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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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Beatles: I'm so very sorry


Happy Monday!

AFM: 4dpo and nothing really to report.

10 years ago

Beatles: I am keeping you in my prayers.

How are you feeling while?

1st: bd bd bd

Bam, jennavee, 1040, acrichton, pbc, Rebecca, kizzy, Blushing, wifey, kot, Christie, how is everyone doing?

Afm, cd7 and I am getting negative OPK's. Never thought I would be so happy but as you all know last cycle was an odd one and I got blazing positives throughout the cycle right? Happy to see that it was really just a fluke...

I decided this cycle to stop some supplements and just go with my regular prenatals, folic acid and vitamin d. I stopped maca, royal jelly and rrl tea. This cycle im doing my usual supplements and added wheatgrass shots (that is also known for lowering fsh levels) and vitex. I am doing a shot of wheatgrass on an empty stomach as suggested and Im also giving it to my girls, it is amazing.

I am likely going to follow up with the retests next cycle or so, waiting to give the wheatgrass and vitex a shot first. Im also setting up a visit with the fertility center but I wont go before January. Hubby wants to go. I am taking it easy until my EDD 1/1/14 and then I will pursue it. For right now, after all that scare (the odd cycle) I am focusing a bit more on me. Im doing acupuncture, cant drink those teas (it takes like Egyptian mummy's butt - not that I ever had that before but it has to be pretty close), doing therapy myself and taking care of myself. regardless of the outcome whether I am able to conceive my rainbow baby or not...

I think my emotional was really out of whack. Working on being strong again.

I started painting the house and we are making progress. I chose an antique red (terracotta, brick style) and I am doing a huge part of the house red. I need red, I need colors. I love white but my house is like a colonial type and white would not bring all the potential out. Dh thinks I lost it but he likes it. He wants eggplant purple in the half bath, as weird as it may sound Im for it...
It is a much needed distraction for me right now...

im temping as well and my temps have been 97.9 since cd2. Steady. I thought there was something wrong with thermometer but I tested at other times and got different temps... BBT is 97.9 pre O and that's fine with me, hey, it does make things easier to interpret.

Im long winded this morning.

I wanted to say that I'm keeping each one of you in my prayers and Im positive we all will get our bfp's one and and they will sticky!

baby dust and sticky vibes everyone

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

@GV - not really having much as far as symptoms go. i have had a little bit of lower back soreness and some pressure, maybe light abdominal cramping. I have been tired, but that could be anything. Is it weird to want morning sickness?

Anyway, we will see what my numbers are. My emotions are so mixed. I don't want to let myself get excited, but I want to. I am pretty melancholy about the whole thing, I don't want to get my hopes up - I want to guard my heart, but I also want to be thankful for each day that I have with the little bean, even if it's not long. I don't wan't to be negative, but I want to be realistic. It's still really early. And my lines still haven't been super dark. We will see..... We aren't going to tell people for a long time about this one.

Anyone testing soon?


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

while: fx for super high hcg numbers dear!
everything will be just fine
enjoy!!! happy h&H

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

jgroves, how are you momma

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

Beatles I am so sorry, that is absolutely heartbreaking.

While I am praying for good test results! I can understand guarding your heart and I hope that you have nothing but a healthy and strong little bean!

GVMDL I am painting my living room (accent wall)an eggplant purple and I just love the color! My other walls are grey. I personally believe that red and purple go really well in the same house as long as they aren't right next to each other. They both have a very rich, royal, regal feel IMO.

1st This will be your cycle, this will be your cycle, this will be your cycle

AFM Ok, yesterday was my birthday and my birthday wish as you all know was for implantation which would have been 6dpo. I believe it could have possibly happened. I did in fact get some good cramps yesterday that would be consistent with implantation so that kept me cheerful yesterday even when my car broke down. Total bummer! It's a 2011! This should not be happening, but it is the second time that darn push to start function has freaked out in my car. So we got that towed this morning to the shop. Other than that I did start getting some mild headaches last night and this morning, I had that last month I conceived also so that is a good sign. I had headaches for a month when preggo with ds! Some heartburn last night while trying to sleep as well. My temps shot up to 98.12 this morning and that is just way higher than it was last month. It was 98.34 a couple of days ago, but that was because of alcohol. I have not been drinking at all in the last couple of days.
I am pretty darn proud of myself because this is the first month of ttc that I have not tested on 6 or 7 dpo! Yay for showing some restraint! I will start testing tomorrow though and hopefully my OSOM's don't let me down. I have another lady I am following on CTP just get her with OSOM at 8dpo so I am cautiously optimistic. I didn't get even a squinter last month until 11dpo with my OSOM's.
I am pretty scared to begin the testing madness- I become a different person during all of the testing. Constantly staring at a blank white space makes me crazy. I am scared that even if we do conceive again this cycle that I just can't be happy about it, not until the second trimester at least. Now I am permanently scarred.

