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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Kristiszabo, did you try the grayscale on the picture I posted the update for. Omg I just want someone to see what I see!

11 years ago

Kristizabo- please, please, enough already. No its not your business. Read the posts. If someone else has problems with anyone else that doesnt involve me I dont go on and on about it. I figure it is between them.amd I dont get involved I had gotten over it but you just keep dwelling on it.

11 years ago

Ladies this is getting ridiculous. Kristi she is upset 1. Because you singled her out and 2. Because you brought up something that was over with. I will not apologize for my post either because she tried to blame me and my post for hurting her when she in fact agreed with me and went on a rant about phantom symptoms. She then tried to blame dyslexia which to me made no sense. It may be a public forum but it was done and over with no need to drag it on. Sheesh can't we all just get along.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Thank you athena

11 years ago

I posted my test I'm sure it's negative.

Just1more did you see my comment on your test?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

just1more - I tried greyscale, these photos are hard to see. It does dry darker the longer it sits out so you could check then. I would just retest with a new on in the morning. It should be a little better, but if you wait another day it should definitely be darker.

Just keep peeing!!!

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11 years ago

I don't think you need to apologize. I don't think anyone needs to if they don't want to. I just brought it up because it was news to me and just because it was over to you guys, didn't mean that it was end of discussion for everyone else. And I directed a question towards Mandy because I wanted to know. Why is that wrong? if that hurt her feelings, I feel bad if it did but as I've said it was not my intention.
And no, it's hard for everyone to get along because we're all different people. Our feelings get hurt and that's ok. It's life. It's ok!
And athena, I think your advice and input is great. Some others may not think so because your delivery is blunt and honest. But I like that. I think your statements are scientific fact and I agree. But I bet some people get offended and don't you feel like you shouldn' t have to apologize for every little thing you say just because someone is sensitive? You know and I know you don't say things to hurt any one, it is just fact. Not everyone can handle that.

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11 years ago

Athena, I did and answered. Its does have color but the line is super faint. I've also had frers the did have horrible indents and then some with no indents. So before I use them I check first to see if there is an indent line or not to make it easier to read and so I don't confuse an indent with a bfp. I check any tests before I use them cause some will even have a faint colored line before its even used. There were no indent lines or shadows on this one. I'm not thinking 100% bfp till I get a clearer result. I'll be testing again in a few days, I have one frer left and really don't wanna spend more money if I don't have to. I'll check your picture now, give me a minute and I'll let you know if I can seen anything different.

11 years ago

U mm athena, what are you talking about.......negative?! It sure doesn't look that way to me. Its very faint but its definitely there! My picture looks like that when inverted but its waaay less noticeable. I'm jealous now lol, and I thought my test was great for 8dpo! Your at 7dpo and its darker! Well, are you gonna use this test to surprise hubby? Maybe you should pick up 2 more tests but different brands. Maybe the test line will show up more on a different test or you can try a digi. I know there far less sensitive but maybe it'll show positive since your showing a nice line on the frer. You should definitely try it!

11 years ago

Thank you Kristi you are right, I know I can be blunt sometimes and like you said I go by the science of it, because it is the truth. I know that it irritates some people but I hope they realize I'm not trying to be mean, I just want them to understand. As for Mandy's comment about her dyslexia, she said she sure wrote an awfully long message for someone with dyslexia and that she has depression from not being able to conceive, and that her dyslexia didn't come from ttc. Not that dyslexia didn't keep her from conceiving. I think you read it wrong.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

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