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Any May Babies? want to buddy up?

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I'm currently CD15 & 1DPO Day #1 TWW

271 Replies • 12 years ago



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I also use the Clear Blue Digital OPK with smiley faces. They are super easy to use and read and you don't have to worry about reading lines. :)

12 years ago

awesome, thanks ladies!

12 years ago

Another vote for the Clearblue easy with smiley faces here. I can't be bothered with trying to figure out the lines. They're expensive though!

Oh and all OPKs detect the surge that happens 12-36hours before you actually O. It's your temp that shows O after it already happens (unless you're like me this month and your temp is just everywhere so you can't figure out where to even draw the cover line.)

BFP 11/2011; missed m/c 12/2012; D&C 1/2012. Surgery to remove fibroids 4/2012. Trying again 7/2012~ --------- I'm on a quest to live life as if every day were vacation. Follow my journey at

12 years ago

@BarbieHendrix:: So sorry to hear this! But your still not out! Some women don't get their BFP until well after AF is a no show. Praying she will stay away. I'm in the same boat as you. If i get a BFN this month i'm going to go ahead and start my ADD meds for a while before actively TTC again. I don't want to put it on hold, but my job is high-stress and is making my symptoms hard to manage. BLAH! DH isn't exactly on board with delaying TTC, but i want to at least do it for a month. We'll see!

12 years ago

@SandraK - Thanks. I understand why your so confused. I read your reply and I was like What!? That's crazy and would be VERY confusing.

@BarbieHendrix - I'm so sorry. I know it can be hard at times. I also think I need to get away from everything and just focus on my college, but it is easier said than done. Good Luck. & It kind of sounds like me at the moment. I've been getting , and I'm 2-3 days late with .

My OB ordered blood work, but it was to check my thyroid, which they did that last month and it was normal. So I don't see the point in doing it again. So aggravated with them.. They also ordered antibiotics to take care of the discharge coming from my breast. and they made a "follow-up appointment" for Sept 13. I called them back to see if they would do a blood pregnancy test, just to make sure and currently waiting on a call back from them AGAIN! Ugh, so aggravated with my OB office. I don't think I am going to start taking the antibiotics until they are for sure that I am not pregnant. My sister and grandmother both said that with their 1st child, they knew they were pregnant by the sore breast and discharge.

My sister, who is an RN, said if they refuse to do a blood pregnancy test and still by Monday or Tuesday, then make an appointment with another OB office and they cannot refuse to check anything.

My sinuses are a bit messed up, but I am still getting A LOT of different smells that I would usually not get with my sinuses messed up. At the moment, I smell my perfume, onions, and a few other things at the same time.

So I think the are false.

What do you ladies think? Cause I am like & & spinning in my own little world.

12 years ago

Hey girls. I just back from the fertility doctor. He gave me a prescription for clomid. Does anyone else currently take this and if so, is there anything I need to know? He wasn't very informative. I had an internal ultrasound to look at my uterus and Fallopian tubes. I didn't see anything on my uterus lining do I guess it's safe to say I'm a BFN this month. I am supposed to take the clomid on days 3-7 and then go back for another ultrasound on day 14 after doing BD on day 13. I hope this works! On a side note, it shocks me that insurance covers this.

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12 years ago


:( Yes I was sad. Very. But like you my job is VERY stressful and I have been struggling lately so I told myself that if I got a that that would just mean that this isnt my time. So today I started my meds. I cant lie tho, I was apprehensive to start them considering AF hasnt shown up yet. But I put it in Gods hands.

Its weird cause I am not cramping today at all, just a few twinges here and there. But I am hella thirsty and still pretty tired even tho I started to ADD meds today so Idk. I took my FRER and Dollar Store tests today and they were both so I guess I will just have to sit and wait on .

I would be really upset if I find out Im pg AFTER starting my meds. That would really suck.


No yet and no ?? Hmm what is the meaning of that?? I hope your DR can either find a lil baby hiding in there or at least find the reason why this is happening.
I know some ladies dont get 's for a long time but with the start of these meds I hope that if there is a to be seen, I see it SOON so I dont hurt the baby.

Good luck with your drs appts. I still have my for everyone!!!

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12 years ago

Well. I'm out...

Warning: TMI!!!!

Started getting mild dull cramps, didn't think anything of it since I've had them for the past two weeks. Used the bathroom before getting in the shower, wiped and there it was a little bit of pink/red watery blood, more like spotting, passed a blood clot about the size of a dime.. TMI, Sorry. While taking a shower, I got sharp cramps like someone stuck a knife in *there* and was just stabbing me numerous times to the point where I had tears in my eyes.

Good Luck Ladies.

12 years ago

UPDATE: Pos OPK on CD9 and CD10, neg on CD11. Temp rise on CD11 and CD12. Waiting until tomorrow to say i officially O'ed. Three days of higher temps is sufficient enough right? So far CTP is saying i POSSIBLY o'ed on CD10. I just want to hurry through this TWW to see if Soy worked this cycle! EEEEEEK Lots of needed.

I have told NONE of my friends or family that I am TTC. I just don't want them all asking me if i am pregnant yet all the time. You ladies have been my support through this and for that I want to thank you. I love reading about all of your experiences and knowing that i'm not alone! So here's to all of the end of May and Beginning of June babies!! , and happy ing!

12 years ago

Im sorry love! :( Our time is coming but in His time. So try to remain positive till the next 2ww.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

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12 years ago

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