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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Based on my temps, I think the twinges occurred before I O'd. I'm fairly confident I O'd overnight or that morning before I went in, so I'm not stressing out as much now. Mandy also gave me some info from her experiences where the doc said the twinges come quite a bit before the actual O. There's nothing I can do about it now anyway, so I've calmed down and am hoping for the best.

8 years ago

I'm coming back to you crazy girls. I was really hoping to stay calm and composed this cycle but my body is playing with me again, makes me get my hopes up.
First my temps seemed low like I didn't oved, then I spotted the days I expected my period then my temp went down for a day, came back up and rose today.
And beside generally feeling crap, being bitchy, not being able to fall sleep and tingly breast, and having very dry mouth which is right within my pms symptoms, yesterday I noticed that my nipples are "flowing out" As in the color is leaking to the skin outside, they are also very soft and tender.
I got a bfn on Friday with fmu. I do expect it to be my PCOS acting up but I still hope for the bfp.

8 years ago

Aniayka - good luck!

8 years ago

Hey there ladies! I know, I know. I show up, post for a few days, and then disappear ... I promise, I'm not dead NOR do I have any terrible news to spread. Not really, anyway.

This past Monday DH and I got to see our little bean at my viability scan, and sure enough - this pregnancy is TOTALLY viable! He/She measured 6+3 and had a HB of 102 BPM. 102 is a little on the low side, but considering that the heart had only been beating for a couple of days, the RE assured me that soon it would be galloping away! It made me feel much better! I have my first "official" OB appointment with the Dr I'll have this Friday morning, and I'm really hoping for another scan just to see how everything is progressing. This baby is intent for putting Mommy through the wringer though, that's for sure. Morning sickness has totally hit home, albeit nothing nearly as awful as Hopeful has suffered, thank God! Just a general feeling of "unwell" most of the day, with waves of nausea that have left me reeling and WISHING that I could puke. It's almost like I'm hovering over the toilet after a night of binge drinking with friends at the bar, praying to puke (because you know you'll feel better), but not being able to. I hate that feeling. I've actually broken out my Sea Bands (elastic "bracelets" with a plastic ball that applies pressure to a pressure point on your wrist) which help with nausea without meds, and let me tell ya - they've made life worth living, that's for sure! I still get queasy, but rarely and not nearly as bad. I've also had the fatigue, the extreme bitchiness (my husband HATES that part of pregnancy the worst), and the off & on headaches. Oh, and the boobs. The boobs! I HAVE BOOBS!! I went up one cup size with my son and then after nursing they shrank to smaller than the "almost A cup" they were before I got pregnant. With this one though, I'm already at a C up and it's GLORIOUS!! DH likes them too!

The crap news isn't really news at all, just confirmation of what I already knew. We have "officially" narrowed DH's probable date of deployment to Afghanistan down to a 4 day window between the 25-29th of next month. We won't know for sure until about a week out, as flights solidify. I only have about another month with him. He's going to miss the entire pregnancy. He had the option to stay home since I was pregnant (they have more soldiers than they need), but we talked and made the decision that he should go. It will be much more beneficial for his career, which will put him 9 months closer to being promoted again - which in turn will make things better for our family in the long run. Do you know how hard that was? To know that with one word I could keep my husband home from a combat zone, but making the decision to send him anyway? He left the decision up to me since I was the one having the baby. I told him to go. That the end result was the important one. And that I'm a strong enough woman to have this baby; we'd just be here waiting on him when he gets home. Ya know, people tell me "You knew how it was going to be when you married a soldier," all the time when I mention how hard it is to raise a family with Daddy deployed. And they're right. But I always tell them, "Yeah, but that doesn't make it SUCK any less."

So that's me on my soap box, and now I'm done. I'm heading to bed, so I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow or the next day. Just wanted to let everyone know that we're all still kickin' over here!

Love you girls!


8 years ago

2Frsty - I'm glad you got good news on your scan! I hate you'll be pregnant and without your husband. I hope the time goes by quickly for you both.

8 years ago

Aww frsty great to hear all is well, so pleased for you, told you you wont need a boob job yay, I admire your sensibility and unselfishness, (thats a mouthful to say), I would be quite the opposite probably but of course yours is the right decision and will pay of in the long run and in your little babys interest, well done you -x-
Phat hows you lovely, any symptoms yet, Im only 5dpo at mo but will test 10dpo prob, had headaches last 2 days and lots creamy cm but implantation not happened yet so dismissing it, for now anyway, Im so impatient lol -x-
Sorry to hear AF here Hoping, hoping this next time is your cycle
to all

8 years ago

Pinkster - I'm okay. No news this way or symptoms that can't be explained by the progesterone or hCG shot. I'm only 3dpiui, though.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Hi all! Just trying to make a few friends on here as feeling bit crazy at mo! My neighbour has just had her baby and I'm so happy for her and want to have my own! Is there such a thing as baby envy?!

8 years ago

Misc - welcome! Yes, pregnancy and baby envy are very real.

8 years ago

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