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October 2019 Babes TTC

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Hey lovely ladies! I am back and gonna start trying this cycle for our last babe. I am looking for other ladies to share my journey with in TTC this month for late September/early October babes.

My little guy is only 13 months old and I breast feed him till I went back to work last year, since then my cycles have been so wonky, so I am not certain when my ovulation will be, but I started ovulation testing yesterday and got a low fertility result and tested again today and got a high fertility result both in the morning and night.

Crossing my fingers for all the ladies trying to conceive this cycle

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419 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@claire welcome, praying your journey ends this month.

@brittany, I totally get you. I just hope I can keep the positive up this cycle. I think with me listening to the fertility hypnosis everyday, I will be able too. SO wont put the oils on unless I say something, like last night I'm pretty site he didnt do it when he got in bed and i fell asleep quickly so I didnt ask.

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5 years ago

Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I was in the hospital, because I injured my groin muscle back in October. The pain has grown and to more areas and gotten worse. They had to check for blood clots, because I am high risk for clots. They found nothing but a cyst on my right ovary. Other than a muscle being injured, I’m perfectly healthy!! I am 3dpo and my boobs hurt so bad. That is the only symptom I have. Anything else is normal for me. So happy to see most of us in the TWW!!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

@momma fingers crossed this is your cycle for a BFP.

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5 years ago

Hey girls! I am on cycle day 2 now. The red witch showed up 4 days early yesterday (weird since I am normally a 29 day cycle on the dot) I am anxiously waiting for it to finish so we can get back to business! I love hearing about everyone's

5 years ago

Let's liven things up a little bit. How was everyone's weekend? We went to a beer festival yesterday (hubby's Christmas present) and had lots of fun tasting new beers and ciders and eating way too much food truck food. I was driving and am in my TWW so I only tasted a couple but it was worth it just for the food haha

5 years ago

Welcome Amarie! Fingers crossed

I went to the movies with my SO to see the Upside with Kevin Hart wounderful.

My mom gave me a very relaxing fertility massage and we have been chatting about me getting pregnant and that this might be the cycle. Shes wanting me to wait to find out the sex of the baby as well when it happens. She says it's the beat feeling in the world when you have your baby to not know. I told her I would just for her. She knows how bad I want a child.

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5 years ago

Welcome Amarie!

Low key weekend for me...did some errands, my oldest had a basketball game and my SO and I started watching Games of Thrones...very interesting show. Been a busy last couple of months, so we take lazy days if we can get them!

Nothing too exciting to report...6dpo today. Just waiting to POA..

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Bug I'm so jealous of the massage. I'd give just about anything for a good massage right now.

@Brittany We love GoT! We started it last year and just finished it up a few months ago. Can't wait for the final season to start this spring. And no shame about lazy days. We did that last weekend and it was much needed.

5 years ago

Huge GOT fan! Got my SO addicted to it and he/we finished it in 2 weeks. All seasons. Of course, I was a fan years ago.

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5 years ago

Beer tasting sounds so fun! Although, I usually just stick to Coors Light. We had a very busy weekend planning my 3yo’s Paw Patrol Birthday party that was today. Very exhausted. I’m 4 dpo and I’m just so tired and my boobs are sore. I’ve been grouchy and my cervix is so high I can’t reach it. I could barely find it at all. Trying so hard not to symptom spot. Every little twinge has me like... whooooaaaaa I’m pregnant. ????????

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

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