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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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late --> THAT - is crap. I'm so glad everything finally worked out. You mentioned having to go to Manhattan ... are you in Kansas? My Daddy was stationed at Fort Riley when I was a kid, and DH and I are considering Ft Riley as a PCS option!

Jace's --> I am of NO use with what you're going through. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you're feeling ship shape again very soon!

waiting --> I've all but given up on this TTC thing. And the new FRERs have awful evaps, whereas the old ones didn't.

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Took this yesterday afternoon, after I finished mowing the lawn. Doesn't get much clearer than that, huh? I'm still having considerable breast soreness, which has usually subsided completely by now. I know that since I wasn't tracking O with my BBT, there's still "technically" a chance until AF shows, if I O'd after I felt the cramping instead of during. I give the hell up. I know that my progesterone was a 25.2 on CD 19, so I know that I had a good strong O. I just don't know when.


8 years ago

This birth control is really jacking me up . I have waves of nausea and then I crave pickles. No kidding...I ate a half of a jar of pickles yesterday ! I know i'm not pregnant...I'm just jacked up . AF is due around friday. Find it funny how my birth control schedule wound up the same as it was before.

@latetothegame- I'm so happy everything worked out. I was so worried that you were going to miss your egg and I jumped for joy when the dr said it was perfect timing!


@astrid- that is a weird month. stay away

@2frsty- I have never taken a digital test. Just seeing your 'no' makes me want to cry.

@xomandy- I'm thinking about you hun! Cant wait for an update!!

I'm off today so I'm reorganizing my baby making cabinet. I usually have tests, supplements, and everything ttc just thrown under my bathroom cabinet. I had to clear everything out before going out of town so my sister wouldn't get nosey and find anything when she came to feed my cat. I just realized I forgot where I stashed my bag of goodies so I had to search the house for them LOL. Found them in my ice skating bag in my closet LOL. Time to get organized!
I'm gonna go get a pickle!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tell me I'm not the only one that craves fruit roll ups when I see these packages! Lol!
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara - fruit roll ups - bahahahaha! Birth control always made me feel pregnant, including gaining at least 15 pounds over the first 2 months. I completely get it.

Jace's Mama - is your body feeling better today? Since the D&C makes your uterus the most fertile it basically can be, I would go ahead an try if you are up for sex. I believe that getting another BFP will help you heal, from my own experience.

BTW - if anyone wants to stalk me on facebook, I'm listed as Amy McKoy Morris. I can be crass & lift weights & have a weird sense of humor, but I'm a kind, caring person and love to meet people online and in real life. I'm in South Carolina.

late - that first day was total bullshit! I was so mad, then I read that things went well the next day, but I'm still mad. The part of them talking about how you got your new donor sample sent me through the roof!

2frsty - any update?

8 years ago

Should I just go ahead & start using opks since I have no idea what gonna go on this cycle? Tomorrow will be 2 wks since d&c. I think jumping back into ttc will help keep me occupied & I really can't handle the thought of waiting.

8 years ago

Jace's - I would.

8 years ago

And thank you Tara, now I really want some fruit roll ups & I don't have any!!!!

@phat-now I'm stalking you too lol .. I have been feeling better since yesterday .. the night before last was the worst, but after passing a lot more clots that night I haven't had any more of the sharp pains & the cramping has eased up. So now I'm praying the worst is over so I can get back in the saddle & ride again!! (Pun totally intended) its so nice to have a little humor back :) long road, but I'm taking a few steps forward. Thank all you wonderful ladies for lending support & prayers!! I am forever grateful ..

8 years ago

This might be a stupid question, but should I waste opks by using them while I'm still spotting after the d&c? I don't want to miss it in case I do but is there any chance I could ovulate while still spotting??

