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Who's with me on the 2WW?

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Hello all,
I am new here. Getting straight to the point. I am now 10 dpo. Hoping this is my month as I had a new symptom at 7 dpo. Came down with a sore/itchy throat for that one day only. Don't know where that came from. Also CP was high with a soft cervix that day as well. Now it's back to medium high and medium soft. Sore boobs. dull cramps.
Hoping for bfp. AF due in 1-2 days.

1084 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi again ladies:

Expecting2expect: thank you:-)it's horrible feeling! I still have no af n it is driven by me mad but to make myself feel better I bought bottle of rose which I was planning to open tonight but something is telling me not too?!? Lol I had what Iwould nnormally class as 'period symptoms' earlier n thought this is it my cycle is starting again n I can start my temping but nothing as yet. N I'm.not getting them now! :-/ I said to hubby earlier I am taking it that I'm not and just gona attempt to carry on as normal! But I am still booked in with doc Friday is she don't show as that will be 2 weeks. I know it's not unheard if to have dud hpt n false negatives cause there is not enough hormones in the urine so there is still hope but I'm trying to stay neutral at mo :-) xx

Welcome Kristen, you are on a forum where all the girls are here for each other. We are all going thro same thing! :-)

How is everyone else doing?? Xx

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9 years ago

Hello ladies, sorry I've been MIA for alil bit, I just started a new part-time temporary job by delivering newspapers which means I now have to wake up at 1AM and I don't get done and home until around 8am 7 days a week so needless to say I'm wiped out. I did try to catch up on the posts the best that I can.

First of I want to welcome the new ladies to the board.

@expecting2expect ----- I'm glad you seen my OPK pic lol. And we are cycle twins for real, I believe I'm about 6dpo right along with you. I'm trying to hold off from POAS, I'm trying to wait until at least 8dpo although even then is still early but with Sept 15th being me and DF 7 year anniversary I'm really hoping for a BFP even if it's super faint. I think my DF wants a baby way more than I do, I'm about to tell him to go POAS himself soon since he's so anxious hahahaha

AFM, I'm really trying to hold off to test. 6dpo. My BBS were sore but now that pain went away, I've been having a headache on and off. Yesterday I had a very bad sharp quick stab pain in my right side followed by little pinching prickly pains in my uterus, it was too the point that I had to undue my pants button while sitting in the car. Other than that I do notice I'm extra dry which is odd for my because usually I have creamy CM. Also yesterday I did have a wave of nausea too but I don't know if that's probably related to me being over tired and over worked. Today I noticed an increased wanting to eat!!!! I sent DF right to the store to buy shrimp cocktail. Lol. I need an snack before dinner I can't wait.

9 years ago

Finally got my Internet working again.

bold--> I'm sorry about AF playing games with you. Hopefully you'll get good news from the Dr.

Jess--> I'm only 1 day behind you!

AFM: 5 dpo today. Had some crampy feelings on the right side today. Not sure what that's about. And I'm utterly exhausted! I have no idea what my body's doing since this was my 1st cycle on the Femara. Plus, since I had the HSG done this cycle, I'm not sure if that could mess things up a bit. I go in for my P4 Monday, so I'll be anxious to see what the numbers say. Only 12 more days until DH leaves (DH is a soldier and is leaving for a 9 month tour in Korea in 12 days.) Trying to keep busy...


9 years ago

Hi lovelies!

2frsty - ugh, deployments suck, sorry to hear your dh is going to be gone so long!! My dh is Canadian Air Force & former infantry so I am no stranger to long tours. :( I really hope you get your bfp this cycle!!!

Jessica - yikes, your new job sounds exhausting! A bfp would be an awesome anniversary gift!! Fx!! I am trying to hold off testing till Tuesday, but dh leaves tomorrow morning, so I will have a lot of time to obsess, so who knows if I canwait.. maybe ill pop into the dollar store and buy a bunch of hpts and just test daily... Lol!

B&b - glad you alrady have a Dr apt booked, at least then you can get some definite answers!! Fx!

mamag12 - welcome! Where in your 2ww are you? Gl!

Afm - as i mentioned in my response to Jessica, I am debating going to Dollarama and buying a ton of cheap hpts and testing daily. Dh is away, may as well succum to my poas obsession!! Hahaha!

Baby dust to you all!

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9 years ago

Thanks for the shout outs and positive thoughts! I caved and tested this morning 11dpo and got a bfn. It's still early and mother nature should let me know by Wednesday, but haven't had any symptoms, I'm feeling like AF is on her way.

It's only our second cycle, maybe third times a charm? End of October is our first anniversary, and would love to share a bfp with the hubs after next cycle...fingers crossed! Good luck to all if you ladies for a great start to the week and some bfps over the next few days.


9 years ago

hi ladies

Kristen - sorry to hear about the bfn :( that bites. Still early though. Hope af doesn't show!

Afm - dollar store was closed (Sunday) so caved and bought the more expensive hpts at the drug store. Took a Frer and got another bfn. Only 9dpo so not surprised. Gonna try and hold off till tues but donno if I can! Lolim a poas-a-holic!!


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9 years ago

2frsty-I'm glad your internet is up and running now lol. I'm so happy we're basically cycle twins. Seems like me, you and expecting2expect are all around the same give or take by a day or two. That sucks your DH is leaving soon, I really pray that you get your BFP this cycle. As far as having a HSG done, I have heard ppl getting bfps that cycle because the HSG "opens" things up a bit. I had a HSG done but many many moons ago haha. I don't remember anything out of the ordinary with my cycle after that. How's your symptoms??

