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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Wifey: Thanks and I know, but it was still kind of a blow

10 years ago

@wifey, thank you for the encouragement. Honestly, this is the first time i use OPK, for the past 8-9 months, I depend heavily on the app call "my days" and didn't work out. PLUS I had EP 8 years ago, lost a left tube. Prior to having a (+) OPK on cd12, I have no idea which day exactly I will ovulate.

** did another OPK test, it became (-) at 4.15pm today **

Means I have ovulated?

I hope soon I will be able to update the BFP!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Wifey: based on ff I'm on 9 dpo
Based on Ctp I'm 7

I would go with ff
But I have not temped this past week. I do not know if I ovulated, think I did but since it was early, maybe cd8, I don't hold high hopes that the egg was mature enough for fertilization so I'm just going thru the motions this month...
I'm definitely more relaxed about everything. Was not in a good place the last few days, just moody, very odd for me. Guess this pms hormones decided to play tricks on me this month, ugh!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies =)

Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing on this gloomy day. Windy and wet here, but fairly warm. I have a very busy weekend ahead and will probably be off grid for a while. It's cd6, has left the building as of yesterday and I'll be waiting for the August board =)

For those waiting to test:

10 years ago

@Penny, boo for the BFN . It's definitely not over yet, though! But if this isn't your cycle, it sounds like you'll have really good chances next cycle with Clomid.

@1stttc, I know . There is nothing more gutting than staring at a stark white HPT. It's why I've stopped testing almost entirely (since AF always shows before my planned test date). I know it's hard, but try not to obsess about it. Tons of girls here got BFPs after a few days of BFNs, so there is still a ton of hope (I know you know this already, haha)

@sugar, yes, I'd say that means you've ovulated. Congrats! And OPKs can be a life saver... hubby and I were definitely BDing too early in my cycle before I found out from OPKs that I ovulate later than I thought. Sorry to hear about your EP

@gvmdl, I'd go with the ff number too. I'm glad you're feeling more relaxed today.

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

@wifey, It feels so much better to know on the positive hope. As I was looking thru' previous months cycles. We didn't really hit the right "day" except for one or two months. Initially, we were thinking about eggs issue of mine.
Now that I roughly figured on I ovulated on cd12, ( pretty early ) I will track again. HOPEFULLY no need to track... LOL

I will test again (OPK ) later to triple confirm its (-)

As for EP, still worried But I believe BFP will suffice all.
Once again, thank you for your replies!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Hello, Ladies! I'm 4dpo today. I have a question/concern and I couldn't find a solid answer on the internet. I've had a slight sore throat since's lingering, but I do not "feel" sick...any ideas?? Thanks!

GL & baby dust!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Well, just found me. I wasn't expecting that so early. I wonder if I ovulated a day before I thought or if I just had a 10 day luteal phase. I called the doctor and left a message to get in there ASAP for the ultrasound/bloodwork to start my clomid cycle and I'm going to ask if I should be concerned that my luteal phases are so short. I took B6 and B12 for awhile to try to lengthen them but it didn't so I stopped. I didn't want to overload on something that wasn't affecting anything.

Sigh. On to August.

10 years ago

AFM: Good morning guys, so... my pink CM from yesterday turned into spotting/light bleeding yesterday evening. I was only 6DPO so I am pretty sure it is not AF, my temp also fell 0.2 degrees this morning. Any ideas?
Could I have an anovulatory cycle? (so much for indifferent, that turned into worried yesterday)
I have had creamy CM since 1DPO, this is just not normal, I think my hormones are crazy... once arrives I am going for the blood work and the ultrasound.

Blushing: TWW never flies by, as for your internal argument, I think everyone here agrees that we go through that daily, or maybe it is just me, I have a lot of space in my head for work and several personalities if I wanted to adopt some .
So like I said above, the pink CM turned into light bleeding, seems to have stopped, we'll see during the day today what is happening.
The pressure you feel, does it remind you the feeling of UTI, if you ever had one?

pennylane: So sorry got you, but it seems you have a plan in place for a future .
10-11 day luteal phase is ok, anything below 10 days can be an issue. Please keep us updated on what the doctors tells you.

rebecca: is always here for you. If you email the pictures to yourself as pictures hotmail makes the files smaller, hopefully small enough to upload.
Homeschooling your kids, this is awesome, this is what I want to do one day .

myluckyduck: Progesterone suppresses your immune system so any little virus or other things you would normally not feel or get are there during the TWW, your body is busy with other things and is not as able to fight it as usual. Try and help it with some herbal tea and honey , I hope it goes away fast.
and to you!

While: How are you? for you.

User Image

10 years ago

GVMDL: Keeping busy is great, I love being super busy... That did not happen in a while ...
So today you would be 7DPO? Like me ...
and to you!

Cristi: I hope Alf feels better fast, I think it is always incredibly hard to see animals and babies sick since they can't say anything and we are imagining the worst. You will both feel better in no time, as for the last one to be fixed... as an animal lover (despite being super allergic to fur) I know that no animal is your last one.
How have you been other than that?

sugarando: Welcome! And your chances are great as long as you 1-2 days before ovulation. Although if you had good CM, sperm can live up to 5 days, so chances are good.
Also, are you temping, temp and CM are very important, if you temp, once your temp rise and stay high it means you already ovulated, they normally rise around a day after ovulation. If you did not temp, than yes, once your OPK goes negative after it was positive it means you already ovulated.
Keep us updated

Lacey: on the new house, this is so exciting!!!!
Sorry IDK about progesterone....
After the bleeding yesterday I also have the urge to test, I am holding off for now to see if I continue bleeding or not, if I do I don't think there is a point to test...
[fingers] for a for you Sunday morning.

1st: At least you know that the chances of anything but a on 7DPO is so minimal, be strong. and to you! When are you testing next?

Wifey: When is your bday?
What's IB, is that implantation bleeding? If so, I truly hope so, but since I also had creamy CM since 1DPO and I am reading TCOYF I am starting to think I did not ovulate this month...
I think I might test in a day or two, it will be 2-3 after the bleeding, if it was implantation there should be a very faint line, if no line probably no ovulation or something else wrong maybe...
I think this book freaks me out.
So if no tomorrow will you test?
and to you! Hopefully you are one more in our group !!!

Kizzy: Nice to see you, CD6, now all the excitement begins .

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10 years ago

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