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October 2019 Babes TTC

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Hey lovely ladies! I am back and gonna start trying this cycle for our last babe. I am looking for other ladies to share my journey with in TTC this month for late September/early October babes.

My little guy is only 13 months old and I breast feed him till I went back to work last year, since then my cycles have been so wonky, so I am not certain when my ovulation will be, but I started ovulation testing yesterday and got a low fertility result and tested again today and got a high fertility result both in the morning and night.

Crossing my fingers for all the ladies trying to conceive this cycle

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419 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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Hi, everyone I am month 13 tic had a MMC in October . And few other MC last year . I usually don’t ovukated till later but I started taking metformin last month and just got a flashy smiley on my clearbkue and semi dark on my cheapies. I just had hernia surgery so sucky timing . Good luck everyone

5 years ago

Welcome sbaby

Has this post died off because of the ng other september/oct ttc post.

Well ladies my HSG is tomorrow and I am looking forward to it but dreading it as well. I started fertility hypnosis two days ago. My mom who's a massage therapist told me to YouTube it and listen for at least 30 days straight.

Also, today I got a little frustrated at work. See I'm an assistant director of intellectual and developmental disabilities service board. We serve adults with IDD for short. We took on a new young lady today who's 32 weeks pregnant and during the meeting we had for her today I wanted to shout to her you should feel lucky to be having a baby instead of saying this things making me sick I dont want it anymore. I know she does not quite understand everything but shes on the higher end and has diagnose than IDD. I had to bite my tongue alot.

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5 years ago

Welcome @sbaby!! Sorry to hear about your prior MC. Keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle

@bugsttc, not that I am aware of that this post as died off. I am not using the other ttc post
OMG bugs that is so exciting that your HSG is tomorrow! Sending good luck your way that everything goes amazing

I totally know what you mean when you see other pregnant women complain about their pregnancy. I get it I really do. Pregnancy is so hard at times, but I think people who aren't wanting or happened to unexpectedly are not as excited about the entire journey. I remember being uncomfortable, but I was so excited knowing I created a human and he was perfect in every way regardless of how I felt.

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5 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies~ Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing so far.

I am 2DPO and the only new symptom for me at this time is dull pressure in my uterus for 2 days now. I am not sure what's going on, but I don't remember this in my last pregnancy...or maybe I jut forgot

Where are you at in your cycle, dpo, etc?

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Bug I'm still here. Just been busy today. But I get the struggle with work. I was a home/community hab support worker for adults with IDD until this summer and the "problems" they sometimes complained about I just wanted to shake them for complaining about.

@Brittany I dunno about the pressure. But hopefully it's a good sign.

I'm CD13 and day 4 of flashing smiley. Hubs is feeling better today so hopefully we get back on the BD train until my fertile window is over.

5 years ago

Hey bug I'm still here. Got my results of my fish/lh test and doc says all levels are normal. I'm on cd8 and we already started bding and I'm going to start opk tomorrow or Friday. No idea what to expect this month after late ovulation last month and early ovulation the month before.

5 years ago

@Lissa I'm glad to hear your tests came back normal. Fx for you!

5 years ago

CD 4, AF has slowed down after being Niagara Falls for 24 hours from CD1 PM to CD3 AM. Kinda glad it's a lighter flow due to having the HSG done today. Thought it was kinda gross to do one while on the AF but doc says it's better to do it then so that you dont mess up ovulation and swimmer's and You know your not pregnant. Guess he knows what hes talking about. My appointment is st 11:20am, going into work and then my boss gave me permission to not return back to work if I dont want too. We shall see how I feel and the results.

@Brittany, good luck in your TWW hoping at the end it's the results of a pumpkin baby.

@sigkap, yes I totally understand what you mean about shaking them when they complain.

@lissa yay on good results. I understand about ovulation, mine is normally CD 15 but last cycle it was CD 20/21 I think mine was due to relating my LP with a prenatal that has vitex in it. Started BBting 2 cycles ago and first cycle was up and down with no clear O rise slow rise. But last cycle my LP was longer and a very clear O rise in temps. I dont use opks never really got clear answers with them when I tried them in 2010-11 when I was TTCing with my ex.

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5 years ago

Woohoo! My first solid smiley. I've only ever used the cheap Amazon OPKs in the past to help prevent so I've been curious to see how this test worked. But it's definitely matching up with my ovulation pain so We did get to BD last night but I'm gonna make sure we do again today.

In other, non-TTC news that I just really need to share somewhere before I break down into an emotional puddle, my son's father is causing major stress. (TL:DR my son's father may not return my son to me and I may end up having to move back to the east coast away from my husband due to a slight wording error in the custody order) I have always had primary custody and this summer I won the right to move my son and myself across the country to live with my new husband. We've been here now since August. Ex appealed the decision and the superior court decision came down today that the original judge made a technical error in the way he wrote the decision so now we're back to square one. My son is currently visiting his father for winter break and I'm terrified he won't let him come back next week as planned because now I don't technically have the right to have him living out here until a new custody order is written. Granted he also lives in a different state from where the old order has my son listed at and he's never had physical custody. I'm just in limbo as my lawyer tries to get this figured out ASAP and I know my ex will do everything he can to make it difficult.

5 years ago

I have been MIA cuz I was in the hospital and then my toddler was sick. Glad everyone is doing ok and either waiting to O or just did recently! I should be today, but my temps make it look like I did yesterday. I will wait to see what my temp is tomorrow to confirm. I won’t symptom spot unless I see a temp dip in a few days that looks like possible implantation. Otherwise I just psych myself out. Lol!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

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