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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Girls!

Pinkster, in Prague the Prices are relativelly accesible, a Standard IVF costs 2200 euro, ICSI 600 euros. It is also legal in Prague to have IVF with donated eggs and/or donated embrios. So the possibilities are somewhat expanded there.

take a look here:

2Fristy - congrats honey! I am so happy for you!

Wish you all ladies a great day!

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8 years ago

2Frsty, Great numbers!!! Good Luck at your scan.

Hi Astrid!!!

Pinkster, I have never used a test twice. I tried not to test at all. :-) I hated seeing BFNs!

AFM, Friday the 1st we went in for our 6 week scan and little man looks GREAT!!! Even seen the heartbeat :-) Friday night around 9:30 I get up off the couch to blood pouring down my legs, bright red blood! Not a little, A LOT! I was freaking out. Wouldn't you? Yes! Stayed off my feet all weekend, passed a couple clots on Saturday. Totally expected the worst. Saturday through Monday morning was spent crying. Hating my body! I just couldn't understand how everything could go from perfect to over in less than 10 hours. My husband and friends/family have got to be the most positive people I have ever met. I know it is possible to bleed and not miscarry, and I also know it's even more likely in IVF pregnancies but again, who truly thinks everything is okay??? We get in the room, I tell him what happened and he puts the wand in and BAM! There is my little mans heart just a beating away :-) 115 to be exact which is great for exactly 6 weeks, everything measures perfectly on schedule. My husband cried, I cried, the Dr acted like I was crazy for being concerned. Lol. We go back on the 15 for our 8 week scan. He found the blood inside, he said he thinks the placenta forming hit a blood vessel and to not be alarmed if I bleed anymore because if my body doesn't absorb it then it will flow out eventually. Oh, and I still have ZERO symptoms. Not a single one that I can say I 100% blame on pregnancy.

AND GUESS WHAT????? My beautiful niece was born at 3:11am weighing 6lbs 2oz and 18" long and absolutely perfect. When I held her it was like holding a baby doll! My daughter was 8lbs 9oz 22-1/2" Long so she was like a 3 month old baby at birth! Lol.. She called me at 12:40 and had just got to the hospital, we got there at about 1:40 and by 2:45 she was crowned and ready to go. THREE pushes and out she came. Pushed for less than 5 minutes. Easiest labor I have ever seen and I have seen about 6 of my nieces, nephews, and besties babies be born. I can only hope mine is easy :-)

8 years ago

Mandy - I am so thankful everything is okay. I would have freaked out, too! Congratulations on your niece.

8 years ago

Wow Mandy, that woulda frightened the beejeseus outta me, thank goodness your both ok, -x-

8 years ago

Mandy--> I would've shit a brick and gone straight to the ER! I'm so glad baby is still hanging on, al perfect and stuff! Have you created a profile on Countdown My Pregnancy and joined a due date club? I did it with John and met my very best friends in the whole world. What's your due date again??


8 years ago

2Frsty, my EDD is 11/25 going by my period and embryo age when we transferred but he said at my 8 week scan is when we will set the due date by measurements. Going off my measurements now it is 11/28. I have somewhat created the profile, I haven't went public with it yet on the site. I'm so used to being with the ladies on here that I have been hanging with all these years that I haven't put to much thought in to it. Or maybe it's fear of jinxing the pregnancy, I dunno..

8 years ago

phatgurl- thank u :)

2frsty- those numbers are GREAT! I'm good, I'm 15 weeks and 3 days and found out this week that I'm having a baby girl :) Name is all picked out and everything. Not gona lie, this pregnancy has been really hard on me and my husband. We still think about our angel baby all the time and are really hoping this one sticks around for a lifetime. Also the morning sickness had been very severe in my case. The nausea and vomiting has not stopped unfortunately, it's been a little better the past two weeks but it's still there and it really messes with my everyday life. I've been having to go to my clinic to get IV's because fluids and water don't stay down. My prenatals also don't stay down and they make me really sick so baby is taking every nutrient and fat I have and isn't leaving me with much, I've lost 15 pounds so far but I think this week I have going maybe one or two back finally.
For almost 10 weeks I have been stuck at home, can't go to work, can't go to church, can't go to the store to buy food etc. I seriously feel handicapped, I'm constantly dizzy so I've been on bed rest and when ur on bed rest for that long and u don't really see people or go out it messed with ur head in weird ways. Thank God my parents are living with me at the moment other wise I have no idea how I would have survived this far without my moms care everyday while my husband is at work.
I also started experiencing panic attacks. 3 Sunday's ago is when they started and poor hubby he got so freaked out he called 911 because I wasn't responding and I got all twitchy in my arms and legs. And don't even get me started on the recurring yeast infections.
Point is, although I'm WAY over the moon about my pregnancy, because I know first hand how hard it is to get pregnant, it has been challenging.
Anyway, back to you :) so how far along are u?


xomandyxocheyxo- I'm glad u and baby are ok and Congrats on ur niece!!

8 years ago

Hopefull - I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Pregnancy can be so very rough. I hope you start feeling much better soon. I'll be thinking about you!

8 years ago

Hopefull--> That's AWFUL! I can't even imagine! Have they tried the Phenergan suppositories? I'm sure they have, but with my BFF she had it so bad with her 3rd that she was having to use the suppositories round the clock! I'm not 100% sure when my due date is; I can only assume that it would be a pregnancy from last cycle's IUI, and based off that I would be due the 1st or 2nd week in December. I had a very easy pregnancy last time, so I'm kinda just waiting for the shoe to fall with this one, ya know? I'm right around 6 weeks preggers, so the hardcore symptoms should be starting any ol time now. So far only the fatigue and frequent peeing has truly set in, although I've felt a tiny bit of stretching the past couple days. I'll go in for a viability scan on the 18th of this month which will give me an idea of how many babies we're looking at and exactly how far along I am. Considering that I had 6+ follies matured and ready to go at the time of my IUI last cycle, there's a decent chance I could be carrying multiples, although I don't wanna get my feathers all ruffled just yet.


8 years ago

Hopeful just cos your pregnant dont mean you cant complain and update us now n again, we love hearing from you, I had (morning) sickness with all 3 pregnancies all day/night and so did my mum, apparently its a good sign baby's hormones are strong but thats no consolation when you feel so rough and loosing weight, there are things you can take now, (wasnt back then for me 20yrs ago) and it will calm down later on, hang in there and take it a day at a time, eat what you feel comfortable with and keep up your vit tab etc, the last 3 months were the best for me
I did another test this morn and uploaded ladies, a very feint line again, Im thinking faulty batch gonna try diff test tom morn still no symptoms though apart from this aching in side/back, thought it might be my kidney, (had probs wih it most my life) or sciatica again, oh well time will tell
frsty, how exciting, twins/triplets/quads -x-

8 years ago

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