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6dpo, 2nd cycle TTC. Buddies?

Hi All - I am currently 6dpo, on my 2nd cycle TTC. Currently I just have a backache and way more CM than usual, but usually would have sore BBs by now (AF in 6 days).

Anyone else in a similar place? Would love some company.

Good luck to all!

27 Replies • 11 years ago



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Libelula264! Hello!! I am not sure if I am 5 or 7 dpo. I had cramps on the 31st so I thought I was ovulating, but according to calculators etc I should have ovulated on the 2nd. I tried using OTK's but it seemed like I got a line more often than not which was confusing.

My symptoms are bloated and gassy, tender breasts and painful nipples, and I think my veins on my breasts are darker than they were before towards my areola. I don't want to look too much into any signs or symptoms because I'm afraid it could be my mind playing tricks on me lol. I have taken two tests because I think something might change when really I just need to be patient.

I was on bc on and off and this will be my 3rd cycle without it. Good luck to you and I hope we can be cycle buddies!!!

11 years ago

Hi Laureen416! Good to hear from you!! It sounds like we are in similar situations, though you have a lot more symptoms than I do. Are those symptoms unique for you before AF? Did you have symptoms during your other cycles?

During my last cycle, I had EXTREMELY painful breasts, intense cramps, and even had what looked like implantation blood around 10dpo. I was two days late for my period, convinced I was pg, and then AF came. So I guess I'm trying to be positive since this time is so different!

Positive does not = patient, however... I've taken many HPTs already, all BFN of course. :( I wish I could hold out, but my desire to know whether I am pregnant ASAP wins out every time.

7dpo today and no symptoms at all... even backache went away. It is still early though - fingers crossed for both of us!!

Let me know how you're doing as the days go by.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls I am in the same boat as both of you! I got a positive (smiley face) opk on August 31. DH and I bd on 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th, 31st, 1st, and the 2nd. I was hoping for one more day in there, but I just couldn't do it. This is our fifth cycle trying to conceive after m/c and dnc in January. The witch should arrive next Saturday and I am just praying like hell that she stays away. As of right now I have no symptoms. Which is either a good thing or bad thing. It seems like every month I analyze every little tingle and every month I am disapointed! I am hoping that we all recieve our BFP's soon!

11 years ago

Welcome jlgulley! AF should come the day after you, for me! On Sunday. I hope she doesn't for the both of us!!!

Libelula264: For the most part I usually don't get symptoms for AF. If I do it's usually being backed up, bloated feeling, and sometimes sore bbs.. oh and moody lol!!

Definitely fingers crossed for all of us!! I am getting older, my DH is getting older, and so is my son lol!! I would at least like to have one more. It is so crazy.. I read a post yesterday about parents telling us that if we have sex we can get pregnant so we get a little freaked out thinking even just one time and we could get pregnant, but here we are TRYING and it's hard as heck!! lol

11 years ago

Glad to have you in our little club, jlgulley! I also used the digital OPKs and only tested positive one time, like in the middle of the night! Much prefer those to the OPKs with lines, though... could never interpret those right.

I have a new symptom as of the last hour: cramping on the sides of my lower abdomen... a sharp pinching and dull pressure, alternating from one side to the other. Fully aware I may be wishfully misinterpreting PMS, but we shall see!

I am due for AF this coming Wednesday the 12th, which would be 12dpo for me as it happens.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies.....I am also 6 dpo and the time is going VERY slow . I hate waiting. This is my 21st cycle trying to conceive with 2 chemicals along the way. This is also my first cycle on Clomid . Hoping and praying for my and all of yours too. I promised myself I wouldnt test until after I mis my period :( this will be very hard but I can't take another chemical. I wish us all luck. and to us all.

11 years ago

@astillon: Welcome and good luck to you! You are very strong to wait until your expected AF to test. Here I am testing every day, convincing myself I'm probably out this month. Sorry to hear about your chemical. I can imagine how heartbreaking that would be. What symptoms did you have before your BFP that time??

@Laureen416: My DH and I are getting older too. I wish we could have had a few years as man and wife before TTC, but time waits for no one. It is def harder than I thought it would be!

@jlgully: How are you feeling today?

I am now 8dpo, BFN. No more cramping or anything really. Have a busy weekend ahead, so hopefully I won't be testing too much before Monday.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey girls! I am totally new to all of this. I started obsessing if I'm pregnant or not and thought this would be a good place to vent and talk with others who are in the same boat. So my husband and I aren't trying but aren't not trying. This cycle we had unprotected sex a few times during (what felt like) halfway through my cycle. I checked a fertility calculator calendar and it turns out we had sex at the perfect time to get pregnant. We have never tried before and usually use protection so, like I said, this is totally new for us. I'm 8 days past ovulation. I'm going to take a HPT in 8 days (2 days after my expected period.) Is this too soon? I'm so excited but I don't want to get my hopes too high. I have zero symptoms AT ALL. Nothing. Is there still a chance I could be pregnant? Thanks for listening!

11 years ago

astillion: Welcome!! I really hope you get your bfp this time!! Lot's of baby dust your way!!

Libelula264: I keep getting negative, too. Then I think there's no way I'm pregnant even though I have all of these weird things going on. I started second guessing myself thinking maybe it's just PMS :( I don't really have too many signs except my nipps hurt still, and my bbs, and it seems like I noticed a bunch of veins on my bbs. I'm sure they were always there and now I just happened to notice them. UGH. Have an awesome weekend!!!

cncrich7: I think there can be a chance if you bd'd on the right days for your body. Not all women gets signs so who knows :( The waiting game is the worst lol!!! Welcome and I hope you get a bfp..

And I hope we all do!! If I am 8 dpo, when IS a good day to test? I keep testing, knowing I'm going to get a neg :(

Have a good weekend everyone!!

11 years ago

@Libelula264- Honestly with by BFPâ??s I did not have a lot of symptomsâ?¦actually I had none. I was just wanting a baby so bad I would start testing about 6 days before and get BFPâ??s (which I put my last chemical pregnancy test that were positive from August on here, one was even a digi). I just donâ??t remember having any symptoms.

@cncrich7- Donâ??t lose hope I have heard tons of people that had have no symptoms and now have beautiful babies.

@ Laureen416- Thank You!! I hope we all get our . I want to be a May mommy!!

11 years ago

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