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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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so tonight i had a melt down over nothing well it wasnt nothing it was a takeaway lol at 1st i got annoyed then i got upset and cryed ( i dont cry easy ) as we had people round they must of thought i was a crazy person . this last week my mood has been all over the place my poor DH thinks im on something lol i just cant explain it ive never feel emotions like it

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11 years ago

@Phatgurl- As for me, I think it'd be cute to wait til she conceives and after she tells everyone she's pregnant then go out to lunch with her one day and drop little hint and she if catches on that you're you. I think it'd be cute but do whatever you feel is best. If you tell her know, she may get miffed cause she may want to surprise the family and if she finds out you've been spying she may get upset. I'd wait but that's me.

@jlgulley- As long as you're still having periods you're not I'm what you'd call broken! 9dpo is early so it's still always possible!

@lammy-I hate those dreams! I had to live it. I was so excited last year when I found out I was pregnant cause I could give my dad his first blood grandbaby but when my sister got pregnant after I miscarried I was so jealous it hurt. I have dreams dh is cheating on me and then I hate him for hours after I wake I want to roll over and slap him!

Ok, now that I'm caught up....Dh came home friday and we were standing in the living room hugging. I asked if he wanted to know why I've been out of it and he said yes. I started off by telling him I tested tuesday and got a positive..just to see his reaction. He squealed and started clapping like a preschooler playing patty cake . Then I said I tested thursday to make sure and it was a false pos on tuesday. His heart sank...which in a weird way made me feel better cause I didnt feel alone. He held me for a while and periodically throughout the evening would tell me he was depressed I wasnt pregnant. Then by bedtime, I asked what was on his mind and he said in is best babytalk ...'I'm sooo happy cause I'm so in love with you and I'm married to you'! Sometimes he's like living with 10 Second Tom from 50 First he already forgot the news I gave him earlier. LOL. Sheesh.
I was at a family reunion today and my mother in law started in about wanting grandbabies so we had to lie and give a story about how we're not ready yet. Sike!!! Played with babies and youngsters and everyone told me how good of a mother I'll be. One of dh's cousins has a little boy with spina bifida so he has issues walking and strangers act weird around him. I just picked him and put him on the swing. Held him tight and made him feel like he was swinging by himself. He was so proud, screaming..MOM LOOK AT ME..I'M SWINGING! So adorable. I think I'll be a good mom Then we went to see my parents for an hour or two since they had colds and I hadnt seen them for 3 weeks. Told them about my PCOS...but left out the TTC part. I told them cause I hoped they'd stop putting sweets in my face. It worked,my mom said...''ll go buy spinach for a salad for you tomorrow'(we eat with them on sundays). So it was a good day, got my mind off of stuff :). Goodnight everyone!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Phat- I understand what your saying, I kind of agree with Tara too though, it would be a cute way just in case she is hoping for that surprise aspect as well. DH is kind of in a trans, going back to work & all & DD is now in pre-school it may sound selfish but i can not take coming home at 7 am every morning after working a 12 hr shift just to stay up another 8 hours. I can not keep working on 4 hours of sleep IF THAT! Its a lot of stress & I feel like that could also be a huge factor in our ttc process is all the stress.

To top it off DH decided to spring on me that he wants to sell & buy a new house, one closer to family & both of our works. He wants and has always wanted to live in Happy Valley, It is beautiful there but houses are pricey and HUGE which in return means me cleaning like crazy (my ocd is NOT my friend) Right now i am content with living arrangements besides his brother living with us. No idea what to do about it other then get pregnant and tell him you gotta go i need the room for the baby, It just frustrates me his room is right next door to ours and he is always on that damn play station yelling and fighting with complete strangers and talking crap like he is a bad ass like really you are sitting on the futon i bought you, using the TV i bought on the stand i bought living in my spare bedroom not paying a dime and you are some hard big boy who can talk mess to people you dont even know! GRR. AND to top it off, I ask him to take out the trash he responds- "I dont make it, you take it out" which last week i asked him to do the dishes he replied "i dont use dishes, you do them" so ok he is about 270 lbs HE EATS, so there fore he is either using my paper plates, which means TRASH or my dishes which means do the damn dishes! So tonight i made dinner before work and sat down with DH & DD didnt bother to get him out of his room but he came out and started making a plate & I responded "You didnt make the food, so dont eat it" he laughed it off and i snapped. He apologized & ended up cleaning the entire kitchen, but it shouldnt take me having to snap! I just wish he could grow up and get his life together. I told DH if we move he is not moving with us. I can not be a mother to a 20 yr old while ttc and taking care of my own daughter. I have YEARS before i should have to deal with a teenager!

