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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Sounds like everyone had a great Easter!! I know we did, and I've been feeling better so we've had a very blessed weekend. Worried being sick threw me off but I still ov'd on time and got a few bd's in time :-) our water is on and they're coming in a day or so to inspect our power so we can get it turned on!! Finally coming together and I am beyond grateful!

I didn't make it to sunrise service but our church was great Tara! We prayed with some new people who gave their life over to the Lord that morning and welcomed 3 new additions with their baptisms! Amen :-) He definitely works in mysterious ways and I know I'll never understand it all but my faith is stronger than ever. I may not have everything we want but we have what we need and I know how blessed I am for that. My sister has been having a lot of health issues for the past year. Stress from divorce and extreme depression which I believe both have caused the issues she has. Her total outlook on life has changed from being positive and able to take on school, work, kids, and their home to being the most negative person questioning why all these things are happening.. complete 180. I know at some point everyone will question, we're not perfect and never will be. I just wish she could see how blessed she truly is. She needs prayers, she needs to believe in herself again because I know she's still there.

Good luck with the femara this month Mandy!!

Sugarplum how you doing? Af still staying away? Got my fingers crossed for you! Someone get a bfp in here!!

9 years ago

OMG! I havent been on the hpt gallery on here in a while. They now have a Cervical Mucus/Implantation bleeding gallery!!!!! It's creepy that I'm so happy about that!!!! LOL

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hallo Ladies!

Sorry i dissapeared like that but i went on a trip at my mom's then my husband's uncle passed away and that is how we spent Easter..

I got my AF last Friday... that was bad.... really bad. Horrible pain, i hate it... but now it is a new month, a new try, right?

Tara, i am taking myo-inositol for 2 months now, i have no idea what it does for me other that i had 2 folicles instead of 1... i am ovulating on my own with or without it but my doctor thought my eggs are not good enough because of the Insulin resistance... no idea, but i read a lot of Posts from women that did not ovulated alone but did with inositol. After all, it is just an extract from a B Vitamin.. guess it can't hurt...
Did the doctors give you an Explanation on why you MC? I read something about NK cells in our Body, basically our bodies could have too many of These NK cells and treat a Baby as an intruder... scary that my own Body could "think " about something like that... but i am trying not to go that far...

This month i start with Clomid.... actually today, day 5 to day 9 ... i am a Little scared but i guess i will live through it, right? :)

Wish you all ladies a great day and lots of Magic Baby dust!

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9 years ago

Wow I wish I had faith like you lol. I had very light spotting that stopped and overnight around 4am i woke up with excruciating pain I made my dh go gget me a plastic bag and that was it for me usual AF that makes me immobile for 3 days straight. Camping as my husband and I call it. I'm glad your faith is stronger than ever. I give up for good.

9 years ago

@sugaarplum- have you ever been tested for endometriosis?

@astrid- Well that's a sucky way to spend Easter. How's dh doing? Praying for your family sweetie .
I'm glad you got an extra follicle this cycle. Sounds like the inositol is doing its job. With the clomid this cycle, you'll probably get a 2-3 really good follices :) . From what I've researched, the inositols (myo and d-chiro) are normally in our ovaries and required for our eggs to mature properly. But women with pcos and insulin resistance lack this vitamin. So taking the inositol replenishes it resulting in reestablished ovulation and healthier eggs. Here's a video to explain better....

When I went through fertility treatments for my last pregnancy, they put me on immune suppressants just in case.Through bloodwork they also determined I had a double genetic mutation of my mthfr gene. Meaning my body cant process folic acid properly and it results in small bloodclots cutting off bloodflow to the developing baby. My grandma had many of the symptoms of it but no one knows if I got it from her but I likely did.

