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August 2017 Babies!

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And On to The Next... 15th cycle for me. This is a group for all the women with EDD of August 2017 and hoping to get those elusive BFPs.

I'm CD3 today. I'm starting my first round of an increased dose of Clomid. I did 4 rounds of 50mg, so now doing 2 rounds of 100mg. Hopefully it works. Also taking prenatals, extra folic acid, Vitamin E, B6 and Baby Aspirin for good lining and good egg quality.

Good luck ladies!

109 Replies • 7 years ago



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So, sorry this response is so late - I've been trying to take a step back from tracking my cycle this month and as a result, haven't been checking in as much on this site -

@Frog2011 - I know you posted your question a week ago, but I wanted to give you a response. I had my mmc and D&C on July 29th this year at 12 weeks, so I have an idea of what you're going through. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't see if you posted how far along you were, but for me, my husband and I had announced our pregnancy a couple weeks before the loss and struggled with how to "retract" our announcement only a couple weeks later. Even though people say to wait until you are out of your 1st trimester to announce (even though many have devastating losses after 13 wks), I am actually glad we told people about it. Going so public about our loss was very difficult, but many people - including friends and family members - opened up to me about losses they had had, and while I never would want anyone to go through anything like that, it did help make an EXTREMELY lonely time feel.. a little less lonely. So, if you need someone to talk to or just vent at, feel free to message me.
So - back to your question. After my D&C I was afraid that I wouldn't know if OPKs were accurate or if I got a BFP was it actually just picking up residual HCG so I wouldn't know for sure if it was a new pregnancy or not. So, a couple days after my D&C I took an HPT, knowing it would probably come back positive (which it did). It took about a week for me for the tests to go back to negative. After that I started taking OPKs and, actually, I ended up ovulating again about a week after that. When you go in for your follow-up with the doctor, they should do a pregnancy test (they did with me).
Also, it seems docs often give different advice for when to start TTC again. My doc recommended waiting for the results of some bloodwork since it was my second miscarriage in the last year - but she did say that physically, we can start as soon as we want (she did say no sex for 2 weeks after the procedure though, due to increased risk of infection). But her overall statement was that if your body is ready to conceive, it will (according to her). The tougher piece is moving on mentally/emotionally.

That being said, I know several of the people on here are trying again after a difficult loss. My heart goes out to all of you.

I hope this month is filled with rainbows.

7 years ago

@alittlefaith Thank you for sharing your story. So sorry for your loss...I am also hoping for my rainbow baby this month. Xo my doctor said we could start trying right away, so technically if I am pregnant I would have not had a period between pregnancies. Hoping and praying for all xoxo

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7 years ago

Hello ladies! I'm back after i took a break, the stress was starting to overwhelm me and Dh. And af was acting odd last month so i'm hoping everything has gotten back to normal. If i conceive this month EDD is August 7. Good luck to everyone here and to all!

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7 years ago

Trying - that sucks. I'm so sorry. That's so disappointing. :(

Mommastrange - welcome back and good luck. The stress is getting to me too lately. A break might be in my future.

AFM, I'm 9dpo. Tested (because POAS addict) and bfn but could be a shadow there ( I think that every month and I'm never right.)

I had my appt. yesterday. I have a cervical polyp that is right in the entrance to my cervix. Also, I have an endrometrial polyp as well which she is more concerned with. I can have a D&C and get rid of both, but it's up to me. She said it's not affecting my fertility and I don't have any signs that the inner one is cancerous, but if I do, then I have to get the d&c. I really don't want it, but I feel like I have no choice. I'm going to have to break down and get it done. Anything to do with the downstairs plumbing, any pain there, makes me go into a full panic because it reminds me of Oscar's death. I don't know if I have the courage to make the appt. and keep it.

I'm hoping to god that I just get pregnant and then don't have to worry about it, but I'm not feeling encouraged this month.

7 years ago • Post starter

Sometimes you need the break, all the stress about cycles not doing what they're supposed to do can just make things worse and the more you try to relax, the harder it is to actually do that! My cousin was trying for five years and they'd completely given up, after they stopped trying then bang, first time they gave it a shot after that their little girl came along! Keep your chin up mommastrange, it could be your month!

calvingirl, so sorry to hear that. At least if the cysts aren't causing any immediate problems, you can hang off until you've had time to think and get used to the idea. It probably won't make anything easier but at least you're not having to rush into a procedure? and you never know, the month's not over until the witch shows up!

AFM, 4dpo today and I feel like my hormones are going crazy but it could just be a result of the late ovulation. I don't want to get my hopes up because I've been in that position all too often getting nothing but BFNs and it's crushing, but I can't help reading into every little "symptom"! I've had weird shooting pains today, I looked it up and a bunch of people are saying corpus luteum which happens every cycle so probably nothing exciting! The next ten days can not pass fast enough! I'm going away with my friend this weekend though so at least that'll keep my mind off things for a few days!

Keep strong ladies

7 years ago

@BB- Getting bfn one after another started taking an emotional toll on us both, and with Af veering off schedule so much a break was sorely needed. And who knows this could be it lol

@calvingirl- I have a cyst right above my belly button i've been living with since i was ten. The doctor told my mom that there was no immediate danger and that i wasn't in any pain and if it wasn't getting bigger then there was no reason to remove it. It may be benign and you might have no problems with it in the future, i would give it a little thought before you decide. Good luck though and i hope everything goes well!

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7 years ago

Hey ladies,

AF arrived this morning, but my due date if we conceive this cycle would be August 30th! Which means I get to hang around here for a while! YAY.

Hope you're all doing well this morning.

Em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

11dpo but i've a pretty bad cold so everything feels out of wack. Hoping with this cold goes away soon

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7 years ago

I'm having such a horrible confusing cycle.

I feel pregnant. Dizziness, mild headaches constantly and a lower stomach ache that makes me want to pee all the time. I don't have any sign of AF coming. I just started a very mild breakout on my lower back (hsv2) which yesterday I thought was a bug bite, and I haven't had one of those for over a year, and used to get all the time when pregnant.

My temps are very high still and I'm 13 dpo, on day 29. I'm usually clockwork at 28 days, but sometimes on clomid, I've been having 30-31 day cycles, so I still could be two days from af due.

I'm getting vvfl from these blue Cross strips I got, but when they dry, you can barely see them. Plus it isn't progressing. And I'm reading reviews about how they don't work very well and aren't as sensitive as advertised. I took my last digital this morning but it's a negative. However, digitals are not very sensitive so maybe I'm not far enough along. I just wish af would show or I'd get a clear BFP. I'm going to go buy a frer today. At least I trust those.
I hate this.

7 years ago • Post starter

Sorry calvin! What a frustrating thing that is. Have you posted the pictures on here? I'd love to see them.

My cycle is confusing as well. According to CM and temps, it looks like I ovulated on CD7. Which isn't possible. And FF doesn't even give me crosshairs. So strange. Plus, I've had no positive opk's. Not even close. The tests have all been stark white. I'm just going to have to assume it's the clomid that raised my temps, but it took a few days to effect it? I just don't know.

7 years ago

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