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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey Misscbl, baby envy is so real. You are not alone.

Update on me: The latest shift in my temps is 90% ovu as I got letter from Gyn that my previous tests done on dc29 and 37 sugest i didn't ovulated yet.

I am not feeling myself today, the strong pains and symptoms from yesterday, ar gone today but I'm still off.

I was told today to not stress because it will happen by a girl who is 12 weeks pregnant and I burst out in tears.

I wish someone actualy told me, "I understand how hard it is and why you worry so much" My Oh is being as supportive as he can but i still feel like people think I'm being stupid for worrying how long my periods are, that my body is not working proprly... I wish they understood that it's not that easy to get pregnant when you don't suffer from anything and it's way harder when you do.

Sorry for this rant but I feel like I'm being a bit alone in here.

8 years ago

Aniyka - I'm so sorry you're going through this with no one who knows what it is like. Just talk to us about it. People not understanding makes the whole process more frustrating. It's the reason many of us don't talk to our friends or families about what we've experienced and are currently going through. Hugs to you!

8 years ago

Hey Aniayka, u r most def not alone! When u want something so bad, it takes over and nothing else matters. Sounds like ur doing all the right things and someone saying 'don't worry' is not helpful at all! glad I'm not alone with baby envy, I just feel so weepy when I hear my neighbours baby cry.

8 years ago

Hello my ladies!
@pinkster- fingers crossed for you honey!
@phat- girl, you have my stomach in knots. Praying for your bfp!
@jenp77- welcome! Lol...yep, I'm shocked my dh hasnt committed me.

@hopingfora2nd- I'm sorry AF showed sweetie. My dh was the same when we first started trying. When things werent going as planned and I got so upset, he told me that there was a time that he alone filled my heart and made me happy. Now that we've been ttc for long and with so many losses, he's feeling that missing puzzle piece too. Sometimes it's so hard for them to understand that missing puzzle piece that we feel in our heart for having children. What supplements are you on this cycle?

@aniayka- Anyone who says not to stress and it'll happen....doesnt have pcos! I had a receptionist at my chiropractor tell me to just relax and destress and it'll happen. I got fed up and gave her a 5 minute lesson in pcos . I'm sorry your temps are all over the place. I just looked at your chart...I hope they stay up. The spotting may have been break through bleeding that we get with pcos sometimes. Good luck honey!

@frsty- BIG HUGS!

@misscbl- OH yea. I have baby and baby bump envy. Everytime I see a newborn or a baby belly, I just want to bang my head against a wall. My sister is pregnant with her 2nd right now. This will be her 2nd child she has had during the time I've been ttc. It's hard at times. Everytime I see her rub her belly or hear her complain about how being pregnant sucks...I just want to lock myself in the bathroom and scream into a towel! lol. When I hear newborns cry, it sounds like heaven and hell at the same time. I'm like, 'It's a baby! ...then 2 seconds later, I'm like, "It's a baby'. Yep, we're all emotional messes here! Welcome to the baby crazy house! :) We need sorority sweat shirts! lol.

Not much to update here. Getting closer to jumping back in the saddle again. I'm excited yet scared crapless ! Told dh that I feel like I need to get away to recharge before going through all the pills, hormones, shots etc. Yea...I was looking forward to have a break from the infertility circus after our RE cycle in November. The thought of 6 months of not worrying about follicles and medical costs, was nice. Figured we'd just keep saving to pay for cycles when we started trying again. And then sister gets pregnant by accident. Now my 6 month vacation of trying to feel like me again has been filled with someone else's gender reveal parties, ultrasounds, nursery designs, baby clothes etc etc. Dh and I are just thinking, "Really ?" Like other couples' fertility is just rubbed in our face sometimes. We both just feel like we need to get away for a while. Unplug from family and just do something for us. I'm turning 30 in June and June 9th is the 10th anniversary since dh popped the "will you be my girlfriend?- check yes or no" question. lol. We have money in savings now for a few IUIs and enough leftover for a vacation. I've been mentally wrestling myself on whether to save the money for future fertility stuff or just throw caution to the wind and go to Florida for 5 days. I've put so much stuff on hold for 4 years, thinking that babies were right around the corner and I've learned that rushing it, isnt helping. I figure I can either spend my 30th birthday at home, being depressed about not having my babies with me to celebrate and getting texts from my sister about me throwing a baby shower for her or......being on a beach with dh in a sexy pair of swim trunks with a mudslide in one hand and a shrimp cocktail in the other. Hmm....tough choice !

