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Ugh PCOS ...

Hi everyone. My husband and I have been TTC for baby #3 for over 2 years now. In March, we decided to take a break and focus on my weight loss. I've lost 40 pounds since then, a total of 80 pounds since we first started TTC. We decided to start again on this cycle ...

But my stupid period won't come. UGHHHHH! And, I know it's not because I'm pregnant, because we weren't trying and didn't have sex at all. So, please period. Come already. Anyone else in the same boat? I'm 5 pounds away from the weight I was when I got pregnant with my second born on the first try. So I'm really really really really hoping to be pregnant in the next few months. The impatience at this point is real.

Sorry just needed to vent.

6 Replies • 4 years ago • Edited



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Still no period. Just start already!!!

4 years ago • Post starter

Hi, I am in the same boat! PCOS and ttc our first...have you discussed Provera with your doctor? That is what I use to induce a period and then I take clomifene to help me ovulate...only taken two cycles so far and about to start my next....
Hope that might help and best of luck! X

4 years ago

Priyah, my cycles are actually fairly regular and I ovulate fairly regularly, so they've said next step is a fertility doctor. Waiting 6 months for that. However, I was highly stressed and traveling when I normally would've been ovulating so I think that's why I'm late.

4 years ago • Post starter

My period came. :) I don't think I've ever been so excited to see my period. Praying this cycle will work! Hoping for my baby!

4 years ago • Post starter

Yay! I have PCOS too and I was waiting for 50 days and mine just started yesterday.

When I was trying to conceive in 2018, I had been trying for a few years without any pregnancies at all. The fertility specialist suggested I try inositol. She said studies showed it was more effective than metformin on PCOS with no side effects. After being nervous and reading every medical journal article I could find (I'm afraid of taking any meds, even something that is technically only a vitamin) I finally started it. I got pregnant the first month! I did unfortunately have a loss at 7 weeks. I started the inositol again and I got pregnant again on the next cycle! I lost this pregnancy at 5 weeks. It was then I had more labs done and found out I had a clotting issue, so they put me on baby aspirin. I started the inositol and then before I even started my next cycle after my loss, I got pregnant. This one stuck and my little one is going to be a year in a few days!

I went from years of trying with not even a faint line on a test ever, to three pregnancies in 5 months. I credit the supplement. In fact, I only just now started taking it again on Sunday because I was tired of waiting for my period and it arrived the next day!

Good luck to you! I share in an effort to provide some hope from another PCOS mom.

4 years ago

Thanks for sharing! I just started inositol two days ago, in addition to baby aspirin. Metformin was giving me migraines and stomach issues, even delayed release so I had to stop taking it. Hope this cycle works, so much! I would be due around my daughter's 8th birthday.

4 years ago • Post starter

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