch the egg!

Yes the soft cups are used to put up next to your cervix after BDing to keep the little guys close so they can get through. Never used them but have heard great reviews!

PBC, thank you and you made me LMBO on that one! I told my hubby and he said "oh I am so screwed if you can't have your popsicles when you get moody" haha! We will see how I do with it! YAY for walking... keep it going... increase the blood flow! Positive thoughts heading your way along with lots of baby dust and prayers!

Blushing, that is interesting. Yeah I am in trouble.... this is going to be HARD, but whatever it takes! :) I am doing okay thanks for checking on me! The cramps are now just the dull annoying cramps... praying it lightens up soon! I start letrozole tomorrow! Here we go again! Oh and on the no cold thing... can I have room temperature drinks?

Rebecca, thank you!

kotkid, WOW!!!! That is a lot!

Not much to report... Letrozole starts tomorrow... CD3. I am praying this is the cycle... I feel weird going straight into ttc again while I am still bleeding from m/c but it is what I have to do. My biological clock is ticking... hope that makes sense to others and people don't look at me like a heartless crazy woman. Have a great weekend.

P.S. As I am sitting here typing this my husband is eating a big bowl of ice cream right by me... if I don't respond for a while I might be in jail for beating him! LOL! Ugh he is so not right!

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10 years ago

Christi- You can have room temperature drinks. Just not ice cold. Good for you moving forward! Just make sure you do things that would increase circulation near your womb. Most important, see an acupuncturist.Most acupuncturist have alternatives to the needles. For instance, I can't take needles in my back so he does acupressure on me there (its a type of message). The most important thing is you get good blood flow there. I stand the chance of being wrong as well. There is also warm uterus as well. I don't know too much about that one but, I know it exists. Definitely try to see a professional. I wanna see you make it to a happy, healthy 9 months!

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10 years ago

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