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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I saw your test from a couple days ago...I hope it's implantation!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello TTC Sisters! Had my mid-cycle U/S this morning and it was a disaster of epic proportions!

(1) My lining was still thin...only 5mm and that was with estrogen shots and red raspberry leaf tea! My lining can suck it! UGH

(2) No decent size follies. My RE measured one at 7.5, but normally by now I have at least one follicle that is 18-21. She said it looks like my ovaries took a break this month. Okay ovaries. You can suck it too! Grrrrrr!

(3) My OPKs are pretty dark, so I think I may be surging soon. For nothing! I had ovary pains yesterday and today. Goes to show we have no idea what's going on inside when we aren't being monitored! Just sayin' Double Grrrrr!

Yesterday, I had O pains and EWCM, so there is the slimmest possibility that I already ovulated, but my RE does not think so because she could not see a collapsed follicle on the U/S. What does this all mean for me?

(1) No IUI this cycle. I cancelled it. Instead of coming back in a few days to see if the follicle has increased in size, we will just BD and let nature take its course. I didn't want to torture myself by coming back in a few days. I'm over it this cycle!

(2) Next month, I will have an HSG to ensure my tubes aren't blocked and everything else is working. This was at my request, IUI or medicated cycle next month either.

(3) She said due to my advanced maternal age, we may have to consider donor eggs if we are unsuccessful after a few more medicated cycles/IUIs. That was tough to hear. In my mind, there is an egg or two in my uterus that do not look or feel their age! They are wearing t-shirts that say: "40 is fine when you look 29!" I just need to keep trying until those eggs pop!

(4) Donor eggs! WTF! I'm not there yet. I'll try Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture before that! I may even make an appointment for that after the first of the year.

In short, I wanted a BFP for Christmas, but instead, I got a 2-month wait under the tree - damn Santa. Can a sister get a break! When I left the doctor's office, I sat in my car and just sobbed. I think I'm going to take the next 2 months off actively TTC until I know more about my situation. I don't want anymore disappointment for a while. I've always hated rollercoaster rides and this one is no different.

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10 years ago

Well the frer was a bfn and Im spotting more now. My boobs still hurt and I'm very nauseous, but I'm not holding out much hope even though I'm only 10 dpo.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@athena- maybe try progesterone cream next cycle?

@holly- DANGIT DANGIT DANGIT! I'm so mad at your reproductive system right now I could spit! If I could drive to Georgia tonight, I'd come give you the biggest hug ever![hug]

6dpo. Not much going on. Curious what my progesterone is cause my nipples dont hurt this round. My low back is still really tight but I cant use a heating pad[sad]. I'm also having some sharp cramps on the right side of my uterus[fingersx] . I have to keep reminding myself that it's okay not to have symptoms this early and that I'd just be implanting now. On a cool chinese pregnancy tests came in! OMG..they are so skinny and little. That's gonna drive me nuts. lol. I read that cocacola can turn a hpt positive so I bought a coke today and dipped one to see....nuttin! I did that so I could see where the test line should be. Apparently works with wondfos though. I also dipped one in water to check for evaps...stark white! So at least this time I dont have to wonder if they are false positives.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Ok I gotta be pregnant....or at least very hormonal. I did my nails with Jamberry's winter wonderland theme wraps. They are dark and light blue with snowmen and winter landscapes...anyways, I posted a pick on facebook and my oldest sister decided to humiliate me by bad mouthing my manicure. I know she was just being a butt and not purposely trying to hurt me but when I saw her post I burst into tears. I'm now hiding in the bathroom crying....

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

7dpo. Temp dropped yesterday and spiked again today :). Lot of sharp pulling. Ahhh!!!! Going to try to wait til thursday to test but I may test monday since I just got all these pretty new tests. Lol.

The sky dropped 8 inches of snow on us last night...was only supposed to get maybe half that. But the roads are plowed so we're going to go shopping shortly...yea crowds! Actually I'm excited, tired of online shopping. Lol. What I'm really excited about...surprising my dad with a snow blower for Christmas. My parents have had more fights over driveway shoveling than anything else. Time to intervene. Lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

I had the shittiest birthday ever. Af started, had to go to a cookie swap and a tacky sweater party. Was talking to a friend about my situation and she basically said it took us 4 years to get pregnant so suck it up, but she already had one child so it's not exactly the same. She's sweet, but she's what I like to call a one-upper, you tell a story and she's got to tell one better. Doesn't matter what it is or she's done everything you talk about or she will tell you how she did it better. I drank way too much even though it wasn't all that much, but when you haven't really drank in a while it hits you hard. When we came home I was really upset and dh held me while I cried and cried because I really thought this was our month and it's not and it just sucks. So I had a pity party and it didn't make me feel one lick better. I've really been struggling lately. I've tried to give it to God, but it's really hard.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Holy Fudge! A lot has happened since my little get away.

@DDouglas! Congratulations on your BFP! I truly wish you many blessings and a happy and healthy 9 months.

@Holly, I'm sorry you're reproductive system is being such a "douche!" I can't stand it.

@waiting, FX! I'm excited for you. I hope this is your month.

@Athena, I'm sorry doll. I know exactly how you feel. Other women could be such "butt-heads." Sending you a big hug from NY.

AFM, I'm CD9, waiting to ovulate and looking forward to my first visit with the RE this coming Thursday. Holly, I will probably have a ton of questions for you.

Someone posted this on another forum and I wanted to share it with all of you because it really helped me feel better after I read it.

"God will grant you the desires of your heart. But He will do it His way, for His reasons, and in His timing".

On that note, Have a great Sunday evening everyone.

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10 years ago

@athena- Wow, just wow! If anyone was to understand what you are going through it would be her but she does sound like a one upper. I hope so much that your next birthday you'll either have a huge belly or a baby and you'll be giggling at how upset you were at your birthday the year before :).

@praying- cant wait for an update on thursday. Hopefully they'll do an u/s to check where your follies are!

AFM- 9dpo. Jumped the gun and poas LOL! Now, the one's I dipped previously in water and coca cola had no line what so ever. But my FMU, resulted in..well, you'd have to check for yourself. I posted about an hour ago. There's a faint line but because I've never used this brand of test...I have NO CLUE where the line is supposed to be and if the line I'm seeing is the test line. I will test again tomorrow and see if it's darker :). So far not much going on. I woke up at midnight really nauseous like how you feel from exhaustion. My back is still tight and I'm having some tugging cramps. My nipples arent sore though which they usually are in the tww but the breasts feel a bit achy this morning. IF it is a very faint bfp...I guess that'd be a good sign that it's showing up already :/.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey guys sorry i was M.I.A lately i have kind of given up trying so i havent been on much but i do check every once in a while
[bfp] [sticky_vibes] [baby_dust] to everyone

10 years ago

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