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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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761 - 770 of 1064 Replies | Last Page

Bammom - I agree with everyone, your tests look great! I know it's hard. This may seem silly, but have you tried talking to your baby to help calm your nerves? Me and DH both did that to help us remain calm until the doctor told us everything was ok. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it helped us! Maybe it was just the distraction, I don't know. Sending prayers your way!

10 years ago

Wifey - I'm 8DPO today so I'm getting close. I did have a BFP dream back in the summer the cycle I had my chemical pregnancy right around this time in the TWW, but I also had one this past month during AF. And I clearly wasn't pregnant then so unfortunately I know better than to read it as a sign :-) However I also have been having those weird twinges or shooting kind of pains in my nether region. They are not normal for me. So who knows what that means.

10 years ago

Thank you, Ladies! I feel much better reading your comments!! Since I'm now 1DPO...I must keep myself busy and no POAS for at least 9 days!! LOL. Hopefully, work and our new home will keep me busy :-)

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

@penny, I didn't know we were DPO buddies. Yay! When are you testing? And I definitely need to start saying "nether region" instead of the alternative. FX that your dreams last night were a precursor to the real thing!!

@myluckyduck, gl with keeping busy in the tww!

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Hi everyone!

I am 11DPO and just got a BVeryFaintP, FRER fmu. The result is hardly visible in the pic (darn the reduced resolution!).

I'm excited but trying not to get too worked up, as I think I'm still very much in the "potential chemical pregnancy" zone. AF is due approx 15 DPO.

Good luck to everyone!! Most of my symptoms seem to have subsided. I just got mildly nauseous after eating an apple and my breasts are still enlarged. My back is sore, but I'm pretty sure it is from kick boxing yesterday. That's it!

Bamom -- Your tests look great!

Reading about everyone's journey is very comforting.

Mirena removed 8/22/13 TTC #1, symptom spotter, POAS addict! :)

10 years ago

Bammom: Did you get your blood test results yet?
Not sure what you mean by the test results not looking good, I do see progress... The tests look great, try to stay positive .

Cristi: Belly buddies sounds great, but I really don't feel like this is my month...
it is cool that we are all married to Leos.
I am ready for baby life, had enough of TTC life .
on the great test results, this must be such a relief.

Kizzy: You might be right about the Libra Leo combo, something just works, leos just balance us .
I hope you had a great time at the beer dinner, and had as much beer as you wanted, when arrives I am going for sushi .

1st: if only it was as easy as telling yourself to stop, I also did not plan to symptom spot, but once your body does something you automatically think, is this a symptom?
Lets all try to make each other stronger and resist the TWW hypnosis.

While: How are you?

Genie: , but if not July, than August babies are great too .

Blushing: How are you on this fine 8DPO?

Myluckyduck: How long was your OPK positive, like 3 days? This is totally unusual for you isn't it? You normally have 12-24 hours of +OPK like me?
Maybe you just ovulated more than one egg, sometimes there is another egg within 24 hours from the first, that will prolong the positive.
My DH had a couple of cycles where he had trouble finishing around ovulation, I think the solution is not sharing with them where you are in your cycle, we'll see how that works next time.
Happy 1DPO!!!!

rebecca: Glad you got to enjoy yourself at the wedding, and some stories just give us hope .

Wifey: Great job on holding off on the testing, sending you strength for another short 6 days.
IDK what you mean about vag. cramps, I don't think I have them, for the whole area just hurts right before starts, but that is usually on like 12-13DPO.
Also, many women get the signs they normally get before when they are pregnant, many women are sure is coming but it never shows. for you.

pennylane and wifey: That's a good dream, maybe that is what is coming your way very very very soon . I love positive dreams like that they give me a great mood for the day...

kahivva: Welcome, and I do see a line in your photo! and !

AFM: 4DPO, feeling totally out this month, other than my legs and back killing me I have no symptoms at all (unless you count the little twiches acjes and pains that happen in our body that I tend to notice only during the TWW which mean nothing ), already kind of waiting for the next cycle... Currently have no feelings about it, but pretty sure will be upset when arrives in 8-9 days like every month....
Sorry if I am a downer, I swear I do not mean to be .
I got the "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" book, I will start reading it today, it is a lot bigger than I thought it would be, but maybe it will give me the sense that I am more proactive about all this, sitting and waiting normally gets me down.

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10 years ago

Wifey - I'm trying to hold out until at least 10DPO/Thursday. I worry because I tend to have a short luteal phase. Usually only 11 days so the typical 14DPO has never existed for me. I'm due for AF Friday so I'll know one way or the other by the weekend.

10 years ago

Hey guys, I've missed some stuff on here. Yesterday was my due date for the baby we lost in April. DH and I spent the day together, and we released a balloon, got a birthday cupcake, went to a pumpkin patch and had a little campfire. It was a nice day.

Then last night both my dad and my grandma have been admitted to the hospital, so we were here until about 4:30 last night and went home and slept and are back here again. When it rains, it pours.

Nothing has changed with me. No AF, tests are looking about the same, maybe lighter, but IDK. I redraw tomorrow afternoon sometime, so we'll see. I'm hoping either tomorrow or Thursday when they get the results I can ask for an ultrasound or something to get some answers. This is a major bummer.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

Kahivva- Welcome and I see that beautiful line!

Kot- My naked eye couldn't see a difference, but I tweaked the photo and it has calmed my nerves. Still patiently waiting on the results from yesterday. I will give them about another 20 min, 1:00 our time, before I start calling every hour on the hour, lol. 4 dpo is waaaaayyyy too early to feel out! Stay strong and positive yourself! I know how hard it is, but you still have an eggie in the tube just now making its way into the uterus. I talk myself through the TWW by imagining where in my body the bean is at any given moment.

Jennavee- I do talk to the baby, but then I get to feeling like maybe I shouldn't because I don't know if it's a viable pregnancy yet and I don't want to get too attached. If that's at all possible. When something makes me feel good about the pregnancy I cheer on our little baby though. Like when I see a difference in the tests or when my bbs get sore again I start chanting "grow baby grow!" LOL

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10 years ago

While- I am so sorry! I pray your dad and grandpa get better soon. What a terrible day for you. I am so glad you and DH did something for your angel baby. That sounds like a very sweet memory and I am sure the baby is happy about their balloon from heaven. The lines still haven't gotten lighter then that baby is fighting! I am praying so hard for you

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10 years ago

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