8 years ago

Phat, I can stalk you now :-)

Jace's, I'm so glad to hear you are going to jump right back on the band wagon! And again, I am so sorry you had to go through all this. Maybe your body will pick right back up and you will get another BFP :-)

Tara, fruit roll ups!!! LOL they do! I literally LOL'ed at the baby making cabinet! I finally cleaned mine out the other too. A lot had expired and some of it wasn't working for me so I trashed it. By not working I mean giving me crazy side affects!
The cake looks AMAZING, I seen it on FB and showed my hubby and we both agreed you should move to Texas! And cook and bake for us :-) I'm glad everything turned out so great. I bet you will be glad when you can start TTC! I dread having to take birth control if we have to move to IVF. I haven't taken birth control since High School. I hated it.

Astrid, I have 28-30 day cycles as well with a 14 day LP but on Femara I know I can have up to 16 day LPs so it sucks. Plays tricks on you. I always said unless I am a week late I am not testing. So far, I haven't!

@Late, holy cow! I just read your post and I bet you were having one hell of a day at the Dr. What a roller coaster ride! YAHHHHH for ovulation! Good luck on your TWW. So glad your insurance covered it. Our insurance covers ZERO fertility treatments and 100% of the fertility testing.. SUCKS! BCBS offers IVF coverage and we use UHC but own our own business and ours is "Small Group Coverage" and UHC only offers fertility treatments to groups with more than 50 or 150 employees enrolled, I can't recall what she told me. Either way our company will never employ that many people and I hate switching coverage after having it for so many years but BCBS may be a better option for our situation.

AFM, well 14DPO today so I should start no later than Saturday going by my other treated cycles. I do not feel pregnant, not at all so I expect to start. Still fighting a semi cold. It got better thank goodness before we left for Arizona Friday. Arizona was a BLAST!!! Did some shopping in Sedona, took a helicopter ride around the Grand Canyon, and ate wayyyyyyyyy to much fast food! Oh my goo9dness, I gained almost 8 pounds in 4 days!!!! That is why I do NOT do hotels! We usually rent houses when we travel so I can cook real food. Lol.
We started, well the floor people started demoing our floors today :-( and I am freaking out. I do not do well with out of order things and things I can't control. My house stays CLEAN, like really clean 24/7 and I left it this morning having so much anxiety that I dread going home! I just can't wait for it to be finished. We leave next Thursday for Colorado and I know they will not be finished with it by then and that makes me even more crazy. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I haven't even thought about what to do if this IUI didn't work. Hubs is leaving it up to me, however my Dr doesn't do any IVF procedures (retrievals or transfers) the month of December and that is where our IVF would fall if I started it this cycle so we may do a couple more IUIs but I am not even sure if I want to or just go back to doing it naturally until December when they can start my birth control then do retrieval in January and transfer in February. So stressful. Why can't we be lucky like everyone else. The only positive from all these infertility bull crap is I have met some of the best friends on here! You ladies are great, I love y'all! It has also made me appreciate the whole process that much more and has definitely taught me patience which is something I lack tremendously. LOL

If I missed anyone I am sorry, it only lets me go back so far!

8 years ago

A helicopter ride around the grand canyon? !!!! That must've been amazing Mandy!! So glad you had a great trip to Arizona :) and if I could find you on Facebook I'd totally be stalking you too! Lol

I'd been getting o pains yesterday & today, if the d&c was cd1 then it would've been right on time.. but I didn't use any opks cuz I thought there's no way my body is o'ing yet! So I really hope I didn't miss it. We went to a car lot just to 'look' but I fell in love so we ended up bringing it home!!!! In really excited about it. I don't think I've ever owned a vehicle that coat over 500 so I drove like 45 MPH the whole way home. And sooo glad I did cuz this stupid idiot pulled put right in front of me & I had to slam on the breaks cuz there was a car to my left & I couldn't get over. I was SO pissed, talk about some road rage. If she'd made me wreck my new car before I even made it home from the lot I would've beat her black & blue!!!! I'm very thankful I was going slow cuz had I been going the speed limit I don't think I could've missed her. Stupid drivers kill me! I can't believe the amount of trust we put in these people just to be out ob the road with them!

8 years ago

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