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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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2Frsty - This will be my second :) my son Jace turned 2 in May!So exciting to get to plan their bday parties!! After I could quit crying long enough to do it.. breaks my heart to see him get so big. I also had the horrible constipation with him but not until about 5 months or so. It was so bad I'd just sit on the toilet & cry & pray! It was worse than actual contractions!! I've been taking the fiber pills & walking/jogging, ill have to add the metamucil. This one is already so different from the first. Jace was really easy, I was just tired all the time. This time I was sick before I even tested! Last couple days have been better so hoping it stays that way!

8 years ago

Hello ladies. I'm new here and was stalking you guys for a bit???? and decided to introduce myself. I'm Pato and I've been TTC for three months now. I had a last month but that ended in a a week later. Had the green light from my OBGYN to try again and we started ASAP. I'm now 7 DPO with a boatload of symptoms including vomiting this hopeful this cycle..

2frsty . .... I know of a little boy who had similar issues to your John and it turns out that he had a hearing problem...IDK...hope I'm not being too forward

8 years ago

Pato--> Welcome! And no, you're not being too forward. That was honestly the first thing that we thought of. We had his hearing checked, and it's perfectly fine. So - back to the drawing board we went! Sending lots of to you!

Jace's--> God, I remember the constipation. I wish I could forget it!

AFM: Day 4 of 10 on the Femara. Day 4 that I ended up with a nasty headache verging on a migraine. I've made a very difficult decision. I've decided (after talking to DH and making my feelings known) that if we don't get our this cycle, I'm going to take a few months off from TTC and probably go on the Mini-Pill. The progestin in it should level off my hormones drastically and give me a few months away from the madness and rage of the PMDD. I feel like it's just one more thing I have going on in my life that is making me more and more of a crazy person. John's behavior is getting more and more out of control; as of 3 days ago he's added throwing things when he's angry into the mix of his numerous tantrums. That, and the 180 pound toddler I'm married to has seemingly managed to dump all knowledge of how to do/find anything for himself, which means that I am now working my tail off from morning to night to satisfy the needs of one man or the other. I have had days where I haven't had more than 20 minutes of "ME" time all day long, and that's if you added up the few minutes here and there that I was able to snag. Like today: I fed the kid, changed his butt, put on his favorite Mickey Mouse movie, and ran to jump in the shower. I wasn't even completely wet before my fully clothed and diapered child was climbing into the shower with me. So he got a bath, too. Then he didn't wanna get out of the tub. So I let him play in there with his toys (there was no more water in there) while I got dressed to take my car to the shop. I go in there to get him out and I got one of those "Look what I did, Mom" looks on his face. Oh yeah, he did EXACTLY what you're thinking he did. Crapped all over the inside of the tub - ya know, the same one I scoured the very night before?!? Thank God it wasn't something I had to fish out of the tub with a hook; it was soft enough that I could wash it down the drain, run a rag and some Scrubbing Bubbles over it and call it a day. Add to this insanity the mess of TTC and I'm a gnat's eyelash away from the nuthouse.


8 years ago

Oh wow...what a strong woman you must be. I'm praying for you honey because that sounds overwhelming to me...

8 years ago

Back to crackers & Ginger ale for me.. must've spoke to soon about feeling pretty good the last few days. I feel so bad for Jace, I haven't been able to play with him like I always have. And he loves outside, it's just been way too hot for me & have only been able to take him out for a few minutes at a time .. any suggestions or ideas of fun learning activities or crafts that will kept a 2 yr old interested for inside when its too hot to stay out?
2Frsty - ttc is extremely stressful.. I tried to go without temping & timing but it just stressed me out more cuz I had no clue what was going on. All I can say is stay super busy. I put my thermometer up & had so much going on in June that I truly had no time to even think about it. We just enjoyed each other & were spontaneous. Only bd once or twice around ov time so I really didn't think anything would come of it. I guess the laid back less stress approach was what we needed. Its impossible to make yourself not think about ttc when that's all you want, but staying really busy helps keep your mind preoccupied.

