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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Well according to the Drs ultrasound I am 7DPO so I am going today to get my labs done, I should get results this afternoon. If the follicles didn't release eggs this will be my FIRST cycle since November 2012 that I haven't ovulated! I will be so pissed off LOL. However if that is the case then I am going to hit the gym really hard the next two weeks before we leave for Napa Valley and hit the tanning beds again! I would much rather be harvesting a peanut but if nature isn't on my side this month then I am going to make the best of it.

Tara that is super early to be spotting, especially on progesterone. Praying it's IB :-)

Astrid, yahh for good sleep. I love my sleep! I am miserable all day if I get a crappy nights sleep.

9 years ago

OMG TARA!!!!! Haven't been on in a few days so when I did and I read that you ovulated all on your own - I started doing a happy dance for you!! As stressed as the last few days have been, that made me so happy for you!! Spotting at 6 or 7dpo?! Hopefully its a good sign! Could you imagine after all you've been through with the dr's help, if you finally did it on your own?!! You ovulated without them, maybe you conceived without them too!! Keeping up with my prayers for you!

7dpo already Mandy.. only 1 more week to go!!

Astrid I think I might need a massage as well.. I cant sleep without unisom and Nyquil!

We took Jace to Hillbilly Days in Pikeville over the weekend and my sis-in-law went into labor while we were there.. straight to the hospital to wait 6 more hours til she finally decided to come out and see the world. I cried. She is beautiful, she is perfect.. my heart smiled and shed some tears at the same time. I fount out I was pregnant shortly after her, hers was a success while mine was too short lived. But I was happily surprised when I could still enjoy her and love her without it hurting so much. She took the pain away while she was in my arms.

I keep being told 'Quit trying so hard and it will happen.' If they only knew how deep that goes and how much it hurts to hear. I don't want to quit trying, I can't make myself take time off to quit trying because it's something I want so badly and as soon as possible.

9 years ago

Hello Ladies!

@Jace's Mama - you could try drinking linden tea in the evening, even together with lavender tea.
I had a while ago some lavender spray for the pillow... wow, THAT put me to sleep in no time :))

'Quit trying so hard and it will happen.' - wow how much i hate that... as if my brain had an on/off Switch that i can press and boom!-i am no longer thinking about how much i want a Baby in my life... i think that might be possible with crack though... i even told my husband i should probably start drinking and getting high, i might have more chances of getting pregnant. Seems to happen to many :)))))) just kidding.

@Tara - how are you today hun? Still spotting or did it stop? I still hope it could be IB.

Wish you all a great day Ladies and lots of sticky Baby dust!

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9 years ago

Hi ladies!
@xomandy- that would be so messed up if they didnt release with the trigger shot. Waiting patiently for a progesterone update :|.

@astrid- It's amazing how massage can lower stress hormones and release dopamine and serotonin to relax. That's the power of touch! :) The best sleep I ever got was during my college years cause we had to practice our massage techniques on eachother almost every day LOL. I love acupuncture! It's fun and surprising relaxing...depending on where you go. An actual acupuncturist can be relaxing but I also tried a chiropractor who did acupuncture and it was hard to relax on a hard chiro table and staring up at fluorescent lights. lol.

@jace'smama- congrats to your sister! I was jealous of my sister her whole pregnancy but it was surprisingly healing to have my nephew to hold and bond with. I've had a few people think I'm nuts for trying so hard and use the "stop trying" phase. I never knew how strong I was til now, cause everytime I hear that I have to restrain myself from punching them in the face ROFL! That's part of the reason why we havent told our families... dont want to punch them in the face .

Spotting update- I actually got up the nerve to post my toilet paper on the IB/CM section on the test gallery LOL. You dont have to look so I'll explain...when I went to the bathroom Tuesday, I wiped and noticed a discoloration of the not how toilet paper normally looks after peeing. I checked my cervix and wiped it on the TP (what the pic was of). My cm was light pinkish brown, lighter than the pic shows. It never made it to my pantyliner. I had it the rest of the day just in my vagina. I really hope this isnt TMI ROFL! Anyways, woke up yesterday to nothing on TP but just a tad of brownish/pink cm at my cervix...barely anything. I was also really dizzy all morning. Around mid day I had a sticky piece of same color cm on the TP. Checked my cervix...barely anything. Then today...nothing. Temp is still high, cervix is high and tight (I dont base anything on that cause it can change instantly with me), uterus discomfort but not cramping and my nipples are still really sore. I'm not getting my hopes up cause all could be progesterone and vitex...I'm just praying my LP isnt short!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Well I did ovulate! Progesterone is 20.6 :-) I am 100% completely SHOCKED! I literally feel NOTHING like I did in all my other cycles after ovulation. Oh well, on to another week of waiting. At least I am half way through it. Lol

Tara, I'm praying for you darling! Do you plan on testing early? I beg you not to! :-)

@jace, a friend of ours told me last time we seen them to "Stop trying and it will happen".. Well lets just say that was NOT a pretty sight. I flipped way more than I probably should have but I don't care.. Congrats on the new niece :-) That will be us one day!

@astrid, I laughed out loud at the drinking and drug comment. I say the same thing, "maybe if I were a crackhead I could get pregnant! They pop them out without trying!"

9 years ago

WOOHOO! You ovulated!!!! What's your temp doing now? I'm not temping everyday. I rarely do in the tww except to confirm ov. And I'm trying not to think about testing. I actually only have some bad cheapies that I know SUCK and one digital that a friend gave me. Definitely not using that one anytime soon. Digitals are like the holy grail lol! Definitely not planning on buying any more...too pricey.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

I didn't temp this morning, DH decided he wanted "some" the minute he opened his eyes so temping went out the window! Lol.. Yesterday it was 97.78, I am going to temp in the morning just to see where it's at.. I won't temp anymore, I'm just going to pray the next 7 days go by quickly.

9 years ago

Lol...I wouldnt mind a morning wake up call like that but my bladder is always full and I keep forgetting to buy breath strips for the night stand LOL

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hahahahahahaha @ The breath strips. My husband thinks I am crazy cause I will NOT kiss him in the mornings before he brushes his teeth and he just would kiss me no matter what!

9 years ago

Having a bit more spotting after BM the baring down doesnt help matters. Starting to think luteal phase defect and that the progesterone isnt working. I'll stay on progesterone for as long as my uterus holds out this tww and hopefully being on the myoinositol for longer will improve my egg quality and get a better corpus luteum for progesterone production. Dh and I decided that next cycle if this happens again to get bloodwork done for LPD and go from there. So frustrating.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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