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starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! part 3

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Welcome to all the ladies out there who have been riding the ttc roller coaster and have decided to give Clomid a try! We are a super group of ladies so feel free to share your every thought:)

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hoping4BabySoon- I love everything that Hopefulll said in her post. I second every bit of it. A while after my miscarriage/ttc issues I went to a therapist for a few months. And basically, she told me everything that Hopefulll already said. Let yourself be sad. Let yourself cry. Vent, etc. But then, you have to cover up that deep hole in your heart. It's impossible to fill that hole, but you can't let it sit out, sucking up every bit of happiness you do have in life. Just build a cover on top of that hole and start building on top of it. Find something to improve in your life (for me, it was my marriage. I worked on that and strengthened it, and now everything is a lot easier). The hole will always be there, but you at least can start putting something positive on top of it and (usually) focus on that instead. And get that testing done! I am also surprised that you were prescribed clomid without having tests done first. The problem may be a simple fix like your tubes are blocked or something. Please keep us all informed! We will want to know how you are doing, even if you aren't on clomid anymore.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

12 years ago

Thanks felurian :) u ladies are so wonderful! Well today im 13 dpo and af is due tomorrow(my ticker is wrong) so once she shows up im going to stick around here and root u ladies on... I look forward to further testing and fixing whatever problem is going to bring me closer to my baby :)

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12 years ago

I like that analogy very much, Felurian! Very true;)

Hoping4babysoon, the only testing I had done before Clomid, was a internal ultrasound, blood work for several things and a blood test for progesterone levels. I think the reason doctors prescribe Clomid is because its usually a quick fix for most minor problems and does indeed work for many ladies. At least that's what my doc told me. Have you had a dye test done or sonohysterogram to see if there are any cysts or if your tubes are blocked? Before IUI I think doctors make you have one of those two tests so they dont waste time if your tubes are blocked. Ugh, so many things to think of eh? I'm starting to feel like a lab rat with all the different tests lol.

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

12 years ago • Post starter

Hopefullll- The only tests i had done was blood tests checking for several things including my thyroids, fsh, lh, and progesterone levels... I didnt even get a ultrasound. So i guess the next step is more and more tests!! Yay this should be fun! Lol

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12 years ago

Hey ladies. I've been gone over the weekend, but have still been reading up with everyone on my phone. I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday right on CD14 (last cycle it was CD15). I had my first positive OPK around noon yesterday, and a temperature jump this morninig. I would've thought I was going to ovulate today and have the temp jump tomorrow (or atleast thats how it worked last cycle.) Anyway, we try to do the BD every other day, but we end up BD more (I hope it isn't too much for TTC). We BD Saturday, and yesterday, and probably again tonight, I just want to make sure we catch that little eggie, but hoping I'm not using up all of his little swimmers. We'll go back to every other day after today. (or atleast try to). I actually think that clomid increases my drive to . My DH thinks so too, and loves it. .
Well, I have to admit. I've had my very first, guilty baby buy. Lately, DH and I have been buying baby stuff left and right for everyone else have kids around us. Which include our friends that had a baby last week, a co-worker who is due in May, and my sister who is due in June. Anyway, we were at Walmart, walking past the baby isles, and there was this adorable set of Chicago Blackhawks (our favorite hockey team) onesies that came with 2 for only $12.50. I just could not help myself, I had to buy it (they were gender neutral too) LOL. DH think it's too early to start buying baby stuff, because I'm not even pregnant yet, and I know it's too early. But I figured if I bought only one thing, it wouldn't be so bad. I hung the outfits up in our bedroom so I can look at it all the time.
So I was reading up about that tests that some of you have had, and not had prior to clomid. The only tests I've had are the progesterone blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound. And I wonder all the time, if that's enough or not. I don't know if there should be more tests that I request from my doctor, but I can't miss much work. My doctor did tell me that if I felt that I needed more testing done at any time, to let him know, otherwise he would be referring me to a fertility specialist after 3 months. But I am thinking that if it doesn't happen for me this round, I might want more testing and monitoring for round 3 (but hopefully I can do so without missing much work). No one at work knows about us TTC...

