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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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So what gives?? I'm gone ONE day and everyone goes haywire posting?!

First thing's first: HopefullMommy --> to you my friend!! Oh how exciting!! I pray the Lord wraps His hands around your tiny bub and holds on tight, sheltering him (getting the vibe for some reason ) from anything that might do him harm, physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually! (I'm not sure if you're a spiritual person, but I am ... I all of a sudden was feeling led to pray for your bub, I hope you don't mind!)

CateEgg --> It's great to hear from you, girl! So happy you were able to see your gestational sac on the u/s! You'll feel so much more relieved when you can see that fluttering heartbeat on your forst "official" scan, but I'm sure all is well with the little baby bean!

Baby_Dreams --> that keeps her hind end far away from you this cycle! How long is your LP usually running? Mine is anywhere from 14-16 days.

Tara --> I'm lucky in that as long as it's on a timed intercourse cycle, Tricare pays for all except a $20 copay per injectable. Thank God! I looked up the out-of-pocket cost of the meds I'm on, and just for this cycle alone, the cost of my meds would've been $1865 if insurance hadn't paid for it. So far they're going OK. My belly is a bit sore, but not too bad. I try to alternate sides every day. As far as taking a break - I think you need to do what you need to do for YOU. Whether that's breaking for monetary reasons, or just to give yourself an emotional hiatus, you've gotta do what is best for YOU. You know we love and support you 16298365% lady!

Didn't leave anyone out, did I? If so, don't take it personally; y'all know I still love y'all more than my luggage!

AFM: Had another scan today, and I'm feeling much better now. Still borderline OHSS, but it's looking a bit more like it's controlled. Had lots of follies hanging around (especially on the right side), but only about 5 of them were big enough to possibly trigger in a few days. Biggest one was 13 mm, I believe. My RE wants me to keep with the 150 mg of Follistim for another couple of days, and I'll be going back for another scan on Wednesday morning. Hopefully I'll be ready to trigger! DH and I tonight, and thankfully I was able to find my Softcups at the grocery store for MUCH cheaper than at Walgreens! I got a lot of writing done today on my blog; it was nice to actually get my post done the day OF my appointment, instead of days later! I even got some good pictures of my ultrasound this morning! If anyone wants a good read, I'll include the address at the bottom. It's had almost 400 views just today - I've never had so many people take an interest in my views before in my life!! Very exciting!


8 years ago

Oh, and just an update on the Rosacea. I made the time to head to Dillard's and to spend some time with the Dermablend representative, allowing her to color match me. I was hesitant, but I was also desperate to cover this monstrosity I have sprouting out of my neck that I call my face. The color seemed right, but if you've ever let anyone do your makeup FOR you, it's NEVER done the way you would want it. So I went home, and a few days later I washed my face using the new Oil Cleansing method I've found, and took the time to do my makeup myself. The results? See for yourself!

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Y'all. I sent the pictures to both family and friends who've known me forever, and to a select few that have only known me for a little while. I cried like a little girl when not one or two, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON that I sent it to replied with how beautiful I looked! I've done my face every single day since then! You girls gave me the courage to do it even though the foundation is expensive, and now I feel like the real me is FINALLY able to come through! And get this: I went to Walmart by myself to pick up a couple things and I (yes, me) got FLIRTED WITH! That hasn't happened in YEARS!!


8 years ago

Hiya 2frsty, wow girl you look amazing and a nice boost to your confidence, I sometimes break out in nasty boils so whats the foundation you use now although they might not do it in England I might be able to get it online.... Im ov this weekend so me and DH will be busy, tried the pregnancy vits this month and prob Clomid next month if my partner can get his sample to docs in time, hes dreading it bless him, a friend on here said use flaxseed and geratol if i can get hold for it so if i dont fall this month I really hope we do next, Im 45 so knocking on a bit and every time I dont fall I think its maybe to late for us, DH-55yrs, lots of baby dust to us all, so many supportive people on here, been reading for a couple of months but then joined last month yay oh and lots of happy news this month so far so spread that baby dust and good vibes -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

2Frsty - the Dermablend worked perfectly for you! I used to use that to cover a tattoo on my leg. It's good stuff, but I never thought of it for my rosacea.

Hopefull - Congratulations!!

Pinkster - you may want to go in to see a reproductive endocrinologist if you haven't already. I'm 41, and my OB did not want to try to help me get pregnant due to age, so she sent me to an RE.

Cate - so glad you got to see your little one!

Baby Dreams & Young - welcome!!

Holly - fingers crossed for you!!

Tara - I hope focusing on working out brings you the peace you're hoping for and helps you get your body ready.

I'm sure I missed someone, so I'm sorry.

My nips are the most sore they've been since my first pregnancy. I'm assuming the birth control I'm on for my cysts is causing that. Some of you may remember that I found out about 6 months ago my back is broken, and I am a weight lifter. I had to stop lifting for some time, and then I was just plain scared to start back due to avoiding pain. I started back a week ago, and I'm hopeful I'll be able to continue. My body hurts just about everywhere. Since I'm not TTC this month, it's giving me something to focus on. Now if I can work up to eating as much as I should be to grow my muscles, that would be awesome. Also great news - I've been trying to kick my coffee habit for a long time. I typically drink 2-3 cups a day, but I know it isn't good for TTC, so I had been trying to cut back to 1 cup a day, and I wasn't always successful. Well, yesterday morning I woke up, and I didn't even want any coffee!! I'm drinking a cup of hot tea as we speak which has a lower caffeine content, but I went all day yesterday with no caffeine. I plan on ordering the caffeine-free version of the tea I like best from amazon Friday when I get paid. It's nice to have one less addiction to feed. I quit smoking over 6 years ago for the 4th time, and I still want to smoke, but I don't. Anyone else struggling with addiction?

