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Can stress affect bbt?

I am currently 11dpo. This is the first cycle that I have tracked bbt. This is my 6th IUI. I normally have back cramps around 6-10dpo and then AF begins on day 14dpo (luteal phase is almost always 13 days). I usually begin having frontal pjs cramps around 12dpo-13dpo. This cycle has been pretty normal. Back cramps right on time. Then yesterday (10dpo) I began having a weird pulling/pinching feeling on the right side of my lower abdomen. (Right where you'd expect your uterus and ovary). If I twisted a certain way or stood straight up or stretched that area it would feel weird. Not painful though. Then a few hours later it progressed to a stabbing pain that lasted only a few minutes. This was followed by period type cramping for a little while. Now the cramping is gone but my bbt chart has me thinking this cycle is bust. The wonky temps did start around the same time I began a new stressful job so I'm somewhat hopeful that was implantation but I just don't know. Any thoughts?

Sounds like implantation and the bbt drop is from stress (0 votes)
Sounds like implantation but the bbt drop is probably AF (0 votes)
Not implantation but bbt drop is probably stress (0 votes)
Not implantation and bbt drop is probably AF (3 votes)

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers

And the wonky temps I'm talking about are those after ovulation. I began my new job on Monday (5/12) which was 6dpo. It has been very stressful. Also, temps in my house have fluctuated a bit because we have left the air/heat off, so I'm not sure if that contributes.

10 years ago • Post starter


I did not vote because I think it is also possible that the dip just indicates a brief "low" in progesterone levels. This can be the case on pregnant and non-pregnant charts. With a prolonged drop of temps without them coming back up it is probably a sign for AF. I don't believe stress affects the luteal phase temps, however according to my experiences stress can affect the follicular phase temps. Best wishes.

10 years ago

Well another reason I'm hopeful is that I've never had that type of cramping all in one day in that sequence before and for the last few days I've had a yellow creamy, stretchy cm (stretched well over an inch). I still have lower back cramps but abdominal cramps have been extremely mild or not there. CM now is more white than yellow but still stretchy. AF is due on Tuesday (5/20). I can't help but want to be hopeful since this is likely the last IUI for a while (and since we use donor sperm we can't conceive naturally like most couples can try).

10 years ago • Post starter

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