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Secondary Infertility - Aged 35.

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<-- These are the faces I make each time I get a and each time ugly AF shows up. I watch people come and go, getting their BFP's, yet I am still waiting. It's been 29 long cycles, I am now on my 30th cycle. My partner is desperate for his own baby and I feel like every month I am letting him down.
I am a YouTuber, and in one of our live pregnancy test videos, he literally cried so hard. I hate seeing what this is doing to him, I hate not being able to do the only thing my body could do - only a few years ago.

I am going to be using this as a journal to blog my emotions, my symptoms and god willing, my very own

Thank you for reading. Looking for cycle buddies!

I have started a blog -

Cycle 30 - BFN
Cycle 31 - Currently 1DPO
Cycle 32 (Letrozole & Trigger) - ?

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

92 Comments • 4 years ago • Edited



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

51 - 60 of 92 Comments | Last Page


- Exhaustion
- Frequent Urination
- Heartburn
- Warmer
- Vivid Dreams
- Cramps
- Diarrhoea

I've wrote more about it on my blog, with some photos. FF has scored me a whopping 77 points on the early pregnancy symptoms. BBT is on the up trend, visible on 63% of pregnancy charts. Fingers crossed I guess. I ''just'' feel different this cycle, I feel hopeful, but I also don't want to feel too hopeful and have my dreams shattered which has become normal for me - each cycle.

Also - IF I have conceived (eventually), I'll be due on my fiancé's birthday.

user submitted image

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

Mild cramps
Still feeling warm (Heatings been off two days now)
Peeing frequently.

I see something on this test, I'm just not sure if it's an evap or not. I've also uploaded to the gallery for a clearer image, something is definitely there. (You can see the image bigger via the gallery).

user submitted image

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

9DPO - And I've got a squinter.

BBT has rocketed up again - almost the start of a triphastic looking chart. I'll post my chart after the squinter.

user submitted image

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

Here's my chart. BTW, I've not had the heating on for THREE days now.

I really hope these IC isn't setting me up again - I've literally placed all my hopes and dreams on this ''being it''.

user submitted image

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

I can clearly see something on that last test and voted positive on your clear blue. Praying this is it for you. Do you have any other tests? Xx

3 years ago

Thank you!

I’m hoping to get either a First Response Early Result or Answer one tomorrow!

Thank you love, I am hopeful but I don’t want to be crushed again.

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

I have everything crossed for you. I would be quite convinced by that test. I will be checking in tomorrow to see. I watched one of your YouTube videos last night and it made me want to cry. The excitement of testing, just to be crushed. But let’s hope this is it for you both xx

3 years ago

Aww, thank you! Is that the one where my fiancé goes off screen to cry?
How did you find my channel?

I kind of want to do a live test, but then I want to kind of wait for something more visible - because right now I'm questioning everything. This mornings IC has definitely dried like an evap, so it's made me question everything.

Pregnant, Due in 2023.

3 years ago • Post starter

Oh no, I am a day late coming to check, as felt awful yesterday. Really thought I would come back to something definitive.
I saw in your original post that you had a channel. I have a long fertility history. 11 yrs ttc and one baby then three spontaneous pregnancies in two years! Resulting in my youngest two. Hover around here, as we are not ttc but I am always testing incase!

Keeping everything crossed. Xx

3 years ago

Just seen your update on the other thread. I feel your pain, I really do. Somehow, and from somewhere we get the strength to carry on ttc, when it feels the world Is against us. Unexplained infertility is awful, as there is no issue to place the blame on. However, there is always the chance you will conceive naturally, for the exact reason above.

3 years ago

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