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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm on cd 17 today. No idea what's going with my lady parts! lol. Kinda nice not worrying about ttc at the moment. We're just having lots of sex when we want to and not worrying about it. Which is weird but nice.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Looking at baby pics of myself at my 1st birthday, wondering what my babies will look like...:)
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara - What an adorable photo! You are such a cutiepie! I'm glad to hear that you are just going with the flow this month. Hopefully it will be lucky for you. :)

AFM, I got my 4th beta today (16 DPO).

9 DPO = 5.6
12 DPO = 36
14 DPO = 92 (Progesterone 37)
16 DPO - 221

My doubling time was 35.5 hours on DPO 14, but decreased a little to 38 today, which I think is normal. It starts to gradually slow down as the number gets bigger.

My RE said no more betas. She would like to see me on June 27th for my first U/S. I'll be 6 weeks and a couple days then. She really prefers to do them at 7 weeks; however, she will be on vacation that week. Fxd it is not too early to see a HB.

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10 years ago

Holly we saw a heartbeat at 6 weeks on the dot. Fingers crossed for you and many prayers.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@holly- :) I'll be marking my calendar for June 27th!!!

OK...I need to vent. This is going to sound totally selfish but...this was the first year I didnt get a birthday present from anyone. Makes me feel old. My parents havent gotten me one in a while cause money is tight so that I completely understand but what confuses my husband! This is the first year in 8 years that he hasnt given me a gift. I mentioned to him this morning that it was weird. He just said that I didnt tell him what I wanted so he didnt get me anything. Now I know that's BS cause I always tell him to surprise me. It's like this year...he didnt even try .
We're not talking much today cause I snapped at him this morning. My sister had a medical emergency and I was asleep with my phone off. She's ok..she just fainted on the bathroom floor. She called my phone but I didnt answer so she called dh. Well, after I found out what happened, I asked him if he saw my sister called. He said yea and that he chose to let it go to voicemail cause he didnt feel like stopping his videogame. I was so pissed that my sister needed us and he was too lazy to answer the phone. Today is not going as planned. I dont even want to do anything now.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh no Tara, sorry DH didn't get you a gift. I would be pissed and upset too! I would be pissed at my husband for not answering also! Although to be honest, he probably wouldn't.

However I didn't get my DH a Fathers Day card until today, but in my defense we have been super duper busy and was out of town for three days! IM HORRIBLE I KNOW! Usually I have this crap wayyyyyyy before needed :-(

10 years ago

I got a postive opk on the 8th, ovulated on the 9th. I'm 7 dpo and Ever since I've ovulated I've been cramping. The only symptoms I've had was the cramping, heartburn and Vivid dreams. I'm hoping these are good signs.

10 years ago

@sarah- Good luck hun!

@xomandy- I confronted him about it shortly after I posted. He felt like the worst husband in the world. He said cause of our busy schedules that my birthday came too fast to think of a meaningful gift so he just hoped I wouldnt care and he'd try harder on our anniversary LOL. I forgave him :) We went out for crab legs for dinner and walked around bed bath and beyond after. He followed me everywhere, jotting down notes in his phone for future gift ideas. He grabbed some fondant sizing bands I've been wanting and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! lol. So that was my belated gift :) He also apologized for ignoring my sister's phone call. He said he was afraid she'd ask him to wake me up so I could do something for her and he wanted me to be able to sleep in. So, we're good. We've actually never had a fight but I do get my feelings hurt sometimes and he's always quick to make things right.
Was dh upset you forgot a card? lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!

I've just finished reading every last post in this thread, and it is so amazing, reassuring, and exciting to see women continually supporting each other in this manner. The sisterhood you've created is inspiring.

I am super super new to all of this, to the point that I don't know what half the acronyms you're using mean, lol (i've been doing a bit of research though). I've never really tracked anything relating to my fertility, except my period dates, and I don't really know where to start but here it goes:

My bf and I spent my birthday weekend together (we live in different states) and had sex every day from 6/7 to 6/10. Idk how to say this with tact...but on 6/10 we didn't try NOT to get pregnant, lol. Since 6/12 i've felt "weird"...can't really explain what that means, just not myself, so I start tracking my symptoms. After doing some reading, I'm pretty sure I O'd on 6/13 or 6/14. Since 6/11 or 6/12 i've had a pretty persistent backache, and on and off feeling like I'm catching a cold (light sore throat, foggy brain, light runny nose). Prior to O'ing I felt twinges and a heaviness in my lower abdomen, and with the exception of one day I have felt this heaviness everyday, either all day or at least half the day. Other recurring symptoms include:

-light dizziness
-gassy (lots of burping, though, not so much today!)
-light headaches on and off)
-achy gums

If i'm right about my O day, I am 3-4 dpo, and I know it's too early to test. My period should be here by 7/1. I've been nervous about putting this information out into the ether because I don't want to seem crazy or pre-preemptive...but I need someone to talk to about these things because I don't want to get my bff or my bf excited and and anxious for nothing...and i'd like to surprise them in a special way if I am pregnant.

Thanks in advance for being a listening ear :-)


10 years ago

@ Tara.. No he wasn't. We were in Austin at the Rot Rally and since my daughter was his first text that morning telling him Happy Fathers Day and she loved him he said that was all he wanted! I did go get him a card though and he is leaving today to go on a Business Fishing Trip so he is happy and I'm off the hook!

10 years ago

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