They put me on folgard (large amount of folic acid). I had read once that I needed methylfolate not folic acid and asked for that instead but they said it didnt matter. I trusted their judgement but they were wrong and I miscarried again. I researched it on my own afterwards and discovered in the past couple years, newer research shows folic acid doesnt solve the problem. It's like putting glue into the gears of a clock....adding more glue wont solve the problem. My body needs methylfolate (broken down, simplest form of folic acid). So I showed my doctor and to make me happy, she put my on methylfolate instead. As soon as I went on the proper medication, she up and decided to no longer treat me! So I'm on medications to sustain a pregnancy now but not able to ovulate due to the pcos. Without ovulation medications, I havent been able to ovulate. So I'm praying the inositol works. If it doesnt, we'll have to likely start saving more for a reproductive endocronologist and IVF. Through all of this, I've learned doctors dont know everything and to be your own health advocate. Research research research and dont let your doctor blow you off.

@jace'smama- amen girl! I'm sorry your sister is in a rough patch. Mine is too. That's the beauty about having God in your life...Being a christian doesnt mean we wont go through pain and rough times, it means He'll carry us THROUGH it and come out on the other side with the victory. Even though infertility is super hard right now and I want to be a mom so bad...I know I WILL be a mom at the end of the journey. God didnt give me this dream for nothing. I dont know how it's gonna happen but I have no fear of God leaving me hanging. Being in the midst of the darkness of the valley is scary but that's when God fights for us ! I know some may look at this and think we're crazy but when you experience the love of our Daddy, there is no denying it .

Okay, I'm off to bake some cakes!!! Normally I'd be excited about this but after Easter, I'm so tired of sugar!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

YAY! My Myo-Inositol is in the next city over! Happy dance

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't been on in a bit. I been so preoccupied with appointments galore. Lol. I finally got on WIC today, I also had a dentist appointment this afternoon to get a cleaning. My new dentist said that my teeth are in pretty good shape other than a few cavities, but they don't need to be addressed right away so I'm all good there. WIC nurse checked my iron level this morning, said it was great, at 11.8, super glad things are going well. I hope and pray every single day to continue to have a healthy pregnancy. I'm really hoping it's a boy as does my entire I've got names picked out and in extremely content with them. Easter was great, went to church, met my sister's new boyfriend, who is very nice. I haven't gotten much a chance to actually talk to him though, but it's all good. Grilled out after church, had some delicious I'm glad everyone had a great Easter. Someone else get a BFP!!

Baby dust to you all! I have much love for you ladies

9 years ago

Hello Ladies!

Sugarplum, you are never allowed to give up. Ever. But if you Need, you can take a brake. I plan on one during the summer. I wanted this month to be the last with medication but i think my doc wants me to give it a 3 months try... we will see.

I started yesterday the Clomid pills, i Need to take it 5 days and then on Monday i go for a scan. Hopefully i will have at least 1 egg on the right side, i ovulate mostly on the left and until now no luck...

I Keep thinking that with each day that goes by i am one day closer to that beautiful Moment when i will hold my babby in my arms. This thought keeps me going. And you know what? When i will hold my Baby None of today's pains and tears and hurt will matter anymore, everything will be automatically erased from my brain.

Tara, i also have an mthfr Mutation, plus PAI plus another one (can't remember the Name right now) but my doc said these have nothing to do with my MC or the infertility.

I have moments when i wish he would first investigate my fallopian tubes b4 i make the Stimulation but... i trust him (still) :))))

Ladies, we Need to Keep fighting for our dreams. Nobody else will do it for us. With the help of God and our faith and Determination we will succeed. I don't know when, but we will have our babies. We are allowed every now and then to fall apart as Long as we Keep getting up and continue to pursue our dreams.

Wish you all a great day and lots of sticky Magic Baby dust!

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9 years ago

Hey ladies,

Can I jump in here? Looking for cycle buddies. I'm currently 10dpo and only getting BFN's so I think I'm out this cycle.

BUT I'm looking forward to trying again and making friends with all you lovely ladies in the same heartbreaking but hopefully totally worth it boat :)

Where in your cycle are you guys?

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Thanks. My dh wants me to get tested for endo but I hate this stuff don't know what to expect and don't want to hear any bad news. Weirdo I know.

9 years ago

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