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End of Spring/Beginning of Summer TTC Babies

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Onto my 14th cycle 2nd Clomid cycle. Hoping for a May baby. 35 and TTC #1. Looking forward to see if my Hope's of being a momma will happen soon. In the meantime, I am a full time Grad student, employee and planning a March 20th, 2020 wedding!!!

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338 Replies • 4 years ago



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It seems to be getting better already so I don’t think it was too bad of one. We BD last night anyway because I don’t want to miss out. My CM seems to be changing already which is pretty early for me. It was kinda watery yesterday. I can’t take OPKs because I’m taking pain stuff for my UTI and it turns my pee orange so I can’t really read the stick. My temps have been sitting pretty high. Well today and the other day when I remembered to actually do it they are pretty high for pre O temps. So I used FF to see comparison between now and a few other months it seems strange to me the blue is this month

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4 years ago

@Shay yes so it seems! We will get them BFPs.

@lissa, thanks for being our cheerleader.

@colie, I understand you completely. I am the only one in all the girls sisters and cousins who have had to deal with infertility. They can just open their legs and get pregnant. My best friend as well. I wish it wasnt this hard and it was easy cause nobody close understands. That's why its wonderful to have this site of understanding women.

@mama my temps have been higher than normal to but I am chalking it up as the clomid.

CD 9 finished my Clomid two days ago. Havent BD yet. I was hoping the fiance would last night but he fell asleep. If it does not happen tonight I am going to be so upset. It's been 3 weeks 3 long weeks without. I kept telling him it's not just about TTCing, I just want it. He goes to his urologist appointment tomorrow and he says hes going to be honest about how hes having difficulties still well when he first started taking clomid and an estrogen blocker he didnt have these issues. Maybe he needs a higher dose or something to help with ED. Really hoping we can get a decent amount of BDing in before I O. Last time it was early at CD 15 so I do hope it is early again. But also that we actually BD.

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4 years ago • Post starter

@Bug maybe we should all try BDing in our cars parked in a high school parking lot...seems to work well for the teens ;) I’m kidding well kinda haha

4 years ago

@mama those are kind of high temps but could just be from the UTI. When we have infections our temps tend to be higher so it can fight the infection. I am sure it will all even out.

@collie I totally get it too. I have had the hardest time. Four of the gals at my work were pregnant last year. One did sadly end in a miscarriage and I felt so bad for her. The other three are doing great and we have had so many baby showers!! Not to mention I have cousins younger than me having kiddos on accident....ugh so frustrating!!! I am so glad to have all of you ladies here that know how hard it is!

@bug I am sure you guys will get that bding in!! It is good that he is going to be honest with his doctor though. Only way to fix things is to be honest about them!!

I am also on cd9 and man it has been weird!! I keep cramping for no reason!! Way too early for O for me. Plus cm is still creamy. Yet I keep getting sharp twinges on both sides near my ovaries. I swear my body is just trying to confuse me beyond reason. My one somewhat regular cycle back in February I O’ed on cd22 so I am at least hoping for then or earlier. This last cycle it wasn’t until not cool, but better than just having no O. Time will only tell. This pain is just annoying and it isn’t constant. Like it will be there for a few minutes to an hour and then nothing...if this continues I will need to call my doctor. Still keeping to bding every other day! Today was a break day after four days in a row hehe ???? then it will be back on to the schedule!!! This is the month that timing will not be the issue!!

Good luck ladies!!!

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4 years ago

@colie oh to be young again. But even when I was young I never used protection and never got pregnant. A I had really good timing of not being near O or B it was never my time and seems to not be my time still.

@Shay, cycles are so weird and when tour TTCing and paying more attention to them you pick up on every little thing. Like the past two days I would wipe and see a pink tinge to the TP. Not my normal spotting color. CD 10 and NO BDING
last night again. Apparently he's to stress and knows he will not be able to perform. I told him I'm wasting my 3 cycles with Clomid with him not being able to BD every other day like the doctor says to do. So flipping frustrated.

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4 years ago • Post starter

@Bug i'm so sorry you're going through this. We had the same issues for the last few months when the doc changed his medication for restless legs. The medication works great for restless legs, but not so good for BDing. He ended up going to our primary care doc who prescribed generic viagra. We still struggle sometimes, but at least we have a fighting chance during O time. If your fiance does get viagra, just FYI go to GoodRx to get the best price (i think we get ours at Costco with GoodRX coupon).

4 years ago

@lissa thanks for the tip I'll make sure he does if that is what the prescribe him.

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4 years ago • Post starter

@Shay yeah I thought so too. Temp dipped way down this morning so hoping it stays down for a while until O. I didn’t give the UTI a thought of why my temps could be higher but makes sense thanks today is cycle day 12 and I’ve been cramping for a few days now but again this could be because of the UTI. Only time will tell I guess. Out of opks and don’t plan on buying anymore so here’s hoping my temps cooperate with me to be able to confirm O

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4 years ago

@mama hope your tempting helps you confirm O.

Well. I'm about done with my stinking fiance. His doctor appt went okay. His T levels doubled, however he has a small cyst on one of his sacks the doctor wants to monitored. He said nothing to worry about. Worrying if it's the Clomid hes taking. Anyways. I asked him if he talked to the doctor he said the doctor said he need to get in the gym and Lose weight which is what the doctor said in February when he went. He said the doctor says it could be a mental thing. Well, I said did he not prescribe anything for it. My fiance said he wanted to give me Viagra but I didnt want it. I was like Really. REALLY you didnt take the prescrive i was so mad at him. Then to make things worse, he tried last night and nope of course things DIDNT work. He claims he will call the doctor back after he researches the side effects. I told him, I needed him to work now and have it now. Not in a week not in a month. NOW. He was like we will try every night even if it doesnt work at least we will try. I told him I O soon. Plus, I am not going to be home tonight, then we go to his parents and his cousins for the weekend and we never BD at his parents house. I am beyond frustrated. I wasted my 3 clomid cycles. I should have waited to start them. Now this 2nd cycle is going to be a BUST.

So, I ordered wild oat straw like my mom told me to do months ago and told him he was taking it and it will be her by Friday. AND we were BDing before we left for his parents house.

On top of all this, I keep having these conversations in my head about how I wish something was wrong and that we didnt have unexplained infertility but now I understand the problem. Lack of BDing.

On a happier positive note. I picked my wedding venue and we have an officiant. So things are finally moving in the wedding planning.

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@Bug i'm sorry you're going through this. I can totally relate. It is very hard for them to talk to the doctor about their issue and also hard to admit there is a problem and then give in to the need for medication. It is a huge blow to his ego. Try to be as supportive as you can be and please don't get mad at him -- it won't help anything. Sometimes it is a mental problem, but the medication even helps with that if that's his only issue. I'm so sorry you are going through this -- i know exactly how it feels. As for side effects, the only side effect my DH was warned about was potential low blood pressure and headaches. He has not experienced either of those side effects. Just remember that it only takes one time and one sperm to make it happen, so a BD marathon is not necessary - you just have to get lucky with your timing! Congrats on finding a venue and setting a date. I hope it's your dream wedding.

4 years ago

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