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How many IUI before you move onto IVF?

I just had my 6th IUI. I am currently 6dpo but I don't have very much hope as we've done 5 with no success. We figure there is no point in spending this kind of money on IUIs that don't work for me. We are thinking of moving onto IVF if we can figure out how to get a loan.

How many IUIs did you undergo before you either conceived (due to an IUI, not naturally) or how many IUIs until you moved into IVF?

7 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 7 of 7 Answers

my husband and I went through six cycles of iui before moving on to ivf. I am very fortunate in the sense that my insurance company covers most of the cost of IVF and IUI. have you checked with your insurance company. Also, I know this is probably a crazy question to ask, but have you tried a more holistic approach? what is the fertility issue? Maybe a holistic approach may be worth the try before taking out a loan. Hopefully 6th time is the charm and there is a bun in the oven. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. good luck


10 years ago


We actually started off with IVF and did three cycles that all failed. After that we conceived through ZIFT. That was after 13 years of trying on our own. Interestingly enough, once we had our first child we had 3 more without the need of medical intervention. We did one IUI 9 years ago to try for child #2 but that failed. Last month we did an IUI that also failed. In short: because of the very, very high costs and extreme stress related to ART procedures I am cautious to fully recommend them. Many couples have to do more than one IVF cycle; that's plain statistics. So weigh carefully your options and the reasons why you want to do IVF. We spent tens of thousands on ART and in the end the majority of our children were conceived naturally. I will pray for wisdom for you and your husband and a way that IVF becomes affordable if you feel that you need to go this route. I hope my answer helps you in the decision making process. The very best wishes and the Lord's blessings.

10 years ago

Going straight to IVF. That was because that was what the doc said we needed. Aged 35. 1 tube. 2 ovaries. Round 1 will be paid for by the NHS.

5 years TTC. Endometriosis and adenomyosis. Surgery. 2 IVFs. No joy. Low ovarian reserve. Is there any real hope? DE IVF = next step. Much higher success rates, but so used to things not working, it's hard to feel too hopeful. Wishing others an easier time.

10 years ago

We did 2 IUIs, then moved to IVF and *BAM!* baby after 12 years of trying. I wish we had done it sooner! For baby #2, we did 3 IUIs, then 2 IVFs and got pregnant again on the second IVF (but the baby died at 10.5 weeks gestation). Did 3 more IUIs, but all ART is now off the table for us, so hopefully it will someday happen magically without assistance.

Despite repeated testing and exploratory surgeries, they were never able to find a reason why we can't get sticky pregnant (I've also had 6 chemical pregnancies) without assistance. Although I'm now super old in terms of fertility, I wasn't when we started this journey.

Good luck to you!

Also, look into and see if you can find a study to help defray some of the costs.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Unfortunately I cannot do this naturally as we have to use donor sperm and I don't ovulate without using fertility meds. I have one ovary and tube. The other ovary was removed due to a dermoid cyst. The tube is there but it's closed. I'd really love this IUI to work, but after 5 failed attempts, I'm not optimistic.

10 years ago • Post starter


Now I can understand why you want to do IVF and it makes perfect sense. One advice I have with financing this "project" is to try to at least save money by buying the medications smartly. There is a garage sale for medications website where people sell the meds they have leftover from previous cycles. Through it we purchased several gonal f pens for 75$ each from a private party. They go for about 800$ everywhere else. We could even pick them up locally. This has helped us financially greatly. The very best wishes to you.

10 years ago

It will be a good decision. IVF is a successful technique which creates new hope among people to have their own child. Many couples adopt this technique after trying various medications and treatments like IUI.

Previously IVF technique also require lots of treatment cycle for successful pregnancy, but with the latest innovation of medical device like embryoscope that you can see on the ratio for treatment cycle required for success is reduced.

Of course cost is one big concern while thinking of adopting this technique, nowadays many medical insurance companies covers IVF claim. You should check with your insurance company as well.

9 years ago

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