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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Tara- Yes i will come home and start rambling on about what happened at work and DH will look at me like im nuts and say english please! But when he gets to talking his marine business its the same look i get so i understand. It does however look like i am going to be out this month. I am having a hida scan tomorrow and my gallbladder removed friday SHOOT ME. I swear if i loose anymore of my organs i am going to die, literally. 7 weeks ago- appendix, December 2010- spleen NOW my gallbladder. Ugh.

I am out of it tonight ladies sorry no rambling from Shay tonight. :/ I feel like crud, however Tara & Phat you made my night with a good laugh, I think we have all pee'd on ourselves at some point, this i may even of just now laughing since i had to hold it for 4 hrs at work tonight! & Phat i am the same way with the tests! I am now not buying and pregnancy tests but watch cus DH got my opks i am going to end up testing on those just to see a line! Ok i said no rambling, Good Night Ladies, Wishing you all some sweet baby dreams!!!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Tara- damned spell correct. I went back & took it off one time, too. It must have put it back! I have speed on myself many times! Just wait until you're 8 or 9 months pregnant with your second or third child & a bladder that's already compromised by age & babies. Lots of fun....

On a totally different note I am still bleeding heavily, and just to remind everyone this is not normal for me. I stood up earlier, and it felt like I speed on myself! So much blood. Very weird.

11 years ago

Ok I was trying to stay off the forums for my own sanity but yall ladies are HIGHlarious!!! I'm over here dying at all the "Yea I've speed on myself" comment LMAO from ONE typo! hahahaha Even if I tried to explain to DH it would take me so long it wouldn't even be funny.. to him LMAO!

Hoping all you ladies are doing well!

@Phat I know I emailed you the other day but I just wanted to say thank you again for your words to me on FB.. You might have thought you had no words to encourage me with but you really put things into perspective for me.. Mainly that things are different here as opposed to down south and I'm grateful for that. It really did help. DH is actually in Dallas today, comes home tonight so FINALLY we can ALREADY!
Also I wanted to say that my also felt the same way with me! I didn't want to say anything but the first 3 days of AF I had to change my underwear twice a day! I was wearing those HUGE overnight pads that feel like you might as well be wearing a diaper! and no matter how many times I went to the bathroom and speed and wiped I would leak out.. story of my life! But my mom did warn me that because I missed a whole month my cycle would be VERY heavy and have a lot of clots. So it didn't worry me.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

Phatgurl- I am so sorry to hear about your bleeding! Be careful not to get anemic. I surely sounds like something odd is going on! I on the other hand have for some reason stopped bleeding and i havent even take my meds to make myself stop. I was taught a little trick by a Dr on our staff, if you have a gold ring, run the band side down your face, if it leaves a black mark or a dark line you are pushing anemia. Ive have tried it and it does work, which is weird! Are you passing any clots or just constant bright red blood? I hope things get better for you! Your in my prayers.

I am going today at 2:00 for a hida scan cant eat cant drink so it has now been 2 days with nothing to eat and i am getting dizzy. I cant wait till this whole process is over so i can get back to ttc. I also was talking to a patient yesterday that was pregnant she said she had been ttc for a little over a year and she was on pain meds for her back well as soon as she stopped taking the pain meds she got pregnant, so for any ttcers that are taking pain medication if you have the option to stop taking them or try and otc you should consider it!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Ok.....sooo i have a appt at hospital....i dont have insurance but they r going to see me friday. I woke up at 230am and got sick out of nowhere.....then woke back up 6....and cant eat all today....feel sick to my stomach and just fee crappy....dont feel like moving just sick.......ughhhhhhh.....if this is not pregnancy this sure is hell

11 years ago

im kinda back lol been busy moving

but all i can think of is taras wash rag thong lol everything time i think about it this is how i see it in my head lol,r:0,s:0,i:70

last night after trying to hold it all it but i laughed cos all i could think of was the wash rag thong lol

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11 years ago

@Shay- at least uterus isnt included in that list. Yikes!

@Phatgurl- ROFL!!! I was laughing so hard while typing that. Dh was laughing too. He's like, "you tooted in the kitchen?...So I'm not the only one!" lol. At least I'm more secretive about it! Told him last night during dinner that he's hotter than me and he settled when he married me (we were kidding around). He got up, ran to the mud room and farted so loud I thought he messed himself. I was laughing and said, "Nevermind, I settled!". I'm sorry this AF is so rough. Try to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Try the ring thing *I'm sure everyone that read Shay's post will be standing in the mirror, rubbing their rings on the face*. The men will really think we've really gone nuts.

@mooney-are you wearing a tampon or just using pads? I used to wear pads when I was younger cause I was afraid that a tampon would hurt since I was a virgin (something my dad told me-old wives tale he heard). Sounds weird that my dad would be the one to tell me that but he was a stay at home dad.

@aprincessa- Something is definitely going on. Praying you get some answers!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

hahahahaha @Lammy is right! I do be having that picture in my head to... like sumo wrestler status hahaha..

so I don't know if anyone esle see's this or it's just my computer but now all the pic icons and names are running off the side of the page.. you think we might need to start a new forum like a continuation? I read something the administrator posted asking people to start new topics after 15 pages.. you think this might be it or is it the link Lammy put?

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's last thing I expected to see!!!!! Is that what you are imagining Lammy? HAHAHA
My wash rag thong is lime green. Dh says when I stand up I look like I either have a green cloth penis or a green terd. HAHAH!!! I dont care if it's not gets the job done. But i'm glad I dont look like one of these guys!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

It did this shortly before you joined the forum Mooney. It's just the website acting up. It'll get fixed within a day.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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