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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Okay this is nasty & TMI but - I woke up around 7am with excruciating pains & was covered in blood.. ran to the bathroom & passed a lot of clots. What scared me was the size!! One was almost 8 inches long & bigger around than a hot dog weiner!!! Is that okay or normal? ?!

8 years ago

WOW! I'd give your dr a call just in case.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

I agree, call the doctor, Jace's Mom. And good luck with the new car. I am glad you made it home ok!

Thank you Phat, Mandy, Jace's Mom, and Waiting for the outrage on my behalf. I am still barely able to breathe when I think about last weekend. Good grief.

Mandy, there is still hope! Crossing fingers for you. We did our floors in June. All our stuff is still in boxes jammed in the closets. I like the place better emptier! It was a mess for a couple of weeks, but it is worth it! I am glad you had a good time in Arizona.

The insurance sometimes makes no sense to me. I may not get approved with my new insurance. They may make me do 3 more IUIs before allowing IVF. I had Oxford/United before and my new one is GHI/BCBS. I know it is stressful to make these big decisions.

2Firsty - The digital test is so disheartening with the big no. Sigh. You're not out yet, right? Not Kansas, NY.

Astrid, thank you. And fingers crossed for you, too.

As for me, 5dpo and just waiting.

8 years ago

Oh my, I have missed a lot ladies and I am so sorry for that! I spent 4 weeks in the hospital, this pregnancy is trying to kill me though baby is thriving while momma is nearly dying.

I'm home and even allowed to work a bit so I'm hoping to catch up on what's been going on with all of you. I'm wishing you all luck and baby dust and health!

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

8 years ago

Soooo aggravated! Dh had been looking for a cheap work car, just something cheap on gas where he drives almost 3 hrs everyday for work. Found a buddy that was gonna help him put & let him make payments on a car he was selling that gets 40 miles to the gallon .. defense not easy on the eyes - but its a work car that'd be great on gas. He goes to get it & it broke down before he made it home. I know he wouldn't have have meant to sell us anything if he'd known, it just shows our kind of luck. He's getting a trailer now to pull it back over there. I just pray that he doesn't say 'oh well your problem now.' Don't think he would, but I wouldn't doubt it with our luck. Sucky day so far. This is his weekend off, which he hardly ever gets, and he's already been gone moat the day trying to get all this lined out. Just want him home to spend time with us & not to be stressing about anything the rest of today!!

*update - as he's pulling the car back over there on a trailer the brake lines busted ob my blazer!!!!!! I'm telling ya this is our luck every single day its something .. takes a month or 2 of bad luck to have 1 great day!
Sorry for b*tching just had to let that out lol

8 years ago

Jace's - that sucks about the clotting & the both cars. I feel like my whole last year and longer has gone exactly like that.

Mandy - send me a FB message!

Late - still pulling for you!!

Missdani - I'm so sorry to hear about your hospital stay and how you feel. I hope you continue to feel better.

8 years ago

I'm really starting to wonder how much is left in there. I haven't had much bleeding at all .. only spotting until a clot passes then its a little more but not much. Then I'll go 2 or 3 days with nothing then another clot then spot the rest of the day then a couple more days of nothing. Nothing near what I thought it should be.

8 years ago

Well Friday was CD1! My Dr's office didn't return my calls and yesterday was CD3 and here I have no Femara. In a way I am relieved. I am mentally and emotionally drained. I checked my flow chart online Friday and it shows my lining was only 4.6 and if that is correct I am making them credit me back the $550 I spent on the IUI cause my Dr will not do them if your lining is less than 7. He was not there to measure, the girls in the office did all that. I was so pissed. I'm still pissed. We want to move forward with IVF but now it's like we question do we stick to this doctor or do we meet a couple and get a feel for them? It is such a HUGE step and Friday I just cried and cried. I felt so defeated.

I still do..

My house is still ripped apart cause of the floors. We kicked the travertine guys out! They started filling it wrong so it is at a screeching halt. We have to meet the owner out there today, hopefully it doesn't have to all be busted out. They start the wood today. Hopefully that goes smoothly. We leave Thursday for Colorado. I decided with the Colorado trip and everything going on in the house I am not doing an IUI this month. I am way too stressed to even bother trying.

Jessica, that sucks about the cars! What did your friend end up saying about fixing it? Hopefully your bleeding stops soon, I can't imagine going through that. As much as my miscarriages killed me, I was glad they all happened very early on. They have all been around 6/7 weeks so I only had a couple days of heavy bleeding and it come naturally.

@MissDani, I sure hope you start feeling better! What are they saying is wrong? My sister is 13 weeks and she has been sick every single day almost all day everyday of this pregnancy.

Hi Phat!!!!

Tara, how are you lady?

8 years ago

Jace - when I had my D&C, it was very early, too, and I had almost no bleeding afterwards. I wish I could give you better advice.

8 years ago

I'm sorry I've been so absent lately, girls. Things here have been crazy, and DH brought home more damn cooties and got the whole house sick. AGAIN! I'm fighting to try to get DS in to see a developmental pediatrician to get his delays diagnosed sometime between now and when his 1st appointment is scheduled NEXT JULY! So I'm juggling red tape, snotty noses, DH and his damn "man cold" and trying not to lose it. I think I'm failing at that.

Saturday was CD 1 for me today, so I started my Femara today on CD 3. Last month I had great P4 levels of 25.2 so I'm praying we have another good month! Money is REALLY tight this month, so I'm not gonna be buying any OPKs or HPTs. Just don't have the extra. Hell, all the money I've been spending on HPTs is part of the reason we're in the bind we're in.


8 years ago

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