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10 years ago

Beatles I am so sorry, that is absolutely heartbreaking.

While I am praying for good test results! I can understand guarding your heart and I hope that you have nothing but a healthy and strong little bean!

GVMDL I am painting my living room (accent wall)an eggplant purple and I just love the color! My other walls are grey. I personally believe that red and purple go really well in the same house as long as they aren't right next to each other. They both have a very rich, royal, regal feel IMO.

1st This will be your cycle, this will be your cycle, this will be your cycle

AFM Ok, yesterday was my birthday and my birthday wish as you all know was for implantation which would have been 6dpo. I believe it could have possibly happened. I did in fact get some good cramps yesterday that would be consistent with implantation so that kept me cheerful yesterday even when my car broke down. Total bummer! It's a 2011! This should not be happening, but it is the second time that darn push to start function has freaked out in my car. So we got that towed this morning to the shop. Other than that I did start getting some mild headaches last night and this morning, I had that last month I conceived also so that is a good sign. I had headaches for a month when preggo with ds! Some heartburn last night while trying to sleep as well. My temps shot up to 98.12 this morning and that is just way higher than it was last month. It was 98.34 a couple of days ago, but that was because of alcohol. I have not been drinking at all in the last couple of days.
I am pretty darn proud of myself because this is the first month of ttc that I have not tested on 6 or 7 dpo! Yay for showing some restraint! I will start testing tomorrow though and hopefully my OSOM's don't let me down. I have another lady I am following on CTP just get her with OSOM at 8dpo so I am cautiously optimistic. I didn't get even a squinter last month until 11dpo with my OSOM's.
I am pretty scared to begin the testing madness- I become a different person during all of the testing. Constantly staring at a blank white space makes me crazy. I am scared that even if we do conceive again this cycle that I just can't be happy about it, not until the second trimester at least. Now I am permanently scarred.

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10 years ago

While & bammom...I understand how hard it is between wanting to be excited and being afraid to be. FXd for both of you.

GV..wish I had your energy! Can you post a picture of a room as you finish it? The colors sound fantastic.

13Dpo...nothing to report. No symptoms, feel just like normal. Dread tomorrow. Feel pretty sure it will be negative. The mood I'm in right now, i feel like it will never happen.

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10 years ago

While- KMFX'd for you! I know exactly what you mean about wanting to be thankful everyday you have with your bean.

Beatles- Sorry for your loss!

GVMD- I think your plan is solid! You are encouraging me to try wheatgrass! Thank you for the prayers! It is difficult to come to the realization that TTC makes you batty! That's exactly why I decided to take some time to myself as well. I still haven't really spoken to my sister and BFF. They wouldn't understand what I'm going thru anyways so what's the point.

Kizzy- I hope all is well your way!

Bammom- I thought I missed your birthday! Happy belated again. LOL! I get how you're feeling. Hopefully it will pass soon. I'm happy you got your birthday wish at least! Also, good job not testing too early!!!

Rebecca- I'm so sorry you're feeling down. KMFX'd for a BFP and a H&H 9mos.

AFM- Yesterday, I had some serious signs of O dispite my temp dip. Today's temp was not that much of an improvement but, I also had to wake up two hours earlier to get ready for my RE appt today. So about the appointment, my follie scan was about 25-26mm and DH's count was close to tripple his normal numbers! OMG! I couldn't believe how high his count was because we BD'd twice yesterday (with pre-seed both times)! That goes to show that the too much BDing lowers the count theory doesn't apply to everyone. Nonetheless, my RE said it looks like I should be ovulating within a couple of hrs. KMFX'd I stay sane and for a LO soon!
Thanks girls for ALL of your support!

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10 years ago

@GVMDL-Hey girl, I'm glad you are not getting pos OPK yet! The last ones threw us all for a loop! I am good. Not feeling any symptoms really. Just really tired. I got my first positive digital test this morning Got one on FR Digi and CB Digi, said Pregnant 1-2 I never got a positive digital with the chemical last month so I am using that to reassure me this little bean means business!!

@Bammom-Girl I can't wait for you to test! I had similar symptoms like last month but was still surprised at my You better post those pics so we can see them, even if we are staring at white spaces with you, at least you won't be alone, lol! And I LOVE painting and your color choice sounds fantastic!

@Kizzy & 1st-Thanks for the !!

AFM-I am with While on this one. I want so badly to be happy and jump for joy but I am so scared this bean might jump ship too. I will be devastated! I'm just hoping and hoping some more that he/she will hang around and make me the happiest mama in 9 months!

To everyone else-

Love you all!

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10 years ago

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