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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I'll check about the anemia with my ring. Hemochromatosis runs in my family & based on my brothers + test for it there's a good chance I have it, too. It's an iron overload disease, and women don't have side effects most of the time because their AF is like a monthly blood letting. I haven't been tested for it genetically, but based on some abnormal labs I had when I wondered if I had it I most likely do. That decreases my anemia odds.

I have had both clotting & bright red blood. Lots of blood. The clots haven't been huge, but they are more substantive than normal & there ar e lots more of them. Weird thing is that my normal AF is 1 light day, 1-2 moderately heavy days with little to no clotting, 1-2 days with nothing or very light brown spotting and 1 final day where a short flow comes out of nowhere. Then it's basically just the remnants for a couple of days. This is very abnormal.

I posted pics from the 3 clearblues I took before AF came then a single pic of one I took today. There's a definite difference. The pics are all after they dried. I also took apart my digis & took pics the other day. They're chronological from before AF. Top is the oldest. They are morning, afternoon, morning, afternoon. Ã?t's weird they got lighter. My urine was really concentrated for all. I KNOW WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE APART DIGITALS, BUT I'M A REBEL AND DON'T CARE. I may not understand how they work, but the line has to mean something. And no they don't test for LH, too. Lies spread by That site is so outdated. I think the last photos are 5 years old. It's now my mission in life to find out how they work. Take a look if you get a chance.

Lammy - welcome back. Can't get the green tjong image out of my head now.

11 years ago

Money - good luck with the BD & you're welcome!

Aprincessa - good luck with your testing. Thinking of you.

11 years ago


11 years ago

af due today still no sign of her. up until today i was having a wet feelin and light cramps. today i dont feel anything. i hope this is a good sign and not af trying to creep up on me. i have also been going to pee every 45 min and i really havnt drank that much today. mood swings too. stay away af

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11 years ago

I've left my mark on the world with my green washrag thong! YOU WILL REMEMBER ME FOREVER!!!


Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Just wanted to update you ladies with my situaion. I have taken about a 100 test this month (well it seams) and I have finially gotten a I just need lots of sticky baby dust as it is common to MC after having your IUD removed and conceiving in the same month. I have been taking asprin all month so hopefully this helped the little bean durring implantation and it will stick. It's hard for my DH to get excited because we have had a MC almost 3 years ago before my DS. GL to all you ladies and baby dust to all!!

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11 years ago

@Tara I've never used tampons because I've been told that it can cause you to have difficulty conceiving. Plus I don't feel it's natural to have something shoved up in you for the day. I'm ok with pads I've never had the desire to wear tampons regardless of how heavy I've been. When I was younger my period used to last up to 7 days HEAVY bleeding.

OMG Had to tell you ladies! After DH and I this morning he was immitating some of the southern accents he heard and he was CRACKING me up well I laughed so hard I almost speed myself and when I said it in my head I started laughing harder! haha when he got done with his immitations I told him about the whole typo thing on here and he tells me "Well get up and go to the restroom before you speed!" Ahhh feels good to have him home! haha

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

shay - hope your scan went well today!

Mooney - speed

Vandernoordh - glad yours was a BFP! So happy for you!!!!! Here's hoping all goes well...keep us updated! Yay!

I stopped bleeding for about 6 hours & started back. Must less time than normal. I was taking aspirin & an omega oils complex. Wonder if either if those could have had an impact? I took the equivalent of a baby aspirin dose & stopped the day AF arrived.

11 years ago

so i have been having for bad cramping for about a week now thinking it was something to do with late and very clotty . i was looking around on here and thought i would do a calculator and well today is O day lol so maybe cramps are O pains ? but they are like bad pains across front and back but no bleed been feeling really sick and dizzy with it too

i wish i hadnt looked now as now i hit the 2ww and will drive myself crazy

lucky we have been a few times in last few days hehe new home and being married we just cant keep our hands off each other .

also last few days DH has been taking zinc to help the little swimmers

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies
Thank you for all your well wishes. I appoligize...i know most of you direct conversations at each other....and i appreciate your responses. I am in need of your prayers and well wishes tonight. Please send your prayers up to the Lord for me. I got a thin line i will include soooo happy but trying hard not to get too excited. I finally got a appt for Friday morning to see a actualy OBGYN at the Hospital tommorow at 830am.....I got severely dizzy today trying to do dishes.....and was nausous most of the day till dinner. I have finally tracked my dizziness and it appears my eating habit may have to change. I know i have not given you a full story....let me tell.......
9 years ago got my tubes tied after a miscarriage that was tested by blood and urine in January of 2004. They scheduled my ligation for march 22....told me I was not pregnant and good to go. March 8th on the way back from a 18 hour drive with my ex husband.....($erk).....we fought the whole ride home.....that night i had severe cramping and in the hospital i went with a miscarriage. I was 3 months pregnant....but came up negative on blood and urine.
Then we back up further my son and daughter were found out and i was close to 3 months with both.
Here is where I think God is working some majic.....when i got on DePO in 2001....i got off for two reason one to attempt to have my daughtwr and two to loosse the 30 pounds. 2 years went by ex was acting very odly....almost like he sened i was able to give birth and was on my like white on i had also lost 75 pounds.....and December of 02 i wa pregnant with Mariya .Last fiance...we have been together 5 years.....he has taken reponsbility for my 2 kids...and you would never know he was not their biological daughter calls him Daddy and he has no kids of his own...however u ask him...and those two r his kids.
Sunday before 4th of july .......we were playing around.....(we had a conversation after he proposed)...we had agreed that if god wanted us to have a baby we were going to put it in his hands. Thats just what we did...forgot and went on with life. That night he queezed my nipple and clear liquid came out. (Keep in mind....he new to the whole preg thing his reaction was great). I started to do major google searching.....i was told by a nurse last year that not only was this possible but it was almost like clock work...he had said that after 8 years if u got ur tubes tied prior to age 25..the chances of having them come undone is high.
Well then that is where the hospital ...multiple negative tests and such came as paranoia. As u can tell this would be a huge blessing in disquise
However.....i. going to back up to the month of June.....the week of what i like to call a mating scent lol......well My current fiance had the same strange ...i want it all the time syndrome....however...coisidence 2 ....i just lost 5 dress sizes........amazing lol...i know.
So here I am.....a one weeks early period that lastted three day last month...weird behavior....symptoms that have grown in the past three weeks. I have hair growing on my nasue..i never get sick....dizziness if i dont eat.....moody...irritable....two week early period the second week of July. Am extremely emotional......fel bloated...and feel fluttery......clear nipple discharge.....uterine discharge...white creamy.....hormones...extremely up....and finally after negatives all the past two days i have got two positives....both more faint ...todays is definetly ther....but its a thin line.
My thoughts and prayers is that God is working his majic. I jut hope Fiance has been sooo exciteed...and to be honest sooo am i for makes me cry to see how happy he gets......i would love to give the man that puts his wants and need aside for me and the kids. He literally...was a blessing as it was. Soo please as you ladies go on ....prayy for us....this is a guy that many woman would and could only dream of having....and he truly deserves to father his own kid. Luck and well wishes for all u and prayers ur way. Will update u all tommorow !!!!

11 years ago

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