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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Shay - hang in there, babe. I'm sure this is a hard time of year for you both. Love you & will text you.

11 years ago

As you all know, I had 's all last week Mon - Fri on FRERs and CBE Digis. On Friday, I received my beta results and had a measly 8 MIU. Here's the latest...

Sunday morning,without warning (not regular cramps or anything) I was greeted by at my front door. Don't you hate unwelcome visitors who don't call first? I have told her repeatedly not to come to my house, but that biddy just keeps coming back! She is relentless...I think I'm going to move this month to see if she still finds me.

Okay, enough of the was , yes real with colors in every shade of red imagineable and a little clotting to boot. In the last few days, my pregnancy symptoms have gradually faded away.

I scheduled an appointment with the OBGYN and will see him this afternoon. When I scheduled the appointment, My aim was to see what could be done to "save" this pregnancy; however, I just took a CBE Digi and a FRER and they were both negative. . As a result, the new aim of my appointment is to make sure all of my lady parts are working properly, so I can get pregnant in the coming months. Don't worry about me pitty party is OVER! Had it yesterday...sorry I didn't invite you, but it was a solo thing.

Now I am more determined than ever to make this happen, but I have to remember something my best friend always says.... If you want to make God laugh tell him "your plans". In other words, I can do all I want to make it happen, but it will happen in his time, not mine. So God...all I want for Xmas is a BFP...and please God, can I get one that sticks this time?

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11 years ago

Damn Holly im sorry but i love your positive outlook!

Just to update everyone-
DH apologized big time and we have worked out the issue,
AF is due today and normally its there right when i wake up and well nothing yet! I went and bought 2 tests, now i am just waiting to have to pee to take one Wish me luck!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

@Shay...thanks Hun! I'm trying to look on the bright side. I wish you luck and hope we get a ! !

Update: Just came back from the OBGYN...they did a urine test and it was of course . They said I had a spontaneous abortion...aka miscarrige....aka chemical pregnancy...blah blah blah. The Doc and his staff were really nice though. He also did a pap (since I'm due anyway) and is going to do a full work up as soon as I can schedule it. They will check my uterus (with a scope) bloodwork to check out my blod, chromosomes, thyroid, etc....and DH too. He wanted to jump on it right away and have me come back next week, but I leave next week for Europe. I will be there 3 weeks for work. So, I will do it in October since AF will be here at the end of September.

In the meantime...I'm still gonna find a way to make a baby in September, so by October, we are like...She's pregnant!!! - God...I'm sending up more prayers! Please let me ovulate during the first week in September? I would really appreciate it!

I think I want to take "Operation Make a Baby" to the next level and start tracking when I O becuase I have no clue. I just look for the egg white cervical mucous and when my Android app guestimates I O'd. Just learned this cycle that it is better to know when.

Anyone have any recommendations on OPKs?

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11 years ago

Nope got a BFN so i guess AF is just a day behind!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Shay, there's still hope. has not arrived yet, so you are still in the hunt! I hope she does not arrive and you O'd later than you thought. It's not over until you have a BFN AND the comes!

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11 years ago

Well still no AF i guess tomorrow will tell it all. Which makes thing even harder because I thought I had a steady 29 day cycle, Who knows! I just dont understand even if i did O late why i wouldnt be getting at least a faint positive! :( I know my problem at the moment doesnt even compare to what most of you are dealing with I am just really emotional I dont know if its whats going on at home, Coopers birthday coming up, or PMS..OR ALL OF THE ABOVE, But I love you ladies & Thank You!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Hello lovely ladies!

@Holly- I am so sorry about your loss!! However, I also have to add, I LOVE your attitude! What a fantastic way to look at the future! I am now also going to try and adopt your same attitude, in a way (if that's ok?!). By that I mean, I HAVE to quit this obsessing (I mean really?, who am I kidding?!) no, really- I do! I eat, breathe, and sleep conception- constantly- and I have to be able to let this go- I have to be able to say and be comfortable with this happening in HIS TIME and not mine. And (swallow) I have to be able to grasp the idea that MAYBE it is not meant for me to be a mommy. That is a massive undertaking and struggle for me because I refuse to believe that!
@Shay- don't loose hope yet- until rears her evil head- there is a very real possibility that you are indeed preggars! So stay hopeful!
In the meantime, I am sending you and really really hard that the good Lord sees that it is my turn really soon!! (by the way, am I the only one that becomes instantly demonic and grow horns when I see ALL my friends are preggars?! Aaaagh- I am sooo struggling with that on the inside!)

@Phat- looks like we are cycle buddies this month!

Hugs and to each of you ladies!!

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11 years ago

impotts - we all get the baby envy just seem like im getting it more and more lol

i think it was 3 births and 1 announcement yesterday i spent ages looking at the baby pics just thinking one day soon i hope it will be my trun

the i had the best dream ever i was pregnant and it was soo hard not to tell anyone till i was 12weeks and then i had my 12scan and could tell every body . then i woke up and was sad cos the feeling in my dream felt so real and i didnt want them to go

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11 years ago

Good afternoon ladies...sorry havent been on since Saturday. Was gone Sunday and had my first day of babysitting nephew yesterday. I tell you what though...a good treatment for baby fever is to babysit. But no matter how much you love on them and you captivate them with baby sign language...nothing will beat the look he gave his momma when she came home from work. He lit up inside! He bounced and coo'd and smiled! And all the babysitting in the world, cant match how badly I want my own baby to look at me that way. I was afraid that babysitting for 10 hours straight would make me feel like I wasnt ready and I wanted a baby for all the wrong reasons. But after yesterday, I want a baby more than ever. I want to be a mommy!
I'm going to start calling my natural AF, the wicked witch of the west and my provera AF, the wicked witch of the east! lol . SO....Wicked of the East came yesterday!! My nipples are killing me and cramps are making me feel sick, but I'm so excited cause I'm finally on day 2 of cycle instead of 114! Now if there was only a way to speed up the bleeding lol....

@Holly- I'm so sorry darling. I'm sure you're still hurting but I can tell God is really working on the inside of you Lifting you up in prayer! . You should plant a tree...wish I would have. Think I still might.

@Shay- sorry things are tense right now, but it will pass. To be honest, it's been so long since I typed that missing link comment, I cant remember what the connection I made was! LOL I need a brain cleaning. Thinking about you today!

@impotts- I know what you mean about the obsessing part. You cant concentrate on anything else but babies and ovulating and conception. It's exhausting but you still cant concentrate on anything else but that. You're life feels like it becomes a TTC universe!! But it gets you used to what your world will be like when it does become all about baby.

@lammy- I love and hate those dreams! They are so amazing how real they feel! Then you wake up and your stomach is flat and your heart breaks. I used to have them as a teenager, but now they get me excited cause since I'm married, I can get busy'! LOL At least you're not having my sisters dreams...she used dream she had a baby and a week later she realized the had forgot about it and wasnt feeding it! LOL

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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