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Confused in the tww with my charts and tests

Hi everyone. We’ve been ttc for 4 months now with just dyd every other day throughout the month which have ended in 2 chemical pregnancies. I thought this month I would track my cycle properly on ff but I’m not sure on what I’m looking at and whether it looks good or not. I’m due on my period Wednesday 31st Oct. I thought I had spotting around 5dpo but only a tiny speck in my creamy cm. This Saturday morn 27th 10dpo I went to the loo, after we dtd, and I had a light brown spotting on paper (tmi sorry). Since then I have very water cm which is almost water with white lumps in smell or itching. I’m so scared that I’m going to come on on Wednesday. I know I should just wait as I’m torturing myself and poor OH ???? does my chart look good or not? I’ve only had v v faint positives so far. X
I’ve posted my chart on my photos as I don’t know how to attach it to this. X

3 Answers • 5 years ago • Edited



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5 years ago • Post starter

I am so sorry for your losses.

I really want to help you, but a lot of interpreting charts and knowing what is normal is based on charting more than one cycle so you can compare. For instance it looks like you have had creamy CM since ovulation. If this isn't normal for you, it could be indicative of pregnancy. If it is normal, then it just means that you're having a typical cycle for you. Does that make sense?

You also mentioned that you've had watery CM since 10 dpo. I've had watery CM on cycles following creamy CM and I knew this was a red flag to indicate pregnancy for me. However, if this typically happens to you in your cycle, it may not mean the same thing.

Even the spotting can be indicative of a few different things. Brown spotting is usually brown because it is old trapped blood that is escaping. Could it be from an earlier hormonal change? Could it be from implanting earlier in your cycle? Could it be from a dtd and a sensitive cervix? Yes.

Ok so all disclaiming being said: you're cycle looks promising to me. Your CM pattern looks appropriate and you BD on your fertile days. I don't chart BBT so that's not something I can help you with. I wish you luck and I know how hard the wait can be. However, if you wait until your AF is late then you can feel more confident in your BFP.

I've had a CP in the past and an early loss this month, if I were to try again, I think even though it would be hard, I would wait until I was atleast a few days late so I could feel better about any BFP I had. It would be nice to see some dark positive lines.

5 years ago

Thank you so much for your response. I’m so very sorry for your losses also, it’s heart breaking. I’m really going to try and relax and wait. The watery cm is unusual and didn’t happen last time, it was just very creamy all the way, so much so I got my opk sticks out again just to make sure. The spotting on Saturday worried me as I wasn’t sure if Bd had disrupted something but it was only the once when I wiped thank goodness. I’m getting cramps on and off now, my breasts are burning and nauseated on and off. I will just have to hope and pray it stays where it’s meant to this time.
Again thank you for responding you have eased my mind. Xx

5 years ago • Edited • Post starter

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