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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@staggart- EEEKKK!!!! I'm so nervous for you! OK...keep us updated! I'd ask for progesterone levels to be safe.

Wow...I'm cd 60 today! WOW just wow! My body sucks. Yesterday was also 1 year since I lost my 3rd peanut. Time is flying!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter


I was literally screaming at the tv when they announced it! lol Dh was cracking up.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hahaha waitingonmymiracles theres something about your posts that always make me laugh (in a good way!) How are you feeling?

Today I'm 11DPO. Been having very light bleeding with cramps (3rd day this morning) - and I'm usually a very very heavy bleeder lol. Trying not to think too much of it hoping its implantation bleeding and not a weird AF, because it shouldn't be due until the 26th. Fingers crossed I read good stories similar..

Have a good morning everyone ! it's all about staying positive no matter what

9 years ago

Hahahaha!!! I haven't seen it! Can't wait either!!! Took me a while to adjust to the who is playing Christian, but I've adjusted :) LOL! Feb of 2015 right?

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9 years ago

Waiting, My friend was SO psyched last night about the trailer coming out! lol She could hardly finish her dinner gushing over it :-)

Hi SugaarPlum!

Congrats, s.taggart910!!!!

AFM: I haven't updated because I don't really know wth is going on with my body...I'm on CD25, don't ACTUALLY know if I O'd, or when I O'd, based on my temps and body changes, lol. If my period follows the normal 28 day cycle I should have an AF visit on Sunday, but given that I could have O'd on a few different dates, It could be anywhere from 7/27-8/3! SMH.

Hope you ladies are well! Hugs and as always, and to all!

9 years ago

Hi neisa!

I find that the more I track the worse my body gets. It challenges me as if it doesn't want me to know what's up. So stubborn! Lol

I passed a lot of clots an hour ago and had excruciating pain...I kept convincing myself I was doing ok but i'm calling it quits now and trying to calm down and stay positive..

Good luck keep us updated :)

9 years ago

Hi everyone i am new to this site and i came across this topic and thought that i would totally fit in lol. I actually might be a little crazier than the rest. So 14 years ago my DH had a vasectomy after the birth of his second child. I myself have no children of my own but would love to have one. Well my normal cycle is usually right on point and lasts 6days maybe 7 and this past month it came a day late and lasted maybe 3 days at the most. it was pretty normal but not as heavy on day 1 and then by Sunday it was barely there. So i immediately thought thats weird sooo knowing that I'm probably not pregnant i decided to buy a test anyway because besides for not having sore boobs i have a few symptoms that kinda made me wonder if i could be. I've since taken 4 tests and all came out BFN. ..I think my body is playing tricks on me but was very hopeful that it would have been true. Now tell me that isn't crazy lmao!

9 years ago

Hi xzoey1217!

Nah, you're not crazy at all! Our bodies are always doing something different as it reacts to its environment, both internal and external; that's what makes symptom spotting so unreliable many times :-( Anywho, I'm pretty much a newbie here too, so i'll let these lovely ladies who have much more experience than me take you under their wings :-) Looking forward to having you on-board with us through our reciprocal journeys!

9 years ago

What's funny is that I was so excited, that I had to tell someone how excited I was. But I knew if I posted it to facebook that my dad would see and then he'd give me the stink eye for reading it LOL! In all honesty, the book isnt much different than any other romance novel I've read (as far as sexual content goes) except it includes some spanking and buttplugs ! But oh my my my my...Christian Grey left me winded! lol. It's one of the few books that I literally couldnt put down. I finished all 3 books in 2 weeks! I will admit the writing was a little repetitive but then again, how many synonyms are there for a penis!? LMBO!

@sugaarplum- I'm sorry hun. It's stupid yet amazing how our bodies just KNOW when we want to have a baby and then they go all stupid. Pop some advil and rest sugar cube.

@EB-Dh and I had just started watching Once Upon A Time when I started reading the books. I already was crushing on The Sheriff (shh dont tell my dh lol) when they announced him playing Christian. I about fell out of my chair! I like Jamie Dornan as the scruffy bad boy but come much more bad can you get than Christian! All this talk is making want to reread them! lol Valentines Day 2015! I'm too embarrassed to watch it with DW in the theatre but I dont think I can wait til it comes out to dvd. I may just have to the lonely, bugged eyed gal with her popcorn lol!

@niesa- Your friend couldnt eat and I couldnt sleep. lol That's a big difference in dates! I looked at your chart. To me it could be either the 16 or the 19th that you OV'd. Are you taking opks yet?

@xzoey- WELCOME hun! I've come to the conclusion that CRAZY is a symptom of baby fever lol. Even before dh and I were trying, I'd get nauseous one day and the thought of being pregnant made me go into full on baby fever. Despite using condoms and the pill, I kept taking tests everyday for like 2 weeks hoping I was. All bfns and I was soooo depressed afterwards. I remember crying in dh's arms and what hurt most was him saying he didnt want one yet. He kicks himself now. Maybe he might be willing to talk about a vasectomy reversal It's always possible that you could be pregnant though. Sometimes things grow back and girls will get pregnant. I say call your dr and ask for a bloodtest. It'll put your mind at ease

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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