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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good morning!

Happy 10dpo to my triplets!

Blushing, that nausea sounds promising! I haven't had any nausea since the day before I ovulated, lol.

Penny, did you test this am??

Bammom, proud of you for not testing today . Glad you're finally allowing yourself some peace of mind!

Acrichton, good luck as you enter bd land! Your laid back approach sounds like the way to go.

Rebecca, post pics of your fertility monitor notebook

Jennavee, how's baby doing?

gvmdl, cristi, kizzy, kotikd, 1stttc, jgroves, and everyone else! Hi y'all!

AFM, today is CD30, longest cycle since before BCP! I'm trying to stay neutral about the various things my body is doing, but it's really hard. I feel especially down in the mornings and at night, as those seem to be the times of day when I feel most like AF is about to come. Also, I've decided cervix checking is stupid. My cervix is ALWAYS low and soft in the morning, and high and hard in the afternoon.

So who else is wearing a Halloween costume today? (I'm not -- I work at a conservative firm and everyone is grumpy pants all the time).

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Morning ladies!

So, I'm an idiot and didn't realize I had RUN OUT of pregnancy tests last month and never bought more. All I had were digitals. I feel like the dumbest person around. So since I'm only 10DPO i didn't want to burn a digital so I'll run out later and get some FRERs.

I went to bed last night with a pretty positive attitude. I had AWFUL cramps that were distinctly different from AF cramps, a touch of nausea and lots of fluttering and gas still as well. And I'm still getting the twinges in the vjay area.

However, this morning i'm not feeling so opimistic anymore. I get so hung up on my temps and I don't know what to do about this mornings.

I had that thing again where I woke up way early on my own. It was about 6am. (I normally temp 8:30/9) I was in a cold sweat. My temp yesterday just for reference was 97.8. At 6am it was 96.8!!!! I never ever drop into the 96es except right before O. Nor am I usually a sweaty sleeper. So that really surprised me. I took it twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I got 96.9 the second time so it wasn't. Went back to sleep woke up again at 7:30am and my temp was 97.3. Feel back asleep woke up again at 9am and it was back up to 97.8. I don't know what to make of that or how to record it in my chart since they were 1.5 hour intervals, but the 6am time is two and a half hours earlier than normal so I don't think that's really comparable. Regardless...... I'm feeling like my temp dropped which for me is usually not a good sign.

Only time will tell I guess.

10 years ago

wifey- Happy 10dpo! No costume for me either. Cervix checking is only reliable during O for me. Otherwise, it is stupid! LOL! When are you testing again?

Penny- I wish I could help you with the temping. For me, I just use which ever one makes me feel the best. LOL! In the end, whatever is going to be will be anyways. KMFXd for your testing today!!

Bammom- Wooohoo on not testing today!

Jgroves- I'm so happy you are progressing well!

(another)AFM- Another "symptom"m having is clear thinking. Usually when I'm this close to AF I am a babbling nut case. I can't articulate to save my life. I can't even order a latte with out getting young tied! Its so embarrassing! LOL! That is for sure when I know AF is on her way. It usually a sure sign the witch is around the corner.

Also, I'm starting to wonder about BBTing. I mean, has anyone ever bucked the BBT "rules" and still got comprehensive results? Meaning, have you ever tested consistently after being awake and moving around for a while and still gotten an O pattern? I chart on more than one app and I think IF AF shows (praying she won't) I'm going to do two charts to see what happens. It just seems logical to me that no matter when you temp, your chart should still produce a pattern because of the constant fluctuation of hormones. Obviously, I'm over it!

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10 years ago

@Bammom- I didn't test today either! I think the headache and nausea I woke up with today are testament enough for me that I am progressing

"I don't feel pregnant" was probably the dumbest thing I've ever said!!

To everyone getting closer to their testing dates! I am checking this thing all the time waiting for the 's to start rolling in!!

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10 years ago

Blushing - I've wondered that as well. About what happens if you REALLY don't get 3 hours of sleep prior to tempting, pee before temping, whatever.

I've actually started to take my temp at night before I go to bed, just to see what I get. It's definitely higher than in the morning, but it still seems proportionate. Like back around O when I was getting low 97s in the morning I was getting high 97s at night. This past week when I was getting high 97s in the morning I was getting mid-high 98s at night.

This next month I may keep an excel file with one column for my am temps, one column for my mid day temps and another for pm temps and graph them to see if the lines follow the same rises and falls. It would be an interesting study for sure.

One month I did that with two different thermometers and I had different patterns with that so I stopped using the thermometer that was consistently giving me lower temps. So I feel like there's always a bit of error thrown in.

10 years ago

So, quick question... Trying NOT to symptom spot, but so far that's not working... Lol... This morning I woke up with watery/creamy CM.... Has anyone ever had this days after O? I am 6 dpo today... Just curious.... Having some twinges/mild cramps again this morning... Also had a temp drop this morning... So maybe implantation dip??