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara! BEACH BEACH BEACH!!!!! Since I can't drink please have one for me!!! Sucks big booty that we will be in the same state at the same time and still miss each other!

8 years ago

Hello ladies! Took a break from the madness of tracking and tried to "just let it happen"..... yeah those people can suck it. Just saying. Anywho, I've been reading and stalking occasionally and sending love and hugs from a far. I keep crossing my fingers, eyes, toes, legs, etc that I will see a post of a big ole BFP but I am right there with you ladies. At the end of my TWW, scared to check, but if you ask me, I feel like I've lost my ever loving mind at this point.

Tara~ If you do decide to come to Florida, that's my neck of the woods and I would be more than happy to help you plan, give you some pointers, meet up, grab lunch or something. And your sister...... all I can do is shake my head.

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8 years ago

EB, don't cross your legs, that's counterproductive in our case ;) thank you for the crossed fingers.

Waitingformiracle I'm not trying long but my dd has been conceived on first try 10 years ago every time i look at her it's like rubbing my own aging and problems into my face...
I had PCOS for relatively short time, 2-3 years, still learning to live with it. In my case it's related to my weight, I loose weight it should get better, but loosing weight it's the hardest part for me due to my medical history (that started with contraception) I hope you will finally get your miracle. Also it seems to me like this second jump still wasn't the ovu.
Misscbl and phat thank you, I know you understand, I know I can come here and no one will judge me for how I feel about ttc and pregnancy. In a way it's you keeping me sane.

8 years ago

@Waitingonmymiracle- I know blood is thicker than water or whatever that saying is, but ur sister could be a bit more sensitive?! I mean it's great news for her but seriously?! Families huh? anyway, a break away sounds just what the doctor ordered! I feel like my 'normal' former life has completely departed and I'm now on a different planet! I didn't realise u ladies are all in US! Perhaps I could stop by sometime!

8 years ago

Hi All! I'm sorry I've been missing. Work has been crazy and trying to post from my phone is literally a nightmare. I've been checking on you though

@phatgurl - what a crazy day Friday must have been for you. I truly do hope you get your BPF this cycle. Fingers & Toes crossed for you!

@pinkster - Best of luck! how is going?

@2firsty - I'm glad everything is going great with your pregnancy. Enjoy the big boobs! LOL

@Misscbl - welcome. Everyone is super nice here. You'll feel right at home. And yes, there is such thing as baby envy, baby bump envy. I have an 18-month old at home and I still long for a new baby. I get jealous and upset every time someone announces a pregnancy. It took us for ever to conceive our daughter and it's taking another forever to conceive this time around. Last week I found out my brother's wife is pregnant. They were not even trying - they were done having babies and boom I guess they are not. I wished them the best but I couldn't help but think and vent with DH, what the heck? Why them and not us. Also, now that the weather is getting better and we don't have to be all covered up I see baby bumps everywhere and I mean everywhere and I long for my very own baby bump. Ugh The struggle and suffering is real!

@Aniayka - We all DO understand how HARD and HEARTWRENCHING trying to conceive is! Most people are just ignorant and insensitive period. If they educated themselves before making assumptions the world would be a much better place. We are here for you though. Vent and rant away!

@waiting - thanks love. This cycle I'm taking:
Bee Pollen
Rainbow Prenatals
Fish Oil and
Should I be adding something else to my regimen?
I think you should go on vacation. Nothing heals the spirit more than a few days away from everyone, some sun, some sand and some cocktails. You've been through a lot and I think you and DH more than deserve this time away! If you do decide to go (and we all agree you should) consider going to the Naples Beach and Golf Resort. It's right on the water and some of the rooms are literally 40 feet from the beach. It's really a fantastic place and they have great deals going in May and June. But wherever you decide to go - just enjoy it!

@EBordeaux - Good luck! Keep us posted

AFM - Nothing to report really. Today is CD8 and I've been seeing a surge in CM since CD6 so I guess I should be OVing soon although OPKs have been negative so far, which is fine with me since today is date night and I really, really need a cocktail!

Happy Thursday everyone. I send you love, prayers and lots of baby dust.

8 years ago

Her sister doesn't know she's been TTC all this time. She does, however, know she's had a miscarriage, so you would think that would come into play, right?

Ebordeaux - test!!

Aniayka - your weight is rleated to your PCOS, not the other way around. Have you had any testing done to see if you have MTHFR mutations or other disorders? They often go hand in hand with PCOS.

Misc - where are you located?

I'm still testing out my trigger right now. And waiting...

8 years ago

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