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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Don't get discouraged though if your temp doesn't jump.. I usually get a +OPK two days before ovulation. Most people only on the day of though. Lol @ persuasion! Work those goods :-) I got very addicted to temping lol. My husband used to laugh when I would make sure I was at the same time on Saturday and Sunday to temp as during the week. I quickly stopped that unless ovulation was around the weekend.

9 years ago

My 22month old is my alarm clock. No matter what time he goes to sleep he always wakes up at 8, always! So as soon as he starts stirring I reach for my thermometer. It took me a few days to remember, but now I'm in a good routine. Speaking of him, I thought it was hard to plan his first bday.. but now that its time to start planning for his 2nd I just wanna cry!! He's growing up too fast on me.

9 years ago

Af has packed her bags. YEAH! And my cold is finally better. It's out of my head and into my chest. Besides coughing and sore throat I feel fine. Which is good cause I'm mega horny . There's horny, super horny and mega horny and my dh has been extra sexy lately with all the tender loving care he's been giving me while sick lol. I normally take care of business while af is in town but a stuffy nose and blowjobs dont mix . I'm curious what my testosterone is up to. Face is starting to heal up, which is good cause I'm going out friday night to celebrate my friends bday at a piano bar. Not in the mood to be covered in painful acne for a night out on the town.

@sugaarplum- that's sucks! I hate early af's. Low progesterone freaks me out.

@massingal- Throwing up is an AWESOME symptom! I would get nauseous from progesterone but only threw up on my pregnant cycles :) Cant wait for you to test!

@jace'smama- I bet that's your +opk . I got so addicted to temping. I couldnt wait to slip my thermometer in my mouth in the morning. Except near the end of the tww cause my temp would drop before af and I'd get depressed. After 3 years, I've learned what my normal temps are so if I miss the first week of my cycle, its no biggie. But since, I'm not normally ovulating right now, I'll check my cervix occasionally and randomly take my temp. It gives me a good idea if I'm about to OV or if I did without an opk. I need more opks soon though. Thank you wondfo opks for being soooo cheap! My nephew is turning 3 in a few months. It's so messed up! lol. He was born a week after I started this forum. Time is flying too fast.

@xomandy- hard call. When are they thinking about injectables? Not til ivf?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Waiting - glad you're feeling better!! I know what mean with the head cold! Lol difficult to eat when you can't breathe through your nose let alone take care of him! I just got over mine last month, after steroids antibiotics nose spray and an inhaler I finally got better. I'm praying this is o for me, first time temping so I've never really been able to track it before just guessed with the opks to go by!
I'm gonna be a little preoccupied later :) so just wanted to let y'all know that you're in my prayers!!

9 years ago

@waitingonmymiracle- I'm hoping that it is a good sign. The nausea and vomiting has gotten worse. I love onions and garlic and bell peppers. Just tried to eat some Jambalaya with that in it. Needless to say it got thrown in the trash. All symptoms gone, except for those two. I do have a question though. Has anyone ever felt so nauseous that you gag just from coughing??? Weird question I know but happening to me on a very frequent basis. AF in 4days.

& to us all!!!!!!!!!!

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9 years ago

@massingalebabe- Oh yes! Bfp #3, I puked in my mouth just from coughing lol. Oh how I miss that. I also dry heaved while singing at a concert. lol When are you testing?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

@waitingonmymiracle- trying to hold out until day AF is supposed to show. But getting harder by the day. Maybe tomorrow morning. Idk I'm confused, excited and nervous all at the same time.

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9 years ago

@massingalebaby- You can call me 'waiting' or 'tara'. It's easier lol ;)
I know the feeling sweetie. There's been mornings where I lie in bed for an hour, holding my bladder til it bursts, trying to decide whether to get up and pee on a stick or not. I get excited and scared to death all at the same time. Sometimes I just want to skip it so I can be excited for one more day incase it's negative. You do whatever you want sweetie. But I'll be here waiting anxiously for you:)

@jace'smama- happy babydancing

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Well I opted for 7.5mg Femara CD3-7. I go the 16th for follicle check. I will discuss everything then. IF Femara is working I think I might try it a couple months.. I know he said injectibles is a last resort before IVF so I will see how many IUIs he requires before allowing me to try them. DH said I should've stayed on Clomid cause the chances of having two follicles is higher than on Femara so we doubled our chances LOL. I dunno, I still have mixed emotiona about switching but it's done so we shall see.

9 years ago

Temps up yaaaaay!!!

Massingalebaby-ive got my fingers crossed for you! Good luck :)

Tara-i felt like a little kid on Christmas morning hurrying to take my temp Lol!! I think I might've got a little too excited :)

Mandy-i hope whichever way you think is best is what works for you.. was dh worried about doubling the chances or wanting it?

9 years ago

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