At work, but will try to catch up on everyone on my lunch break :))

10 years ago

CD1 I had an oddly long cycle this month....34 days, which is weird because I'm usually between 27 - 29 days. Last month I was only 23 days. WTH is going on with me....?

On to cycle number there an August board yet?

10 years ago

acrichton & wifey - all is well so far! I have had a rough couple of weeks, not able to eat anything, losing weight, but it seems to have passed. My next appointment is November 11th, so I'm just constantly praying that everything is ok!

blushing - I temped for a while. Honestly, I feel like temping just stressed me out more than it helped. I thought it would just help me confirm ovulation...instead, it brought up more questions than it answered. I would also stress out about waking up at the same time, not getting up to pee in the night, not rolling over too much, keeping the A/C on the same temp, ugh. Anyway, I'm interested to see the results of your non-BBT temping!

to everyone - I've been reading the updates from ya'll first thing every morning, and I'm so excited to see some BFPs soon! Still sending buckets of to everyone!

10 years ago

1st: I realize the test was from last month, but I was just so surprised it showed so early.
How are you doing today? Yeah, I am also symptom spotting like crazy, not on purpose just a habit already I guess.
I also have pretty watery creamy CM, since 1DPO, normally I am dry, but not this month... but I did not have a temp dip, it goes a little down and a little up but not enough to call it a dip.

Cristi: Not symptom spotting is harder than one might think eh?
Is it odd to have creamy CM during the TWW? I have that too...
How are you today? Staying strong and away from those sticks?

Bammom: Wow these are beautiful results, to you!!!

Blushing: So great you're having good days with good lasting moods, I guess it becomes quite rare when you TTC, wonder what we can do about it...
You are so right, live in the moment, be happy, if arrives disappointment will come anyway, might as well enjoy this moment .
Do you think we get these same symptoms the rest of the month but only notice them around the TWW?
As for temps, I know my temps fluctuate like crazy during the day, so mine would be unreliable if I got up before I temp, they will be all over the place without a pattern...
I wonder what yours would look like.

rebecca: You are not a mess, and no one here will ever agree you are (because if you are a mess we are all big big messes ).
I like the notebook idea, I liked it from last month, but I keep forgetting to get one... I forget everything lately... Like a 90 year-old...
What is a fertility monitor?

acrichton: I am doing good, well as good as you can mid TWW . Moods up and down, less symptoms than past three months which is probably because I stopped vitex...
Just trying to keep busy, working very hard on convincing myself to work out but it is not going very well...
How are you? Feeling the excitement of a new cycle?
A laid back approach is great, if it sticks around , I find it is harder to stay laid back when ovulation is approaching, maybe its just all the estrogen.

Wifey: I wish my cycles would be short I am on day 31 now and it is only 6DPO... And I had a 47 day cycle...
I hope you feel more positive, it sucks when our moods just go up and down all day...
And a job at a grumpy office does not help, I know.... But we are here for you, if you need us we will not be grumpy ...

pennylane: We are all waiting to see your FRER today .
As for your temps, I don't think 6am is a comparable time, especially after cold sweat, you might have had a bad dream or something. I hope you go back to optimistic .

fiverson: So sorry got you. Those are really short cycles, how long is your TWW normally?
I think it will be a while before an August board, too many people here are waiting to test in 3-10 days, stick around with us .

AFM: I am 6DPO today, 6-7 days to , this TWW is different from all the other, I feel kind of indifferent when thinking about it, I don't know how to explain it.
I am still symptom spotting, this is what happens when you track your cycles I guess, I have less symptoms this month than in prior ones. Generally its creamy CM, CP has been high until yesterday which was med, I have twinges around the overies since yesterday (but that happens every month I think), I have these weird stabbing headaches that come and go, and my mouth seems to be pretty dry and nose a little stuffy, but that seems like eveything, so much for not symptom spotting ...
TCOYF is am amazing book, so far I am on chapter 6 but it is a good read to any woman, especilly one that is TTC.
So that passes some of my time.

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10 years ago

@Kotikd: Oh, sorry... wasn't sure :) Lol. And I was surprised too... I really was thinking negative until I uploaded it and then I noticed a faint line..... And I am doing ok... About to die to take a test!! Lol... And I had a lot of creamy cm the month I did get a bfp, so FX'd for both of us that the cm is a good sign!!!

AFM: 6 dpo today and more creamy but also watery cm today... And I mean a lot more cm today.. FX'd that it's a good sign....

And didn't someone have a big temp drop this month?? Sorry, but I can't remember who it was.... My temp dropped from 98.2 to 97.5 this morning... Today's temp is right on my coverline...Still having twinges/mild cramps on and off today .... FX'd temp goes back up tomorrow morning and stays up!!

10 years ago

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