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12 years ago

Hello girls,
I have been reading all the post and my heart is with each and every one of you......but i know some of us will get that BFP soon.....i didnt have much testing either....will check for blockage in june.....i hope every month is going to happen......Well had to call home to make sure my family was ok........they live in woodward,ok.....go figure that small town makes national news.......they were all fine and uncles home substained quite a bit damage......sorry for off topic info....

AFM: i am cd20 and 5 dpo....and my temps have been 97.87-97.34 over the last 4 days!........which is different for me this time....last month temps were all over......i am usually around 96.23-96.65....hope this time it is a sign.....only thing not really any signs tho....well gotta call the dr. tomorrow for my 22 day checkup?????!!! think way too early to tell anything....have a great day you wonderful ladies.....

Donna J. User Image User Image

12 years ago

Today is the day where af should make her big Im 14 dpo and patiently waiting and prepared cuz i know shes commin. Still a little spec of hope that she decides not to make her visit so with that said my fingers are crossed and im sending prayers up all day... Good luck ladies and lots of baby dust! :)

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12 years ago

just checking in to see how everyone is doing... Hoping to hear some good news.
dmcj101- Glad your family is ok. When the big twisters came through the Dallas/Ft Worth area we were worried about family too.
As for me, I am done with opk. I have been peeing on them three times a day to not miss my O. I had a surge of "darker" lines, but none of the lines got dark enough to be pos. Same thing happened last month. I have been temp charting this month and saw a significant dip in temp today? I read that sometimes people see a dip in temp on O day before it goes up? Has anyone heard that?
Sorry for all the questions, but has anyone else here have experience with progesterone cream or supplements? I am wondering when to start using it, at ovulation or at a pos hpt.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Hope you all have a blessed day and for every one!

Oh Jamienixx- I am on clomid also and I am sure it increases ! Dh and i have been trying also every other day, but have been pretty much everyday the last 4 days.....
LOL He actually came home for an early lunch today and I don't have to be to work till 1 today so we then for good measure. But i feel the same way as you, I hope we are not using up the goods......Just don't want to miss it.....

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12 years ago

dmcj101 - So glad to hear that your family in OK are doing alright. Also glad to see that your temps sound like they are higher than they were. I think it's a good sign! I hope your 22-day check-up goes well.

Hoping4ababysoon - I'm so hoping AF doesn't come for you!

Jamie Nix and Swimmom - My doctor said BDing everyday or every other day from CD 11-18 was ideal. He said even if we were BDing every day, DH's body could keep up and produce plenty of swimmers. So far we've been BDing every day for the past 3 days, too. DH jokes that I'm using up all his goods, haha, at least we know that's not true. I hope ya'll get your BFPs!

Swimmom - I have noticed a small dip in temps prior to ovulation of about .25 of a degree below my lowest pre O temp prior to ovulation, then it jumps up by almost a whole degree after O. I've heard that some people experience that and others don't, but even if someone doesn't have a dip, it doesn't necessarily mean they didn't O. As for the progesterone cream, generally it is used after O and sometimes continued through early pregnancy, depending on how long your doctor suggests you use it.

to all!

Gina (28) DH (41) DS (1/3/2010) Finally pregnant after 18 months of TTC and three rounds of Clomid! User Image

12 years ago

Well ladies im out :( Af showed her ugly face.... Cried alot even though i was expecting her but apart of me was wishing she would skip town... Well i have a dr appt on the 30th to discuss what comes next. Will keep u ladies posted.... Im not going anywhere though u ladies been with me this whole time and im going to stay with u guys. :) U ladies will still be the first to know when/if i get my bfp... Im going to be the cheerleader for good news as of right now...hahahaha! "go ladies go, u can do it...bring on the bfp's" lol....

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12 years ago

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