Tara- Sounds like you had a good day, It was really sweet the way your DH reacted. You are surely loved honey! He needs to get in contact with my DH and give him a lesson on romance! lol
PS- You are not broken, youve proven to do it once you can do it again! Plus you have a lot of people rootin for you and you all are in my prayers!

Lammy- lol crazy emotions like that are a good sign, now my day to day crazy emotions are just a psychotic ttcer! l0l

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

tara i have those dreams where DH has cheated i feel so hurt and broken hearted when i wake up .

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11 years ago

so tonight i had shooting pain in my right bbs i screamed DH was like WTH im like i have no idea shooting pains in my bbs i told him then about an hour later i screamed again he said pain in ur bbs i say nope in my right ovary that lasted longer then the bbs pain but i always get the pain on the right ride yet scan say no cyst nothing was all good

im really hoping these are really good signs for i can test tomorrow i think i will if i can remeber to hold my pee lol but im used to seeing those now lol due on the 16th so 3days please keep ue for me

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11 years ago

here come the water works again omg whats up with me i only watched a video where a woman told her hubby she was preg .

i need to go to bed then i will be awake quick and sooner i can take a test lol

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11 years ago

Hi everyone! It has been a very crazy couple of weeks. When I last posted, came and I was so upset about that! Well, after she arrived...she did not have her normal flow. Instead she was on for two days (brownish color versus red) and dissapeared for a few days and then returned for 1 day with a bright red color. I took an hpt and received . Oh...BTW, the 2nd day of AF, I was having pain in my left ovary! It was very reminiscent of when I had an ovarian cyst last year and had to have surgery. Long story short. I think my strange two weeks ago was due to a cyst. I feel better now, so I hope it ruptured and is on the path to healing itself.

Now on to cycle three...I think that is where we are. According to my tracker, I O'd yesterday (Saturday). DH and I on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Satureday, and hopefully tonight. I have fingers crossed that this is my month. Last month I tested about 2 dozen times s all the way, so this month, I will not test until 1 day after my missed period. I will keep you all posted.

I just want you all to know, that I have a smart phone, tablet, etc...but long fingers, so I hate texting/typing on those devices. Now that I have my computer set up again, I hope to be more active on line. You have all been my rocks! Keeping me motivated to hang on for my . I just turned 41 and am hoping the or pays me a visit. Just wanted to give you an update!

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11 years ago

looks like today i will be spending the day by the loo

i feel sooo sick i thought i was hungry but i ate and it made it worse i feel dizzy too i did test with fmu but
3 days till due

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11 years ago

If there are any ladies on here interested in seeing how the FertiliTea is working for different users from this site here is a new topic!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

Happy Monday girls!!!!! I'm so nervous. Dh maybe getting a promotion and raise. He works for the local police department as a clerk in the detective unit. The captain said he does so much more than he's asked to (IT work on top of everything else) and derserves much higher pay. So the captain is meeting with HR director to create new position for him that will result in a higher pay grade. Things have been VERY tight but we stepped out in faith knowing that God would provide a way for us to have a child. Not only will I be a nanny for my nephew getting paid but he'll have pay upgrade too....HOPEFULLY!!!! So for that BFP! lol
I have til the 16th to have AF or BFP then onto provera. Oh but on the downside...I've developed a funky rash on my girly parts and towards my badonkadonk. Not itchy so I dont think it's yeast. Just raw feeling. Like too much sex or something.

@shay-Thank you honey!!! Dh has his moments of romance. Sometimes more than others lol. I'm praying for you too honey! I dont know how you do it. I understand the videogaming annoyance all too well!! Dh has gotten games were his friends growing up. He actually stopped playing completely for a while and started reading. I was so proud but then my dad surprised him with an XBOX for christmas. I could have killed him! He's doing good though. Only plays while I'm sleeping or making dinner. Luckily he's not as annoying as your BIL. Dh is respectful when playing and uses it to bond with my dad and my BIL. I'm with you...if you move-kick him out! OH and I totally understand the OCD! I've cleaned my bathroom with a black light before!

@Holly-Thank you for the update HollyHoney! As long as you're still O'ing you still have a chance!!!! Enjoy the !!!

@lammy-sorry you're sick!...but glad at same time. for you!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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