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Waiting waiting waiting

I am now about 10 days late for af... zero symptoms pms or pregnancy. I just want to get this cycle over with to TTC again. I got my “fake” BFP on a blue test that a poster suggested was probably an evap. So chemical? Or just weirdly late??


9 Comments • 3 years ago



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Just wanted to add that my cycles were consistently 26 days but last little while has been 21.


3 years ago • Post starter

It's a possibility of a chemical... especially if you are normally not this late. You may have to see a Dr about it and have some labs done if nothing starts up here soon.


3 years ago

Thank you millbarnett. Still waiting for af today. I will give it another 5 days and see what happens. I am in my 40s so I hope this is actually a chemical and things have been slow vs crazy hormone imbalance! Sending you baby dust. I hope you get a BFP very soon. X


3 years ago • Post starter

Hey Rosehill.. I think you should talk to your doctor. 10 days late AF is not normal. Hope it is not a major issue..

3 years ago

I agree Tanyaa—it’s probably time to call the doctor. I will call her tomorrow am and book. I feel the rumblings of possible will give it one more day. Baby dust to you ????


3 years ago • Post starter

Update—I broke down and called the doctor. She will speak to me Friday. Hope af come in the next few days. I do not feel pregnant at all now so want this over with! I definitely had symptoms (extra saliva,cm). Now gone.


3 years ago • Post starter

Please note every time I write an exclamation mark it comes out as a question mark. Ugh. Sorry.


3 years ago • Post starter

When is the last time you took a test.?

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago

Hi Miam. Haven’t done any more tests since the beginning—but I got some light bleeding today.


3 years ago • Post starter

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