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Drs Appointment and Results

So I went in for my 1st prenatal visit for this pregnancy. Dr did a vaginal ultrasound and saw a sac, no baby (yet, is how he put it). He told me it looks to be 4 weeks along. I thought I was 5 weeks. So he ordered blood work. Had 2 miscarriages this year, 3rd pregnancy so far this year. So I did feel a bit discouraged. But he is waiting for my blood work to go through to see if we will have another one done on Friday. He wants to see me next week for another vaginal ultrasound to see if he sees a baby. I sure hope so. In the meantime, I am doing my own tests. The test added was done at the 3 minute mark. I'm a bit worried. It's darker from Monday's test but not as dark as I hope. I will try again tomorrow or Friday to see if the line is darker. I sure hope I am not facing another miscarriage.

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11 Replies • 2 years ago



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Tested again today. Line seems darker now. Plus, I couldn't hold my urine longer than an hour and yesterday's test I held my urine about 2 1/2 hours. So seeing it's darker has me have some relief.

Drs office let me know my blood work. That puts me at almost 4 weeks pregnant. I thought I was 5 weeks along. He did order another blood test for tomorrow so I hope the numbers are much higher than the one from yesterday. I will know more tomorrow on how things go. Hope all goes well.

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2 years ago • Post starter

Trying to stick to one brand of test but all they had at the dollar store. So far, this line is darker than the control line. :) So grateful :) I am waiting on blood work for today to see if my HCG levels are higher than 930 from Wednesday's blood work. Just waiting on the results now. I hope everything is still going well

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2 years ago • Post starter

Update. My blood work yesterday was at 2,042. So my HCG levels went up :) so happy

2 years ago • Post starter

Take care.

2 years ago

Just for some peace of mind I had a Similar situation and I'm now 30 weeks pregnant after 4 losses

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2 years ago

Thank you so much:) that's very encouraging news :) I see the Dr this Wednesday for an ultrasound update. He mentioned in the comments from my blood work from Fridays test "That was an appropriate rise! We should see something more clearly at your next visit." I sure hope we see something more than just a sac (Is what we saw last time). I hope all goes well

2 years ago • Post starter

So glad to hear this incredible news. Thanks so much for sharing. I’m thrilled you’re getting the close monitoring and great numbers! Keep us posted. xx

Sending lots of love and hopes for a bright future your way!

2 years ago

How did everything go at your scan,i hope all is okay?.xx

2 years ago

So beautiful! Thrilled to hear this news and hope it continues. xx

Sending lots of love and hopes for a bright future your way!

2 years ago

I am so happy to come across this post to find out that you are doing good I hope all is still well

2 years ago

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