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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Holly thank you.

Phat I'll be thinking of you. Hope everything is ok I'll be praying.

I really want everyone in here to get their bfp's. I know I got mine but it doesn't mean I can't be on the sideline cheering y'all on.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Athena - glad you're feeling better & I'm looking forward to your next us pics.

Thanks everybody for the well-wishes.

10 years ago

Phat, sent out my prayers for you and the family. , come on BFP.

Tara, the doc is not monitoring my first round. Should I ask for monitoring? What the difference in monitored and not?

Athena, hi, glad to hear that you're doing well and thanks for the well wishes on BFP's.

Holly, where are you in your cycle?

afm, I'm just going to see what happens this cycle. BD'ing eod and testing w/ opk's starting Friday. Wedn. will be my final does of clomid. I normally get my 1st peak reading on CD12 and ovulate around CD13. Wonder if my normal schedule will remain the same on clomid. ?????

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10 years ago

Good luck baby magic! Cloud helps alot of ppeople and I'm excited for you!

I can't wait until all of us have our bfps! So exciting.

Athena- when is your next ultrasound?

Phat- those cheapie tests are not sensitive at all, good luck!!!

Holly - did you test yet today? I always had better luck with 2ndMU.

10 years ago

Memphrika I'm not sure yet I have to reschedule my nurses appt. and I won't schedule it til I go to that one. But it should be around 12 weeks which will be 2 and a half weeks from now.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Awesome then you will see your actual baby instead of a bean!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I've missed so much activity on here, haven't been on since last Wednesday! I was getting ready for my Mom to come in town from Florida for my baby shower this past weekend! It was great and such a success! I had a great time. We got so many awesome presents for our little twinkies! It took 2 1/2 car fulls to get all the presents back to our house! I can't wait to use all of it! Makes everything more real. I hope the next 8 weeks fly by! I can't wait to meet them!
My next appointment is this thursday and my doc said last time the schedule for may should be out so I should be able to schedule my c-section. I hope so! It will be nice to have a definite date to count down to!
Congrats Memphrika on your bean! Love the pic~!
Tara- I hope you are feeling better! My goodness, you have been sick an awful lot! Please take care of yourself! I am going to visit the jamberry website asap. I will order. I love nail wraps because I hate painting my nails and waiting for them to dry.
And don't let me freak you out! Lol, this is a miraculous journey and it is wonderful - just not the most comfortable. Lol.
Baby Magic - Congrats on the awesome test results! Yay! Get workin!
Mragan - welcome! Baby dust to you!
I skimmed the last few pages, but who ever I didn't address - lots of luck to you all!

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10 years ago


I'm 8DPO and got BFNs on FMU, 2MU, and 3MU. I'm having some cramping today and sore nipples. I also had some EWCM - it was very thick and stretchy. DH and I BD'd last night, but I don't think it was sperm...but maybe so, who knows. It's still early, so I hope I get a BFP by Thursday AM when I go to see my RE for a follow up appointment.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies! I'm so exhausted today. Only got about 2 hours of sleep thanks to a curious kitty. The crescendo of the night was when he knocked over my lamp and got his head stuck in my water glass! lol. Ugh. It's so weird taking provera for 10 days. I'm used to taking it for 5 but they want it to mimic a normal luteal phase. Feels like it's taking forever.

@Phat- thinking about you hun!

@athena- Glad you kept the burger down lol

@babymagic- Clomid can change your OV date. But it depends on the individual. Some it shortens your follicular phase or lengthens it. As to the meaning of 'monitored', it means that they keep an eye on your follicles (eggs). If the doctor is equipped, then they'll do a transvaginal ultrasound (stick a dildo like wand in your coochie ) to see how many eggs are maturing.

@kristi- I know. I feel like a walking petri dish and I'm not even on immune suppressants this time. I'm fine now. At least I'm immune to the stomach bug for a few months lol. Just saw your order go your the MO MO type?! What's neat is that all the nail wraps that you ordered, pair together well! A lot of customers like to do a combination of wraps on their nails. Livens up the designs and makes them pop instead of having the same wrap on each finger. I know what you mean...I HATE polishing my nails. Takes me an hour and then I always screw them up and have to fix them. That's what I love about the Jamberry wraps cause there is NO DRY TIME! Sometimes I put them on and then cook dinner or take a shower and no smudges cause it's not polish. They are also chip free unlike polish is so they stay on up to 2 weeks on the fingers and over a month on your toes! Even better...they are non toxic, unlike the other wraps available so they are completely safe for pregnancy. I even know chemo patients that wear them and they cant even wear polish during chemo. I find it amazing how popular they are getting...even Mayim Bialik from Big Bang Theory wears them! Thank you so much for your order sugar cube!! It makes my heart to sing to see so many of you supporting me!

Speaking of which....when you ladies receive your orders, take a picture with your wraps on and either post it or send it to me. Dying to see you rocking them. Also, if you go to my website, click on the wrap you ordered and make note of the hashtag. If you have instragram, you can hashtag the picture and it will be used on my website!!! Sorry if I'm rambling...cant help myself

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

BTW...I'm going to be so HAPPY when I can talk tww stuff again! I still cant believe I'm getting an IUI.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

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