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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey ladies! I'm stalking the thread and waiting for some updates!

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8 years ago

I think I'm officially 1 dpo. I had a temp spike this morning. I had 2 days of strong positives and cramping in both ovaries yesterday!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

8 years ago

Omg it's horrible! Feel like it's all I think about, and with the eye rolls of people around me not wanting to hear more of: I might be. It's horrible. And no matter what anyone says, no one can speed the waiting up. My bf is here for me, but I still feel so alone. Just waiting, an wanting a little baby to be growing inside of me. I just want to lay down and cry... 10 to 13 dpo's and im scared to buy a test :( first month I don't know when I ovulated, and have minimal symptoms (only ones that say "pregnancy symptom"). Just feeling like I'm failing my bf. I just... may just be a little emotional today... sorry for the rant :(

8 years ago

@babybump- We feel you honey! The tww is a crazy emotional time. Wait...who am I kidding, this entire period in our lives is a crazy emotional time. You rant all you want to sweetie.

The past 36 hours has felt like an emotional roller coaster. Woke up yesterday morning at 2dpo. For the heck of it, I popped the thermometer in my mouth to confirm I OVd. The thermometer was having issues like there's a short in it. After a couple tries, it finally started working again. My normal pre-ov temps are 96.9-97.7 and my post are usually 97.8- 98.5. When I looked at the thermometer my heart dropped...97.6! I quickly retemped on the other side of my mouth cause they are usually different....97.7! I almost burst into tears . I started to panic so I grabbed my phone and googled like a mad woman.
Throughout the day I read and researched everything I could find on bbt being affected by a trigger shot. I found that RE's tell you not to temp after trigger shot because it affects many women's bbt chart. I found sooo many girls freaking out that their temps hadnt rose and thought the trigger shot failed. In most cases, the trigger caused a delayed rise in bbt. Sometimes, they'd be 4 dpo or more before their temps showed ovulation. However, there is very small percent of women who dont ovulate on the trigger shot (I ov'd on it once before). In some cases, the follicles were too immature or all the follicles were cysts. I worried about the latter but my estradiol was too high for all the follicles to be cysts. So right now, I'm in bbt hell. I didnt temp this morning cause I just couldnt bring myself to do it. I could start my progesterone and just spend the next 2 weeks wondering if I did OV or if I was pregnant. Or I could temp tomorrow and see where I stand. If it's up finally, then I'll start my progesterone tomorrow night. If it's still down...then I'll call the dr and request a progesterone test to make sure. It's like...I dont want to know cause I dont want it to be over yet. I could drive myself nuts for 2 weeks wondering or just find out now and get the cry/depression/pity party over with. I'm scared. I just so badly want to temp tomorrow and it be 98 degrees or above. I'll let you know tomorrow. Oh and the trigger is almost out of my system too.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara, first let me start off by telling you this. For the 8 times I triggered, I NEVER got a significant temp jump. NOT EVER. I finally stopped temping to check for ovulation. My temps stayed super super low on fertility drugs. After doing three months worth of progest tests to confirm ovulation, I got tired of stressing over it. To ease your mind, yes I would request a test to confirm it. However, if you have to do this again in future cycles, DO NOT TEMP!

If you go let me know what they say!

8 years ago

Thank you for the warm welcome ladies :)

Unfortunately my temp dropped and af is due Friday although it normally drops the day of....

Took a FRER yesterday and got a BFN.

waitingonmymiracle: My lap recovery wasn't too bad. I had it done on a Friday (was at the hospital a total of 3 hours. 1 hr waiting. 30 minute surgery. 1.5 hrs recovery) and went back to work on Monday and worked a half day. By Tuesday, I was good to go as long as I didn't do too much walking. The evening of the surgery was a bit painful but I stayed at my mom's until the boyfriend got off work and he took care of me the whole weekend. I was lucky that my mother babysat my daughter until Monday to help me recover.

athena8789: I hope this is it but my temp drop is making me this is was just a freak spotting :( Been TTC for almost 1.5 years and this was a first...

8 years ago

Hi ladies, I'm kind of new to this and a little past the whole two week wait, I'm a week late with no strong signs of AF just little ones that are the same as pregnancy symptoms. I keep getting BFNs though so I'm not really sure whats going on and its drivng me nuts :(

8 years ago

Congrats on being officially in the TWW Athena!

Tara - Mandy is right, stop temping. I've read that your temps may be all over the place once your body has HCG in your system, so perhaps it is the same with the trigger.

Babybump - sorry you are having a tough time and believe me we all understand. GL this cycle and hope this one is it!

AFM - I'm CD8. Took my last clomid pill yesterday. Yesterday I took 150iu of Gonal-f and took another one today. I'm scheduled for a midcyle U/S on Friday. I sure hope I have at least 2 good size follicles from the 6 they saw at my baseline U/S.

Ditzyblndathrt - It is still early. Maybe the temp drop is implantation. Fxd!

Blondeincognito - sorry you are in limbo. Any chance you have been stressed? AF is sometimes delayed when you are under a lot of pressure (or exercising a lot). When I was in basic training, I did not have a period for 6 months! That was a little extreme, but hopefully AF or a BFP will be on its way soon.

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8 years ago

Blondeincognito: At the beginning of the year, I had missed my period. I ended up getting it 3 weeks late due to stress. Since my lap, my cycles have been 27-29 days except for that one. It could be stress related. But I do hope you get a bfp. I've heard of people not getting a bfp on a test until they're 8 weeks along. It is a possibility.

8 years ago

I didnt think it was stress because this past month has been the least stressed ive been in almost a year everything has been great. I guess we will just have to keep waiting and see I know my mother never got any BFPs until she was three weeks late. maybe its genetic LOL

8 years ago

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