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Promising Symptoms?

I am currently 7dpo. I had an insemination done on 6/5( day before ovulation) and 6/6 (day of ovulation). I've had sensitive nipples since about Sunday (2dpo). I've noticed I burp a little more than usual. I had mild cramping from ovulation on but on 4dpo I felt strange twinges I've never felt before with any other cycle. Starting on 5dpo I began to get a little nauseous first thing in the morning and after meals. This I might attribute to.anxiety over all of this. A new symptom I just realized is starting yesterday morning I've been urinating a lot more. Yesterday I woke up at 4:30am and had to pee really bad. Peed again at 6:15, 7:50, 8:50,10:45, 12:30, and probably another 3 times that day. No increase in the amount of liquid I take in normally (which is minimal is) Today I woke up early morning (didn't see the time) to pee, then again at 5:15, and again at 6:15. I would consider this abnormal for me. The nausea is very slight. Not enough to make me puke. When should I test?

2 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Looks promising ild suggest testing from 10dpo +. Good luck I hope your dreams come true x

Chelsea, Perry (oh) 02/11/12 - mmc little boy 04/01/13 Trying to conceive #1 User Image

11 years ago

Thanks. I'm 8 dpo now and the waiting is terrible. I'm going to test tomorrow just for poops and giggles. I'm very irritable, extremely tired, my nipples are still super sensitive and kinda sore. I haven't gotten any period cramped yet. Due to start on Monday and I usually start having moderate cramps by now. Any nausea I do have is mild and mostly in the morning or small cases during the day. I hate being hopeful but this cycle is completely different than normal. Yea I get irritable and tired but not like this.

11 years ago • Post starter

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