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TTC July 2021 Babies

I'm hoping those of us who are trying to conceive July 2021 babies can connect here. I'd love to hear from you.

Where are you in this TTC journey? What are you doing differently this cycle? What would be your hopeful EDD?

33 Replies • 4 years ago



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We started TTC #3 in June 2018. We technically paused TTC in March 2020 to focus on my weight loss. I have lost 46 pounds since then, a complete total of 8 pounds and hoping the weight loss will make a difference.

I am trying the Sperm Meets Egg plan, using OPKS, taking myo inositol, prenatal vitamins, and baby aspirin. I would be due around July 6th, but I have PCOS so my cycles aren't regular, so that could change. I can't wait to hear from more of you!

4 years ago • Post starter

Hi, We started trying in September, I have had frequent urination, nausea, bloating from around 3 to 13 dpo, on 12 dpo I had even seen a faint line on clear blue, dint see any line on 13 dpo though, but on 14 dpo I.e on 1 October what I assumed was IB end up being AF. I got my AF two days early with severe pain and clots that I have never experienced before.

4 years ago • Edited

Af started last night. Had cramping on only my right side and then started bleeding hours later. Thought it was possible ib but now it's much more heavier and af showed 4 days early, which has been unusual for me lately. If conception happens I would be due around July 10.

4 years ago

We started TTCing #2 in januari 2017 and last summer decided to take a break for a year. I quit bc in the middle of september, so now we're back to TTCing. I'm currently cd 13 and should be ovulating any day now. I've decided to start up my fertilitymonitor to see how quick my body goes back to normal after being on bc for a year. So far I've gotten high readings since cd 7. Have been taking folic acid, vitamin B, C and D. I've read that it can help a little with ovulation. If it doesn't, at least it may help with my tiredness.

4 years ago

anu2310, so sorry to hear that you got your period. It's hard when you think you might be pregnant. I so hope this cycle is the one for you.

hberry, sorry to hear that. I hope this is your last AF, before pregnancy. And that this cycle will be successful for you.

pandorica, I think a break can be so helpful. I'm just coming off a break myself. Haha, I take so many vitamins, and it definitely helps with my PCOS symptoms. Hopefully you ovulate soon, and things will be different this time around.

I'm hopeful for all three of you ladies. Feel free to share any of your frustrations here. We're all in this together.

4 years ago • Post starter

TTC #2. Had a MC in January and paused for a few months. Started trying again in June. My last few periods have been strange with pms symptoms that I've never had (but had them for my two pregnancies). Kept thinking "this is it!" each month, only to be severely disappointed when AF arrived I'm having unusual symptoms again and AF is due tomorrow. Took a pregnancy test but it was negative, so I'm most likely out until next month. If I conceive next cycle, it would be a July 2020 baby. Fingers crossed for everyone!

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4 years ago

angels19, I know what that's like. The MC's and the "this is it" feeling each month. I hope AF doesn't arrive, but if it does, I hope this will be your month.

4 years ago • Post starter

Hey yall. Jumping over here even tho technically the witch hasn't gotten me yet. Been TTC #3 for roughly a year now with a couple m/c. 2020 really does suck lol. After the last one, we took a couple months off to iron things out a bit but were back at it this past cycle. Timing was perfect so I really hoped by attemots to get healthy would work. I'm 13DPO for a June bug but spotting started this morning. If this next one works, I'll have a late July 20 something bug!

4 years ago

@Ashlyn887, welcome. I hope maybe your period never showed, but if not that this will be your cycle!

How's everyone else doing? I'm on CD 15, my OPKs are slowly getting darker. BD, just in case. And so hopeful and hopeless at the same time.

4 years ago • Post starter

Hello All! If it is alright with you I would love to join this thread :)

I am currently 3dpiui, no trigger. This is my second IUI using Gonal F and Letrozole. First I had only one follie, this time I had 3 mature at ovulation.

I could really use a win. We suffered a late term loss with our son in February 2018 followed by 3 chemicals (1 in 2018, 2 in 2019) really they have no explanations as to why.... just that I am part of an unlikely 1%.

We are incredibly hopeful for this year to bring us a positive and sticky pregnancy.. as I hope for each one of you :)

I started progesterone support last night and will be on it for the next 2 weeks. I am trying hard to not symptom spot...but darn near impossible lol

4 years ago

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