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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Great news Tara!!!!! That is a lot of follies :-) My scan showed one HUGE and two mediocre. Lol. I do my IUI today and we will only get the IUI as our only chance cause DH is going out of town and I am not going so we shall see!

8 years ago

@waitingonmymiracle awesome news! Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one who has the crazies. I mean honestly you would think with all of these technologies we have for everything else they could do something about the TWW!

Anywho... It's now CD28 - 13dpo no sign of AF but I am cramping a lot like she is coming! Ugh! My boobs have been tender but I don't know if they are PMS symptoms or early BFP symptoms. We have a blood test scheduled for Monday and I'm trying to be good and not take a hpt. My partner took them out of the house because I was testing everyday and the disappointment was starting to take a told! Besides if we are paying for all the these visits and test why spend all this money on extra hpt.

I'm also starting to have vivid crazy dreams about my past and present! I could say these could mean something but I promise my mind can persuade my body into feeling anything! These last couple of days I've had strange cravings! One night for dinner I had to have a fried bologna breakfast sandwich. Strange huh?

We are hoping for the best! This would be an awesome holiday gift!

I do have one question... How are you all calculating your Ovulation date? When you have a surge using OPK? Or using the tools on here by calculating your average cycle and plugging it in the calculator. I just want to make sure I am calculating the right way.

Good luck to you all as well! In my Oprah voice! Everybody gets BFPs!

8 years ago

Athena - :(

Tara - I'm cheering for your follicles and actually hope you get a + OPK this weekend, so maybe your chances of quadruplets is lower. I know you'll be pleased with any number of babies, and I believe you can handle no matter how many you are blessed with, though. <3

Mandy - good luck!!

brimsuqt - most people check by a combination of temping and OPK's. Temping will confirm that you DID ovulate but cannot predict it, and OPK's tell you you're getting a surge of LH but cannot confirm you ovulated. So, if you use both, you should know when it's coming up and that it did occur. Otherwise, you can use temping to establish a pattern of when you normally O, and you can have sex 4-5 days before and 4-5 days after that date, at least every other day, to try to make sure you catch your egg in the event you O earlier or later than expected. Good luck on your hcg draw!

8 years ago

Holy shit batman! 209 million sperm before wash!!! And we have done NOTHING! He even stopped taking the 10 thousand vitamins a couple months ago cause we were just waiting to do IVF pretty much. After wash there was 58 million in the .5ml they can inject :-) I will take that!

@Brim, my last several cycles have been IUIs so ovulation is timed by HCG shot. Before all that though I ovulate the day after my first positive OPK, I usually get two days of positives. I don't go by CM cause I never really get an excessive amount of it.

8 years ago

@xomandy- OMG! That's so awesome I had to make a batman meme for it! ROFL!
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@brimsuqt- fried bologna breakfast sandwich? That does sound strange but I awkwardly want to try it now . I agree with what phat and xomandy said. I have pcos so without supplements or ovulation meds like I'm on now, my ovaries just wont do their job. During my loooong untreated cycles, I used to temp everyday because I didnt have to wonder constantly if I had or hadnt OV'd. When I'm on meds though, I temp everyday and I start taking opks about cd 12 even though I dont OV til cd 20ish on meds. I usually OV within 12-24 hours after I get an lh surge then my temp spikes and I can determine that I OV'd the day before the temp spike. However, this cycle, I'm not temping. It's my first RE cycle and he's watching me super he told dh to break my thermometer LOL . He told me of a study done that women that temp had less bfps than women that dont temp because of the added stress. He suggested that if I did temp, to not temp during the tww. After 6 m/c's, he doesnt want me any added stress during my tww. And I totally read your last sentence in oprah's voice. lol

@lisserb- He's hoping that being on the follistim through saturday with my last shot being at 10pm on saturday night, that the hormones should keep OV from happening but he said there's a small chance of it happening. So he wants us to start having sex everyday starting today. I'd love to have an iui this cycle but we dont have the $700 for it unless we charge it. Based on the amount of previous pregnancies and dh's recent swimmers test, he doesnt think we need an iui but he'd be willing to do it if we wanted to. So unless God sends us a $700 blessing in the next couple days, we'll just do it the old fashion way . Not gonna lie, there's a part of me that has thought of doing a last minute go fund me page to up our chances.

I realized something this morning that was an oh crap moment....I cant wear jeans! My lower abdomen is too sore for them. Then I realized I have a legitiment reason to wear yoga pants everyday

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

That sure is a lot of sperm!!!

Tara - yoga pants rule!!

8 years ago

Wow Mandy!! Undoubtedly at least one will make it to the target!

Tara id never wear jeans if I could get by with it. I either look good dolled up or I look like I haven't bathed in a month - no in between for me!

Dh is really really sex driven .. I could bribe him to do anything lol but I don't. I feel now that its too easy. All he has to do is change a couple extra diapers, throw dishes in the dishwasher & I'm ready to go?! Really? But, even helping a little (big props to him for helping ALOT) really does go a long way. I've had so much cramping .. like weird cramping. Almost like o pains but cramping in the same place. Bladder infection is still bad so I don't know how much is from one or the other. My friend has her gender reveal party today, can't miss this one cuz she's more like a sister.. just say an extra prayer for us. Gotta go get ready, love you girls & ill catch up with y'all layer this evening!

8 years ago

@jace- I'm trying to remember what dpo you are. I'm sorry your bladder issues havent cleared up. When they arent caused my an actual infection they are so iffy to treat (granted I'm speaking of animals in this case LOL). I'm thinking about you today honey. I'm hoping the party goes well.

I have like ZERO sex drive! Since I started the shots it's like my vagina just said, "ehhh, I'd rather nap". And making a baby is a lot funner when you really want some nookie. lol. Told dh he needs to up his game if he wants to Marvin Gaye and get it on :).

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara I totally sang the end of that!! Lol. I am 5dpo. Had a blast at the party!! She didn't know the sex either! During the ultrasound her & her Mon both turned their heads & her close friend found out & planned the party.. she was soooo excited! It was definitely amazing to be a part of & to be surprised with her. Most of us thought it was a girl so it was a shock to us all to find out she's having a boy! I'm so happy for her.. remember our friend we lost to cancer earlier this year, this is his sister. This miracle was just what her & her parents needed. And she's due right around the time he brother passed. What a great blessing.
Sorry your libido is in protest. Maybe your dh is planning something creative after you telling him to up his game!!

8 years ago

He must have wore himself out planning cause he's passed on the couch next to me snoring ! I'm fighting the urge to grab a feather and shave cream lol!
Did my last shot tonight but what's interesting is there's almost a whole other dose left in the cartridge. Apparently they add extra incase of mishaps with the pen. It's only good for 28 days so I hope it doesnt go to may not be much but there's probably $60 worth of medicine in it. The thought of not using it makes me cringe.

I'm so happy the party went well. I bet that was awesome seeing her so surprised :). And that is an amazing blessing for them :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

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