8 years ago

Hiya Phatgirl, never heard of a reproductive endocrinologist and the doc never suggested seeing anyone else, thats prob someone id have to pay lots of wonga for at an infertility clinic, im gonna try this weekend and then got the flaxseed oil and geritol for next month if nothing happens, id like to get the clomid to try but dh not keen on sperm being tested at mo :( Lots of love n luck to all -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Thank u so much 2 Frsty!! I'm a spiritual person too so I don't mind it one bit! I need all the prayers I can get.

I got a call from the doctor today saying that my progesterone levels are ok but my HCG levels are on the low side so to come back and get my blood taken again to see if it doubles.

Not gona lie, pretty worried.
I took another HPT this morning and it wasn't as dark as yesterday's so that made me wonder what was going on and then I get the call about my HCG levels being low so now I'm scared of another MC

Im sorry to hear about ur skin. I'll keep u in my prayers for sure. U look beautiful either way!


Phatgurl- Thank u! Addictions are tough but I'm proud of u, keep it up!

8 years ago

Thanks Phatgurl!

2Frsty may I start by saying one thing? FLAWLESS make up...I wish I were that good at making up my face. But my LP is usually 14 days to the T except last cycle when it was about 2 days shorter, which I feel like was my fault (details in my journal 'How could I be so careless?!') This cycle is so strange...usually AF shows up 1st thing in the morning after 14 dpo. This time I spent my day feeling like I would finally get my BFP because AF was nowhere to be found all day on "15 dpo" (I ALWAYS spot at AT LEAST 1-2 days before). Then I get home around 9:30pm to find that I've started spotting

I just knew this was it. So many new "symptoms", so many normal symptoms missing. It's like my body is just playing cruel games with me every cycle. If hubby wasn't around I would have cried, but I knew that would make him feel way worse so I just held back. I'm still testing in the morning like I had planned...Usually I avoid testing when I know it will be a BFN, but I feel like I actually need to see it to confirm that nothing I felt in my TWW was any type of pg symptom. Plus this just does not feel like my usual AF. Doing my best to stay positive...

8 years ago

Dreams - Thanks girl! And I'm definitely no makeup artist; it's actually quite pathetic - I'd been doing my makeup the same way since I was a teenager (which was *$%&#& years ago), and when I decided to branch out, I had to go to my 18 year old niece to re-learn everything I "thought" I knew about makeup. Were you temping this cycle? It honestly sounds like you might've O'd a little later than you thought? Usually the LP doesn't deviate that much. (Unless you're me!)

Hopeful - As hard as it has been for you, I know it's even harder not to stress. But what will be will be, and just because the levels are a little low, that doesn't mean you'll end up having another MC. I'd POAS again tomorrow and see how your progression looks comparatively against the other 2. And of course I'd go to have another beta drawn.

Pinkster - A reproductive endocrinologist is the medical term for a "fertility specialist." And you're right about one thing; they ARE expensive to see! And I completely understand about your DH not wanting to have his spermies checked - my DH has done it twice, and it was like pulling teeth both times. Some men have trouble believing that THEY could be the problem. And the makeup I used was called Dermablend.

phat - I struggle with addiction every single day. I was a pack-a-day smoker for 15 years, and quit the day I got my BFP with John. Haven't smoked a real cigarette since, but I did have a year or so long spat with e-cigarettes; I have all but quit them completely, and one the VERY rare occasion when I do vape a bit, the juice I'm using has 0 nicotine. I'm a caffeine junkie, and I'm trying desperately not to let the narcotic pain regimen I'm on for the back/hand/SI joint pain get the best of me. I know that all makes me sound like a TERRIBLE person, especially when I'm TTC ... but I promise, I'm not. At least I don't think I am.

AFM: Cervix is super high, soft and partially open. And because DH has a PT test early in the morning and he was "too tired" when I got home from the class I took tonight, we didn't BD. And now I'm feeling some cramping in my right ovary. I pray to God I'm not O-ing before I get the chance to trigger, and we missed all those beautiful little eggies!!! I'm praying that my u/s tomorrow morning shows that I haven't O'd yet and we still get to trigger!!


8 years ago

Hello! My husband and I decided to start trying for #4 and Im just looking for some friends to talk to. Back story my youngest is 2 and I had to use Clomid to get pregnant with him. My doctor says I have less than a 10% of concieving naturally. I have a blood test on Friday to find out if I ovulated. I got off birth control in October 2015 and basically letting nature take its course. But so far no go.

Would love to make some friends who know what Im going through. Im currently 6 DPO today...if I ovulated.

- Becky

We have 3 kids and trying to TTC for #4 Kaitlyn 11/17/2004 Abigail 05/14/2007 Eli 12/19/2013

8 years ago

Hiya HopefulMummy, I feel for you and Im quite spiritual too and really hoping all goes ok, try to stay positive sending a mega baby dust sticky cloud your way to strengthen little beans chances -x-x-x-x-

Thankyou 2Frsty, ive ordered some dermabland, hope it work as well on me as it has you and thank you for your support, hope you still manage to get those spermies in in time lol

Aww babydreams I hope the test goes ok and you get your BFP,

Hello and welcome dailey33, good luck on your journey Becky and you will find lots of love, support and help on here, its a great site and helps alot to get you through the tough times, hope you get your Positive soon, I will get to try the Clomid next month hopefully :) -x-x-

Will be OV from Sat/Sun so fingers crossed this weekend for success.
We all deserve positives for effort alone :) -x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

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