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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Just1more - You're right, so letting

Aw you poor thing! I feel you on the clomidzilla thing! Wow it hit me this past cycle! I was mf-ing the pill up and down! I had cramps too very bad. But it all worked itself out! It was worth it!

I hope it worked for you too! Looks like it may have! That onesie is adorable btw. I hope you get to use it to surprise your hubby this weekend!

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10 years ago

Just1more- yes i posted i was bfn, the test was stark white so i didnt post a pic. I think my post got lost in the craziness... i called the dr and asked how much my blood test would be cuz i lost my insurance and its 70$ which is alot of money if its neg.
I am now 6 days late so i guess ill wait til monday and see what
happens i dont know what else to do. Im open to suggestions.

10 years ago

Praying4#2, What type of test are you using? Maybe you should post it, sometimes other people will see something that you don't. Also other women may have gotten the same result and it was positive. I'm sorry you still haven't gotten any answers. Have you tried contacting places like planned parenthood? I'm pretty sure that a lot of them do free exams and pregnancy testing ( blood and urine tests ). They usually take your monthly income into consideration and use a sliding scale to find out what may be an affordable price for you. I too have no insurance and I won't till the beginning of next year. We just moved to south carolina in may and my husband couldn't find work down here till late july. So we have to wait till jan 2014 to join the insurance his job offers. Its also very confusing at the moment because of obama affordable health care act. I don't know how where gonna pull that one off with a family of 6. Let me know if you end up posting a picture of the test. Also let me know if you found a clinic like I mentioned to do a blood test or do an exam. Goodluck!

10 years ago

Praying- did you say before that you have pcos?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Athena can you explain what pcos exactly is? Tara told me what the abreviation meant and I've heard of it before. All I remember reading was that it had something to do with your ovaries having cysts. I might be wrong but I thought that most women have them. I do but it only causes pain when I ovulate and last time I had it checked in 2008 it was very small, maybe it was 2mm or 2cm. My ob wasn't worried about it and he said it should go away on its own. So I'm just curious about pcos is.

10 years ago

Athena- i do not have pcos, the only thing i have going bad for me is low progesterone.
Just1more- i hate going to our planned parenthood they always try to talk you in to an abortion. The one here wont do blood work

10 years ago

Well low progesterone could make your period not start.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Pcos causes you to not to ovulate, causes high testosterone and basically your hormones are out of whack. Your lh is typically high and so you'll have a lot of positive ovulation tests even though you aren't ovulating. Since you don't ovulate you'll have multiple cysts where eggs grew but never left the ovary. I only recently had one cyst but my hormones were higher than normal. It ALS causes hair on the face breasts and belly. It also causes weight gain which I've gained 60 lbs in 3 years but I'm down 14 lbs now. This a picture of what pcos ovaries typically look like

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I've been following all day. Just have been busy and havent been able to reply. Dr said my cat may have cancer but we'll have to wait and see if the antibiotic works. I'm very depressed and cant even think about poas. I can barely concentrate. He's my baby...I've had him since my 13th birthday! I've been crying off and on and feeling like crying more. I've been through so much recently and this is just too much to take. He's sleeping on my bed and I miss him already.
Part of me thinks if I poas it'll cheer me up but if I get a bfp and it disappears again....dh may just have to throw me in a looney bin! So I'm just going to wait.

@athena- I see a line on your test. I hope it gets darker!

@just1more- it's too blurry on my screen to tell, but like athena, I hope it gets darker! Ok...pcos is a condition very similar to diabetes. Our bodies hold onto all the sugar it can instead of burning it, which in turns increases our insulin levels. The higher insulin throws off all the reproductive hormones...testosterone, lh, fsh, estrogen. Every hormone needed to make a baby pretty much. When an egg matures every month it is OV with a LH surge. However, with pcos your lh is off and the egg never fully matures and instead of OVing, the egg/follicle turns into a cyst. This happens almost every cycle. SO PCOSers rarely OV. And when we do the egg isnt always necessarily a good egg. For example, I've had 4 chemicals. My progesterone is great but my eggs are supposedly bad. The clomid forces our ovaries to mature an egg and to OV. If we do get pregnant we have a 40% chance of m/c instead of the normal 10% chance. On top of difficulty ttc, pcos can lead to full on diabetes and causes many annoying symptoms....extra hair growth, skin tags, difficulty losing weight, dark patches on the skin....etc. I could keep listing but my muffins will burn. lol

It's been a crazy past couple days on here. Can make an agreement that if anyone has any sort of issue with what someone else says, that they will use their private messaging that the site has. We can just click on the person's avatar and send them a message thru their countdown page. That way other ladies in the future wont be reading the forum and move on to another one cause they feel there is too much drama. Thank you my twisted sisters ;).


Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Athena, wow that must be very hard to deal with. I don't even know what to say to be honest. I'm speechless because I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing. All I can say is that I'll pray for all of you that do have pcos and that you'll get a bfp real soon!

10 years ago

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