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My boyfriend and I have been trying since October and no luck..... My last period was January 27 and only lasted about 4 days, according to my period tracker app FLO I ovulated the 11th of Feb, but this site says I ovulated the 10th.. (kind of confused lol) Anyway, we had sex the 11th and 15th of my fertile window. According to my app FLO I'm suppose to start my period today, but no sign (I had slight cramps the 25th but that's it) usually I have cramps 1 week before my period. But yet this site says I'm 2 days late and that I should have tested the 24th. LOL! I have no symptoms, except slight cramps here and there. I felt my cervix today and it was medium, soft and wet and closed ( not sure if that helps) I would really appreciate the help ladies!

129 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Lisa-Lou. My nose ran ridiculously and had super chills and couldn't keep warm and I don't have a cold. Cloudy I read is a good sign as well. When is your expected period supposed to come?

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6 years ago

Thank you for replying :) I have no clue as it will be my first one coming off the pill :/ I didn’t have periods before I started the pill as I was a late starter at 16 so the pill was used to get them going. If we are going by the 28 day cycle then I would be 11 days late however I did get slight bleeding where I thought I was coming on 10 days after I stopped, didn’t last even a day I don’t think and not heavy so might have been the withdrawal bleed ? And if it was and the cycle starting from that day it would 1 day late.

Otherwise no clue !

6 years ago

@Lisa-Lou. Hmm. I know implantation bleeding is dark brown in color and lasts a day. That would be amazing you get pregnant right off the bat. Keep in touch.

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6 years ago

Yer I keep having dark brown spotting on and off but had it the last 4 days or so not enough for a pad literally like a drop or two but it’s like brown CM had that on and off since I stopped the pill though so it’s hard to tell, I will do a test when my cheap ones arrive as I don’t want to keep using my expensive ones otherwise it will become very expensive haha ! Thank you for your help! I will update with results however I’m sure it will be a BFN and will just have to wait for my period to come.

6 years ago

Officially 1 day late ! I woke up this morning too a slight pinching on my belly button. I wanna wait till the 1st of March too test, to make sure I gave no period!

6 years ago • Post starter

@austynpaige. Let's hope that is a good sign. Only a couple more days and you will have your answers.

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6 years ago

Keep me updated! I have a whole week left until I know if I miscarried or just had a bleed so give me some good news girls! I'd love to cheer you two on.

All the symptoms sound possitive to me, I was and still a m starving all the time, cloudy pee and the brown spotting was exactly what I had for my daughter. I spotted for a couple of weeks, brown and very light. This time I had a couple of days of brown but since I bled the other day I've had light brown spotting. Best way to know is to take a test. Get a bag of cheapies or get a couple of cheap tests from the shops and test. If its neg today it might be positive tomorrow. With my son I took a test on the day after I was late and it was negative, a week later I realized I was still late and thought, well I better check (my cycles vary) and got my BFP. This time I got BFP on 8dpo and it was dark so you just never know. Good luck! Test and update!

6 years ago

Hope everything is positive news for you ! I’m hoping my cheap tests come tomorrow so will do a cheeky test then as I have no clue when to expect my first AF, I feel constantly bloated at the moment but sorry for the TMI but I’m not constipated but I feel it ! Brown spotting is still happening.

Personally I don’t think I am pregnant just my mind and body playing tricks on me since I came off the pill but can’t wait for this bloating feeling to go if I’m not !

6 years ago

@Lisa-Lou. I hope your tests come soon as bloated and constipated is both a pms and pregnancy sign. I bloat everyday. Let's hope your tests come in soon and you will have your answers.

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6 years ago

2 days late on my period! My cramp got a little bad last night, which made me think AF would show up, but nothing. Fingers crossed!

6 years ago • Post starter

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