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Could my ovulation be late?

Normally my cycles are around 30 -31days. I tried to get pregnant last month and my cycle started on day 33. We were so hopeful since it was late but I had negative urine and blood tests. The period lasted 5 days which was really short for me. Normally my period lasts 7+ days, and that's on Clomid. Without clomid it can last 9+ days. During this cycle I took Clomid (maximum dosage for days 5-9). I ovulate with this dosage and for the past two ovulations have been on day 21. This cycle I tested on day 17 or 18 and the ovulation test was negative. I figured I would just wait until day 20 to test again. Test on day 20 was negative. Just did another ovulation test this morning and it was also negative (today is day 21). Now I'm worried I missed the ovulation. Is it possible it's just late?

You missed it. (0 votes)
Not Sure. (0 votes)
You could still ovulate. Keep testing. (2 votes)

2 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Well, I only got my first positive OPK on CD23, with a cycle length of between 25 and 31 days (wonky because of M/C 2 months ago) and have been testing everyday since CD11. I didn't give up. And you shouldn't either. You may very well still ovulate :) GL.xx

10 years ago

I ovulated late this month. I usually have very clear signs (ewcm, ov pains, etc) and this month I didn't notice anything around CD 14, which is typical for me, so I bought some ov tests and sure enough, day 19, I got the positive. I've been under a LOT of stress this month (buying and selling a house and moving twice!) and I think that threw my cycle off a bit. I thought I had missed it, too, but apparently not! Keep trying!!

10 years ago

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