8 years ago

So I need some advise. I know y'all don't really know me very well yet, but I need to talk to other women about this stuff. I've been really having a difficult time as of late. John's pediatrician thinks he may be slightly autistic; he's pretty social and vocal with good eye contact (most autistic kids don't) but he's NEVER pointed at/to anything, he doesn't mimic sounds or gestures, and doesn't have more than one word and gesture that is understandable to strangers, and that's Bye-Bye. At 24 months, he should have between 50-60 single words and be starting to combine words to make 2 word sentences. He doesn't. He screams all the time. ALL the time, and his tantrums are out of this world. He lost his shit for 20 straight minutes because his Daddy had to shut the bathroom door to shower. His Dr put in a referral for him to see a developmental specialist at the children't hospital locally. His speech therapist said she's seen some kids wait 6-7 MONTHS to get him evaluated with this doctor. Matt wants to get a second opinion by another Ped to see what she thinks. Anyways, long story short, I've been stressed to the max, and Matt and I have been fighting like cats and dogs. Between having a special needs kiddo (his Ped said that regardless of the autistic DX or lack thereof, he's considered a special needs child until he's caught up) and having NO IDEA how to treat him and/or what therapies might help him, Matt getting moved to a different company (he's in the Army) out of the blue, the fighting and all the damn chores he gives me to get done throughout the day (in addition to the house, the laundry, the dishes, and cooking + taking care of a 33 pound toddler who screams at me and tosses fits all damn day) - I have felt like I'm a gnat's eyelash away from a nervous breakdown for the last week and a half. I've felt very inadequate in every area of my life. I finally told Matt how I've been feeling about all of this (after we ended up having a TERRIBLE fight over stupid crap), and he finally UNDERSTOOD! He said, "So ... you've been so irritable and hard on me and John because ... you feel like a failure as a wife and mother??" (I hadn't even used the word "inadequate" yet.) I said, "YES!!!!" Finally! I told him that I think we shouldn't try to have anymore babies since I'm not even doing what's right with this one. I told him that I wanted to get on the Mini-Pill birth control for a few months so my moods can regulate and I can unload the stress of TTC. He said he didn't want me to go on birth control, mainly because he feels that it takes God out of the baby making (or NO baby making) process. I haven't told him yet that I've already put in for a phone consult with my GYN to go ahead and have her call me in a script. Idk. Idk anything anymore. What I do know is that I feel like a crazy woman every day by around 3:00 pm. What should I do ladies? Should I take the pill to regulate my hormones and avoid the rage of the PMDD that makes the TWW so hard? What if I can't get Matt on board? I know it's ultimately my body and my decision, but I'd like to have his support. I really really really don't want to go behind his back.


8 years ago

I had to edit one reply, for some reason it posted mine twice. Sorry

8 years ago

Hi Ladies,

@2Frsty I am 30 weeks now will be 31 weeks on Sunday. Boy time flies. This is first baby, first pregnancy. I, honestly, think that your husband should be a bit more understanding to your situation and what you're going through with your son and you feeling of inadequacy. Ultimately, you are absolutely right, it is your body and your decision and while i understand that he is your husband and you don't want to go behind his back, it may be a better choice for you to take the stress off of TTC and regulate your mood. I would maybe try talking to him about it a little more and see if you can't convince him to get on board with you, but if you can't, then you should make the decision based on what you think is best. As for your little one, I would definitely try and get a second opinion just to see what can be said about him and maybe they may have suggestions on how he can be helped. I hope that you get the help you need and I apologize that my advice isn't the best. I'm not exactly an expert in the area or anything. But i hope i provided at least something to help you. There's much more i can say on the subject, but i'm at work and keep getting interrupted. I will be on a little later.

Been a while since i've been on. Been trying to catch up at work and on sleep since i was out all last week due to being in the hospital. I've had no more hives, Thank goodness! Tomorrow will be my last day of Prednisone! Thank you lord for I had a dr appt yesterday, everything is going really well. No more sonograms unless they have concerns and order one so from now on, appts are 2 weeks apart and they check her heart tones. Shes doing really well, my belly moves all out of whack, lol. It's like a little alien inside of me. I take videos all the time and pictures every week or almost every week to show my progress. So far, I've gained a total of 14 pounds, which i have to count my lucky stars. The doctor was expecting at least 12-15 pounds gained by my 28th week without ever losing any of my weight. I lost a total of 22 pounds in the beginning because of morning sickness and gained 14 back so i'm still way under, which is not a bad thing at all. Everyone around me gets sympathy symptoms, lol I have to laugh at them. They're gaining more weight than i am cuz they eat more. I still do not have any cravings, my mom gets those for me. My step dad gets acid reflux and sweet cravings. My dad's wife (whom i'm not a big fan of) eats a lot more and has been gaining weight and has a big sweet tooth. One of my best friends has been having a serious increase in I was like "It's not my fault guys". They blame everything on the pregnant woman..My dog has been unbelievably clingy and whiny when i'm not around. That little boy watches me like a hawk when I'm at home, my mom gets so annoyed with him. Other than battling the constipation, I'm doing really well though. My belly is there, but definitely not as been as some other woman in the same week as me. I'm definitely feeling very pregnant though. It's harder to bend over and tie my shoes (whenever i do tie them) and I have a really tough time sleeping. I wake up to pee every hour, which is, but i lose a ton of sleep because I have insomnia. I had issues sleeping before i got pregnant, this just made them worse

8 years ago

What an adorable bump! And you're definitely smaller than I was when I was 28 weeks! If you have a profile on Countdown My Pregnancy, check out my profile from when I was expecting my son - my profile name was the same it is now. THAT'S what a giant fat pregnant lady looks like! You are perfect! And you did make me feel better! I also had my niece keep DS for the night last night, which gave me and the hubby some time to just talk and enjoy each other's company. It helped a lot. I'm going to pick up the pill and have it handy for if AF shows, and I can always make my decision then. I'm just going to pray about all of this and just leave it all with Him. I can't handle this on my own, so it's time to call in the big guns! At least I know DH is fully on board with TTC now; he says that he doesn't want to stop trying for another baby!

AFM: Today is CD 7 - only 3 more days of Femara! Started getting watery CM already, so I hope that's a good sign. I started Evening Primrose Oil yesterday to help me increase CM production. Still trucking along ..,.


8 years ago

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