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Can you have period like cramps and light spotting and still be pregnant!?

Today my period was due. I woke up in am took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I had some spotting a couple hours later so I figured it wasn't my month. I put a tampon in because my cramps started to kick in bad so I just knew the flow was close by! For several hours I had my typical bad 1st day of period cramps and the Tylenol I took barely did anything. I was so busy today that I didn't take my tampon out until dinner time. When i did I was surprised to find out that it only head a speck of brown on it and was still mostly clean. The rest of the night I didn't have to wear anything and my cramps had subsided. Can you have period like cramps (15 DPO BY THE WAY) and spot a little and still be pregnant?
And was it maybe too early for an hpt? my doctor last month almost laughed when I called for a blood test because I was 5 days late and couldn't get a positive hpt. She said, "well hun thats a little early still." Turned out to just be a late, but surprised me by what sh

2 Answers • 14 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 2 of 2 Answers

I didnt have any spotting with last 2 pregnancies but with this one, a brown spot appeared after I had wiped and that was all. That was 7DPO. I also had PMS like cramps, which I understand is just the uterus changing size. If you check on the net and some of the success stories on this site, you will see some woman dont get a positive until a few days after a missed period. Every pregnancy is difference, just depends on when implantation occured and how often HPT doubles up, usually every 2-3 days. Your doc sounds a bit unhelpful, its not strange to ask for a blood test, particularly if you've missed a period and have pregnancy symtpoms. Hope its the real deal for you this time and you get a more understanding doctor : ) x

14 years ago

Early pregnancy can feel like AF- I felt like AF was coming for the first 6 weeks during my pregnancy! So I think you may want to wait a day and try another test- good luck!

14 years ago

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