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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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LOCALS!!! I love it!! I've lived in Morris, Passaic, and now Sussex Counties. I Work in Bergen County behind Garden State Plaza. I think it's fantastic that we're that close to each other!

10 years ago

locals how cool!
Im not too far away yay!

Kot: were u able to pick up the supplements ?

Excited with the October mojo!

Acrichton: fx for u that you will still get that bfp for the june board my dear!

wicked powerful dust for all of us! alongside with Kizzy's chocolate chip cookies!!!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

Holy cow, those chocolate chip cookies look good!

I know it's not NJ, but we're in MA...been here three years in Dec.

Love to hear everyone being positive...even while thinking of those who've had recent losses. Let's keep lifting each other up!

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10 years ago

Bammom, I was born in Houston! I moved to Austin when I was 8 and lived there for 20 years! I moved from Texas in 2008! I know what you mean about no snow and the main reason I moved besides my family had already moved was because I wanted to experience 4 seasons not 2! Haha!

GVMDL, Austin is amazing! I loved it!

Kizzy, thanks now it is almost 10 pm and I want to go bake cookies. LOL!

So do all of you know my story or should I give a background? :)

The month of October... My very first miscarriage was on 10/13/98 (we weren't trying, had just gotten married). My son was born 10/9/99. My next miscarriage (last year in December) was conceived on 10/26/12. My step-daughters birthday is 10/18/03. My brother's birthday is 10/23. October is a happy and sad month! I will add this miscarriage to October when it does happen.

We have been trying for 3 solid years, 2 yrs 3 months with fertility drugs. On our 3rd m/c since December 2012 (yep just in 10 months). My baby will be 14 in a week and it is killing me! Where has the time gone and why is it going so fast? I am an emotional basket case right now just so everyone knows.

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10 years ago

Cristi, Austin is much prettier than Houston so at least you lived there longer. I sooo wish we had more than 2 seasons but dh won't get us transferred anywhere, boo!

Time does fly, I understand that. I wanted to give ds a sibling back in January when he was still in diapers. Now he's turned 3, potty trained, and will be at least 4 years old before he gets a sibling. You can feel it slipping away from you. I am making a conscious effort to grab today, grab this month and make it mine!

I am thinking my next 2 babies will be much much closer in age. I want them to enjoy each other :)

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10 years ago

1st: you are here just for fun right? Not HERE here?

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10 years ago

@Bammom: Haha.... sorry... Yes, I am "just here" not "here, here", for now. Hoping this is a "sticky baby" :)

Update: Took another Wondfo strip test this morning just to see if I could see some progression from a day ago and I did :) So, hoping this little bean is going to stick around.... 1st doctor appointment is the 21st....

And I know some of you ladies have a lot more experience at all this than me, but I just thought I would share my experience so far with you.... especially those with no or little symptoms in the TWW (DO NOT GIVE UP)

First off, the only symptoms I have had lately is cramping, creamy cm, and some restlessness.. It's like I'm tired, but when I lay in the bed at night it takes me forever to fall asleep, but when I wake up in the morning, I'm wide awake... This just started the past 2 nights,, but the cramping has been on and off for a few days and creamy cm has been around since I O'd...

And as far as the ewcm... I only had one day of it and it was actually like 2 days before I even O'd. We used PreSeed this cycle (first time).

10 years ago

Hi Everyone! Bammon invited me to join you guys, I, too, had a chemical pregnancy last cycle, passing the embryo this past Sunday. It was very sad for me, DH was just like..uh...LOL. It is his 1st baby and my 2nd.

A little about me, I guess, after reading all your posts I feel like I know you guys already!
I am 27 and DH is 26. I have a DS who is 7 and that is too old...LOL. I am ready for a whittle baybay again. DH and I met back in 9/2011 and were married 4 short months later in 2/2012. Love at first sight :)

DH is Special Forces in the Navy and sets out to deploy on 11/10, so we are hoping to be pregnant by the time he leaves. With the chemical preg this past month, it kind of delays things, but I am hoping we have 2 more chances at it before he goes.

Um...we are from Atlanta but now live in VA Beach and it is already cold here in the mornings..BRRR.

Things I did last cycle were OPK's and PreSeed. I will do them again this cycle. This is our 3rd cycle TTC and hope that it is short lived.

Baby Dust to everyone, I am excited to share our journey together!!

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10 years ago

@jgroves: Nice to meet you!!! :) FX'd for you this cycle!!! :)

10 years ago

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