Expecting2expect - this 2WW is long isn't it.. Don't worry I caved in and POAS today too, of course BFN since I'm only 7dpo. You should stack up on those dollar store tests, at least you could test daily of you wanted to and it wouldn't burn a step Hole in your pocket like the FRER does haha. How's your symptoms, anything new??

Kristen- sorry about your BFN but as the saying goes your not out until AF arrives, so there is still hope. My FX that you get ur BFP soon.

AFM-like I stated above I am 7dpo, I caved in this morning right when I came home from work at 730AM don't ask why but I did an ovulation test and a hpt test LOL. I have a serious addiction. I guess it made me feel better to dip 2 sticks instead of 1. I'm really praying this is my cycle. I been having really weird strong cramping that comes and goes. I hope it's a good sign however I do start to cramp usually a week before AF starts. I'll share a quick fact I don't know if most remembered when I first posted on here but I said I had a dream of being 2 positive BFPs on internet cheapies this was almost a week before I ordered them online with my OPKs, I remember what color the strip handle was in my dream. Tell me why when I opened my first hpt out the bunch it was a dark blue handle (same one from my dreams) plus for the fact this is my 1st time ever ordering on line. I'm praying this is a sign. I do noticed with the Online cheapies they do range in color so for mine too be the excatly what I dreamed is a positive sign. I can't wait, I'll be testing every day. I have 20 hpt now 19. I may order more. Sorry for the long essay, I'm just excited for all of us. Every little detail counts HAHAHA. FX (baby dust)

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

Jessica - LoL hope your dream was a sign of good things to come this cycle!! So jealous you have so many cheapies!! I ended up buying a 2pk of Frer & a 2pk of Life brand.. just with that my bill was like $40!! Ouch! Why the heck could the dollar store not just be open?? lol, oh well!

AFM - Omg, what a day! Started with dh leaving on a week long trip to go visit some family, then my failed attempt to get my cheapie tests & having to fork out the big bucks for the not-so-cheapies. And then I got another bfn when I tested.

Then I went out with my boys, my Mom & my sister for lunch at McDonalds, then shopping at Target, got a ton of birthday gifts for my oldest at seriously awesome clearance prices, so that was good. But as we were leaving ds#1 fell asleep (naps are a big no-no for him as it tends to mess up his sleep at night) and ds#2 started fussing & kicking my drink holder on the stroller unintentionally. Well little did I know he was spilling iced tea on my cell phone!!! Omg, so now I have my phone sitting in a bag of rice praying it will dry out and work, but I am pretty sure its toast. :( I'll check it in the morning.

After that, when we got home, my idiot dog woke ds#1 so he was in a super clingy, needy mood. (not good when dh is gone!) Then this eve both boys were just tag teaming... #1 would almost be asleep & #2 would start screaming, then #1 would take forever to get back to sleep and I eventually just walked #2 while I watched #1 toss in his bed. Ridiculous! This is not normal in my house! I swear they can sense that Daddy is gone or something. Even now they are both stirring... it could be a long night.

Well I'm needed. Hope all is well!


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9 years ago

Hello ladies! Looks like a big majority of us are right along the same days in the TWW. This cycle has flown by! 6 dpo for me today; I would usually cave and POAS 1st thing tomorrow morning, but Idk if I will this time. I still have a few Internet cheapies left from last cycle, but I just don't think I can stomach another bfn. I had a dip in my temps yesterday morning and then this morning it shot up above 98°! I'm hoping yesterday was implantation (I had some cramping) and then the spike this morning was from my body dumping more progesterone to sustain the pregnancy. Hopefully it'll stay up and I'll get both a triphastic chart AND a bfp! I go in tomorrow for my blood test to check progesterone; hopefully the levels will be super high! Starting yesterday I've been EXHAUSTED and have had a killer sense of smell; DH has been telling me all day that I'm pregnant! I'm kinda starting to think he may be right! :) Not counting tomorrow I've only got 11 days left before DH leaves. It's becoming more and more real to me that for all intents and purposes, I'll be a single mother in 11 days. Ugh.


9 years ago

Hi ladies, How are we all on this drab Monday afternoon??

Has anyone caved and poas yet or are you being brave?! lol

I am still waiting for either the witch to show, pg symptoms to kick in so I can poas again or for the week to go bit quicker so I can get the docs over and done with! :-/ I have had another couple of dizzy spells since we tested bfn. I feel out of sorts, for some reason today I feel cold :( which is more reason to make me think im just waiting for af to show cause I thought if you were pregnant then your bbt stayed up lol

my boobs still don't feel any diff, but in my head I think they look that one out!? lol It is so annoying, I even caved and told my mum Saturday cause its driving me up the wall! at the moment I cant even work out how late I am.....I looked back in my diary and realised that I actually hadn't been as regular as what I thought I had :( at one point I had af's that were 5 wks then 6 wks apart!! I feel so confused. I must have implanted something to get those little bleeds that I had?? I have had one lady tell me that maybe I have had a chemical but I have had no bleed at all since 29th and 30th August when I had those small amounts, one when I just wiped and it was mixed with cm and one when I just 'fell' out after I wiped. then that followed by two days where I had thick creamy looking cm in the morning. then I had my bout of run and sickness the wkend after!!! I'm sorry ladies I realise all this maybe TMI but I writing it down makes it seem like it has actually happened and that I haven't just imagined any of it :)

frustration doesn't cover it today.....lolx

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9 years ago

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