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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

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Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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hello ladies
steph sorry u have been having a tough time job wise and with the dh but glad ur back on the up hate when u have a job nd ur judge cause of were u are from not nice at glad u have a new job that ur happy in
thank you for ur condolences have been very hard gets harder as the days go on we go his postmortum results and the hospital are at fault he ended up in hospital thursday the 30th of may cause he was vomiting and not holding down his bottles so they did blood tests and came back clear so they send him home the the postmortum results were he had a twisted gut it put pressure on his bowles nd causes cardiac arrest so family doctor has said if he was giving a scan he,d be alive 2day family doctor doesnt understand why he wasnt giving a scan when al the other tests came back clear they are suppose to investigate till they found the problem but they never did poor little man died in his dads arms and hes my brother on 20 years old and his gf 21 worst nightmare ever bauer a huge congradulationd hope ye are both doing well and hope to see some pictures soon

11 years ago

OMG! CONGRATULATIONS Bauer! I am tearing up right now! Just soo happy for you! Can't believe just 1year ago we never saw today but here you are...a new mommy of another little angel. Her name is beautiful, I know she and scarlette will be grow lovely together. Let's hope she's won't be a streaker like her big sister! lol

I am truly happy for you girlfriend, can't express enough my sincere delight. I pray all is well with mommy and baby. Great season for her birth so you can be out with her in the weeks to come. For the time being do rest and recouperate. Your body needs it I'm sure.

Nothing major happening this side. In my fertile period now. BD a few times, how to squeeze another one in before OV. Just silently hope and believing it's going to happen for me real soon.
Wilson how are you doing hon?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Oh Wilson it's makes it even harder to grasp now I know the real reason No parent should have to go through that. I hope there will be grounds to sue the hospital for gross negligence. Not that it will bring the little one back, but they hospital should know when they have made stupid errors that ultimately result in the loss of a life. I'll never forget getting chicken pocks and going to St George's Hospitial in Tooting London and a few doctors saw me and told me it wasn't anything to worry about, and that it was only a rash. My face had broken out significantly into bumps and my entire body was itching the life out of me. It was a bank holiday so my GP was closed, when I finally got to my GP they discovered it was chicken pocks and I needed seek immidiate attention from Guys Hospital. I couldn't believe it! As the previous one the doctors told me it was nothing, despite being in a very irritable state. Oh i tell you, I'm certain alot of fatalities could be less if doctoros got it right....99% of the time. Hugs to you, my prayers are with you and your family.

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

bauer i really am so happy for
oh steph its an absolute nightmare even worse now knowing the hospital could have saved his life poor little man was only 11 months and 1 week 3 weeks from his birthday so sad and they aint getting away with it for sure poor little man should be here with us nd not down that big scary hole in the ground his name was callum was the most handsome and happy little dude ever miss him so much oh ur in the fertile period time to get i think i ov,d on the 1st the day callum past away so im defo out for this month so im giving it a break for a few months my head and heart is not in it rite now

11 years ago

Hey Bauer

How are you and the baby? Hope yall are doing well!

Wilson how is it going chica? Any good news to share?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

hello ladies how are you

steph no goods new to share at all havent been trying since june my head is just not in it at the minute been a very tough few month just cant get my head around loosing my nephew :( doctor has me on antidepressants just a shell of myself lately even getting out of bed is such a stuggle and coming up to xmas its just getting worse wish i could just hibernate or this year
have u any good news to share

bauer hows u and the little 1s doing

sorry its been months since i last checked in ladies

10 years ago

Hi Wilson! Sorry to hear of your nephew. I'm praying for you and your family.

I was hospitalized for 4 weeks due to my high risk pregnancy. Our boys were born at 28 weeks and spent 10 weeks in the NICU. They've been home since the end of August and doing great. They were 2lbs when they were born and now almost 14lbs!! They're playful, happy babies and we thank God everyday for them.

I hope all is well with all of you and pray God brings you peace in this time of sorrow Wilson.

10 years ago

Awww.....Wilson :-( Sending (((BIG HUGS))) your way. I can't imagine how difficult it must be, I pray 2014 will be a much better year for you. I'm great, no baby news to report from this side either. In fact DH and I hardly BD :-( Not happy about it but I'm just going with the flow until I've had enough. Not sure what the New Year will bring for us, whatever happens I insist next year will be my year for a baby. I won't sit back as I did this year and let the year slip me by. I'm getting on in age and all sorts is going on in my body. I won't sit around twiddling my thumbs until it's too late.

Oh wow! What good news! Soo happy for you honey! I'd totally forgotten about your pregnancy. Well I'm soo happy to hear they we delivered safe and well, despite their premature delivery. I'm even happier hearing their are gaining weight and growing healthily. Well done mommy! So proud of you. How is it raising twins, and what are their names?

Bauer: I haven't heard from you in awhile, how are you and the baby?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

hello ladies,
long time no see. I'm really sorry about your nephew Wilson. I hope you feel better soon. baby please that must have been really scary being so premature. My baby Vega is doing very well she just started crawling! I got a really bad bout of PPD and my childcare business became too much to manage, we lost our house and are moving to a yacht. I feel like it is all my fault which isn't helping my depression any Maybe it is all for the best Scarlett is really excited about sleeping on a boat and I am getting more sunshine and exercise. Perhaps watching 6 infants everyday was too much for anyone. I am back in college working on my associates in accounting. I will be done in November. I am really looking forward to this summer the baby should be walking and I can take the girls to the beach all the time since im not really working I hope you get back on the TTC train steph. I understand you wanting to improve your emotional balance before ttc Wilson it is really not good for the baby. We are officially out of our house at the end of this month. I really want a big family so who knows maybe ill be ttc again in a couple years. If we get some bills paid off, build up a savings and buy me a car. I hope with the warm weather ahead and Vega becoming mobile I can cheer up. Hopefully when I am finally ready to ttc again you girls wont still be here.
I hope next time I check up on you guys everyone is happy and pregnant.

10 years ago

Hey Bauer:

Thanks for popping in and giving us an update. Sorry to hear you guys lost your home :-( Hope the transition to the yatch will be a smooth one. Great to hear you are all ok especially baby Vega little miss Scarlett. Is she still streaking or has Vega taken up where she left off? :-) Well done on going back to school for Accounts! You get done in November? That's awesome! Didn't realize you were a little bright spark :-) I'm back myself, only my BSc will take a few years yet. Still, I'm enjoying going back to school, plus I'm also working PT at Macys, which has been fun. I really want to get back on the baby wagon, hubs is not as willing though, so I'm left to watch my body OV every month, with no chance of conception because we not even trying. I'm not happy about it. I told him in no uncertain terms that if he continues in the same pattern this year then I'm out! :-( A recent GYNE visit and I was told I needed to get on with conception ASAP because my uterus is very large and ultimately I may need to have it removed eventually. I really hope that doesn't happen but either way I don't plan on sitting around till my situation gets worst. One of my girlfriend is currently going through IVF....because of similar issues. She said she wished she had gotten on with conception earlier but now she's 38 she has no choice. Unfortunately for her she's currently getting divorce from her husband, yet she's determined to have a child...even if it's from a sperm donor bank. I pray I do not get to that stage, but with my husband dragging his feet, Lord knows what will happen!

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

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